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uh - oh just tripped over computer cord and computer crashed to floor....

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My screen is kinda flashing blue and pinks & is more pixalated than a regular looking screen - bad sign right? :confused:


Is this something that can be easily fixed? Will it affect things that are stored on my 'puter? Do I need to make a back-up? (I'm trying to do that w/o dh right now)


urrrrrrrr - not a good day - I also broke my coffee maker carafe this am - should have known that it would not be a good day......should have gone back to bed!



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No answers about the computer, just sympathy. You've got a lot on your plate right now! Can you turn up some fun music and just dance for a few minutes with your kids??? Take the day off and do whatever is relaxing and fun to you all - make some cookies, watch a movie, go for a walk, to the park?? I hope your day gets better!

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dh's older brother and family are coming in another hour to spend the night - and the kids can play (they live far away). His younger bro and family come in tomorrow night - .......now if my kids don't move or touch anything things in the house might just be ok till they get here! lol


I think in my absent minded rushing around trying to straighten up the house and answering a zillion phone calls I have not been too careful. My head is in a fog.



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