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Twtm forum mods rock!!!!!!!!!

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Man, this jerk (real or automated) was just on here posting 4 spam notices. I clicked to report and BAM! Taken care of.


Just a quick note of appreciation to say:


YOU MODS ROCK! For a forum so large, I'm sure there's several of you who work behind the scenes keeping everything neat and tidy. Thank you for doing all that you do!

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The amazing thing to me is that I don't even know who the mods are! It's like their super heroes or something. Protecting the world, but secretly. :) I used to mod on three different websites. It is a lot to keep track of and the community there wasn't quite as large as this one. I can only imagine how many mods it must take to keep this forum running so smoothly. :hurray: for the mods! :D

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