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Everything posted by dancer67

  1. So, I am 46. For about 7 years I have always spotted 3-5 days before getting my cycle. Which would come anywhere between days 23 to day 29. All of a sudden in January(While on vacation of course), I started spotting on Day 18, and got my cycle on Day 20. VERY early for me. I chocked it up to flying and just being on vacation.It was a weird cycle too. Lighter then normal. But still lasting about 7 days. I had my annual GYN apt in a few weeks anyways, I mentioned this to him. He did an endo biopsy and pap, both of which were negative for anything. U/S negative. He says it is most likely hormones, and I am at that age. So, again. I start spotting on day 18 AGAIN, this time not really knowing when I actually start my cycle. Maybe day 22. It was also not as heavy as usual. (Normally, I would soak through an overnight pad on day 2, but these cycles I only have a little on the pad when waking up). So here we are again. I just ended my cycle last Tuesday. On Saturday I start bleeding AGAIN. So it is now around day 14. Cramps like I usually have and they are wearing me out. Bleeding slightly, not a lot. It feels as if I have been bleeding non-stop since January. But not a lot. Very strange. Can anything else be causing me to do this besides perimenopause??? I want to stay away from anything surgical. In the past, to try to eliminate the spotting, I have tried the Mirena(Had to much trouble with it and had it removed), and the mini-pill(horrible). I cannot take a regular BC pill with Estrogen so that is out.(I have high blood pressure). I guess I am just concerned that something else might be going on. And if so, what? I really am at the point of telling them to just take out my uterus. (I do not want an ablation, I feel that if I am going to stop this whole mess, let's just do it and not wonder if it worked or not) And my cramps actually bother me more then the bleeding. The cramps are nothing new, I have had them all my life. If this really is perimenopause, is there ANYTHING I can do to get through this to menopause without drugs, or surgery? Would love to hear other people's experiences and what you did. Thank you.
  2. I really want to move. Preferably out of the country down to one of the Carribean Islands. Not now, but in the very near future. Problem would be finding a job though for my DH. And I have no idea where to even start looking for him. We love the Dominican and Puerto Rico.
  3. Curious if anyone here(or maybe even a close family member) lives in the Carribean. Such as Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Bahamas, US Virgin Islands........etc. If so, how long have you lived where you are and out of curiousity, what type of employment do you(or your spouse/family member) have? And are you/they happy there, or are you/they dying to get back to the States?
  4. I always wondered that myself. Why such a difference between countries?
  5. I meant for a pap smear. Should have clarified. I see my GP once a year. Sometimes more since I take medications for hypertension. I have had two mammograms. I will not have another until I am 50 unless I feel something. As someone else stated, there is a lot of controversy surrounding mammo's and I think that decision is best for *me*. I have been going every year for pap smears for the last 15 years or so. Never had a bad one, except when I was 22 and it turned out to be nothing. I guess I will probably go, but I am not going to go on time. I am going on a tropical vacation in about 3 weeks, so I guess I will make the appt. for February. Was curious what others did. Thanks for the responses so far.
  6. Just a quick background. I am 46 yo. Not experiencing any female issues since last year. Been with only one man my entire life(married 25 years). Wondering if any of you go for an annual exam with the lady doctor every year? Or do you only go when you have problems?
  7. What is also sad is that nobody is recognizing the driver of the car who also passed away. All because he wasn't "famous". Thoughts and prayers go out to his family.
  8. I am just taking a backpack for a carry on. Their dimensions for carry ons are ridicluously small.
  9. Yes it is 62" all the way around (L+W+H). I had heard that someone bought a piece of luggage and the measurements were 60". But when he got to the terminal, Delta said it was larger because of the wheels and handle. Where do I find a hanging scale? And thanks so far for the suggestions, sounds like a softsided one might be the better option.
  10. I am flying for the first time since 9/11. I guess many airlines have baggage requirements. I am sure they probably did years ago when I flew, but I can't remember. So I would like a new piece of luggage for Christmas. My brother is buying this gift for me. Jetblue's requirements state no larger then 62" combined. I really need to pack a lot of stuff. I am looking for a piece of luggage that has spinner wheels, is very roomy and can pack many things,excellent quality, does not exceed the 62" requirement(Including wheels and handle which I read that some measurements they give online are not accurate because they do not count this but the airlines do), and not to exceed $200.00. I want this to last a long time. I am not sure if the hard sided cases are better or not??? And how do you really know if your bag weighs under 50 pounds? Links are greatly appreciated!!! Thanks!
