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I'm officially a swim team mom...

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What have I gotten myself into???


8am daily practice throughout the summer. Well, at least I only have to worry about getting kiddos in swimsuits! I'm hoping that I can get an hour to exercise myself with everything going on.


Now, I just hope that I can keep DD7 and DS5 swimming enough, so they can make the developmental team this fall.


(That means I have to get my sorry self to the gym 4 nights a week! No excuses... )

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Welcome to the club! I am not a swim team mom, but a gymnastics team/ballet company/baseball team/Junior Olympics track & field mom.


It is fun, but exhausting! I am on my way out the door now to throw people out of the car in four different places and circle around and pick them up again. I will not get home until 9:00!:auto:

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Yup, welcome to the swim team mom club! ;)


We've been a swim team family for three years now. Last year, my kids were in three different practices, every night of the week, so we were at the pool from about 5 until 8:30pm. This year, at least the older two are in the same practice.


My house is littered with goggles, towels that should be hung up, but sometimes don't quite make it, swim meet schedules, parent hour sign up reminders, etc. It does get a little crazy. Fortunately, swimming is my husband's thing, so he is able to get them to practice most of the time. Our rec center has several pools, and he's able to lap swim while they're in practice.

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Welcome to the club! We are not doing the summer team this year, but we are finishing spring training with the team and starting up in August for the competetive stuff. It has been a wonderful experience for us so far.

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I miss those wonderful six years of being a swim team mom. My daughter is in college now, but those years were a fantastic time for her and for our family. She doesn't miss the 5:55 am pool time though! :tongue_smilie:

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