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Speech Therapy Question

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My dd (4) has some articulation difficulties (beyond what is typical). She was in speech therapy when she was 2, mainly due to delayed language since she was adopted from China. Is there an online resource that would give me a list of words to ask her to repeat so I can actually list the sounds that she struggles with? I have to submit a request to have her tested at the school and I would like to be able to include a list of her weaknesses.


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When my son was tested they basically sat down with him and looked at a book with him. As you ask questions and your child answers write down anything you notice in a notebook.


For my 4 year old ds it was the s blends. He would blow the sound through his nose... now he has that mastered and needs help with the th sound.


My 6 year old is having trouble making the sh and ch sounds. They sound the same to me. So I am going to get him to go through the section of his Explode the Code workbooks that teaches those blends. There are pictures for every word. You could do that with other books from ETC.


Just an idea.



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Perhaps this will help. It is a link to a Speech Sound Development Chart.




Also, here is a link to an earlier thread which you may find helpful.




I wish you luck, my youngest ds was in therapy for 5 years due to asymptomatic ear infections when he was little. We too did it through the school system and I remember all the paperwork involved. Sometimes you just want to say, "Can't you just listen to ds/dd speak, trust me there's a problem.":)



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