  11. It's really annoying. I think I am going to stop taking it. I already had two periods with only a 6 day break in between. Now, if I stop. I assume I am going to start bleeding all over again? I am SO SO done with any kind of artificial hormones. I think I am just going to let nature take its course. Before I took this pill, I could at least function.
  12. Wondering if the side effects will die down in time. It is really the horrific cramps. I am not taking this for BC, I am taking this to see if it would slow the bleeding down. But it sure didn't do that this second time in only a week. I just had it last week. UGH.
  13. I started this pill last month. I spotted for a few days, and got what I assume was my period on Day 25. Around the same time I usually get it. It was a lot lighter then my normal periods. But the cramps? Just debilitating. Horrible. So I just get done with my period a week ago Thursday. And I get my period AGAIN on Thursday. Such severe cramps that I have to go back to bed. And the bleeding was so much heavier. About the same as I get when not on Micronor.My husband thinks I should stick with it and see if it gets better. I am on my firt week on the second pack. I am taking this because I cannot take regular bc pills.(I am 45 with high blood pressure). I already tried Mirena and that did not work. My regular periods are not horrible, but annoying as I bleed heavier on day 2. But at least I could leave my house and was not doubled up in such pain. My concern is what happens if I just stop taking this? Will I bleed for a long period of time? I struggle with anemia, and I have had it under control with just taking an iron pill and a prenatal vitamin. Now I fear that if I come off of this, I am going to bleed more and my iron stores will plummet again. I am so angry at myself for trying these. I should have left well enough alone and let nature take its course. I also noticed I do not see as well with my contact lenses. That is kind of freaking me out. So I don't know if I should stay on this and see if things get better. Or just deep 6 this stuff and deal with my periods that really were not all that horrific to begin with. I just hated my period on day 2 where I would bleed heavier(But not soak a pad every hour). And by day 3 it was cut in half. Ugh. So disgusted. I do not want an ablation, so please do not mention this. Would like feedback from those who have taken this, or know someone who has. Thanks muchly!
  14. As a mother who lost a twin baby girl, I will be praying for her and her family. Please direct her if you can, to a twinless twin support group. She is going to need it in the coming days/months. My heart absolutely breaks for her.
  15. If so, how do I delete the "sample" books out of my library?
  16. Thank you everyone for all the great posts, all the information and support. This has been a ride I have been on for quite some time. Although medications HAVE helped in the past, I was looking for something alternative to the SSRI/SSNRI route. I was on Effexor XR for a long time, and when I came off of it, it was just horrific. I still have some long lasting bad side effects from it to this day. I have been on Prozac before, and it was not as bad, so I am going to restart it again. I thought I could do it without it, but I can't. I appreciate the no judgements on here. It isn't very easy to come out and explain or admit something like this as there is still a lot of prejudice around this kind of illness.You are always afraid someone is going to take it and use it against you. Which has happened to me in the past.
  17. I do not consume sugar. Cut that out back in January. If I do have sugar it is very, very little. Seratonin syndrome is not a worry for me, as I am not back on my antidepressent. I am however, on 3mg of Ativan a day. I am supposed to restart Prozac. But that stuff can be nasty getting off, and can cause permanent long term damage. But I cannot last to long without a SSRI/SSNRI. I am in cognitive behavioral therapy now. But I am not at that point to do it on my own without medication. If I could afford a Naturopath, I would see one. But I can't afford it. Thank goodness I checked with all of you on here before wasting my money.
  18. Well, looks like the bottle of "remedy" is nothing but junk. ((sigh)). I really want to get off these medications. But I can't take herbs because of the interaction, and I cannot come off the meds to try them because I will have a relapse. What a vicious circle. I have tried acupuncture with no luck. Meditation only works while I am doing it. I need something that is going to calm my mind 24 hours a day. What did people do in the "old" days when these meds were not around?
  19. Ok. So I guess I am lost. Homeopathic remedies is basically what I have now, by Newton's Homeopathics. Correct? I thought that the ingredients in this bottle were Herbs? Just a few listed on the bottle is Aconitum Napellus, Ambra grisea, Passiflora incarnata..............etc. Which is why I asked if this would interact with prescription medicine. She said no. So I guess there is no Herbs in this at all. I know I have been told that I needed to be careful with herbal remedies because of possible drug interactions. I did not realize Homeopathic medicine and Herbal Medicine were different.
  20. I have had numerous blood tests. I am not deficient in anything other then iron which I take iron pills for. Thyroid is fine, everything is good. I have the Boiron catalog as well. Has Boiron products seem to be better?
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