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Posts posted by kilo90

  1. Just to clarify...I am not concerned about the reading of directions, understanding of what he's suppose to do, etc. Just concerned about him not understanding a word here and there and thus getting a question wrong that he otherwise would have answered correctly. Sounds like there's a good balance on the test, so we should be good. :)

    Thanks for the input.


  2. Are 2nd grade students required to read everything for themselves on the Iowa Basic test? My son has been slower in his reading skills. We're working through a practice book right now to familiarize him with the format of the test. On a couple of the questions, an unfamiliar word will stump him and he'll be unable to figure out the correct answer. He reads on the same level as many of his public school friends, so I really don't think he's "behind". Just concerned that his performance on the test will not accurately measure his understanding of concepts. This is our first year in a state that requires tests scores to be submitted (VA) so we have to do them.


    Thanks for any insight...


  3. We rented our current house without seeing it. We were living overseas at the time and found this one on the military rental site. We actually KNOW the couple who owns the house, so we thought it was a relatively safe plan. We asked some friends who lived here to drive by so the husband did one afternoon. I'm pretty sure if the wife had driven by we would not be in the house. The house is good, but the neighborhood is not. Also, the pictures the owners sent us were from 3 years ago when they lived here and it is not in the same condition as it was then. I'm sure renting without seeing has worked for numerous families, but since it didn't work for this time, we would not do it again. We feel like we learned our lesson. Best wishes for whatever y'all do! I know it's a tough decision to make.

  4. We have used Safe Eyes for a few years now. It is not free, but after trying several free filters and getting frustrated with them, we opted to pay for a really good one. There may be some new ones out there that are good & free, but we really like Safe Eyes. It's worth the annual fee to us and can be used on up to 3 computers.



  5. I bought the 4th grade Science for my daughter last year. Once we installed it and browsed through it, I decided it would be too dry for her. I thought about giving it a try for a few weeks, but since I pretty much know what will/won't work for her, I decided not to start it. And as a previous post mentioned, it was a bummer because that was money out the window.

  6. Thanks for sharing some of your experiences. In hindsight, the word "bonding" was not the right word to use; should have pulled out the thesaurus. It's not a concern to me how baby's attachment will be relative to bottle vs nursing. I know all babies love their mommies regardless. My concern was for how my sister would feel long-term about the decision. I am the over-analyzer whereas my sister is on the other end of the spectrum. I was just curious how other's experience had been.


    I really appreciate the constructive conversation. Most of the input has been very helpful. I probably will not chime in again, though, as my mind gets wrapped around the comments that seem to put me on the defense. I would never condemn my sister for anything she did. We are best friends and I would always support her. Going back to my original post, I stated..."I would feel like a bad sister if a couple months down the road she lamented not nursing this baby and I never brought up the issue. Likewise, I want to be a supportive sister if she really feels like this is the best decision for them right now." I can totally support her decision even if I don't agree with it. How many sisters agree with each other in everything and yet are each others number one fan?! :hurray:


    (And a big thank you for those who shared kind words to balance out the not so kind. :001_smile:)

  7. SOoooo sorry ladies...I thought by saying "I know folks choose to bottle feed for a variety of reasons and I know breastfeeding is not for everyone" that I made it clear that I wasn't trying to offend anyone by my question. I should have stated things differently. I wasn't breastfeed and I was a much healthier baby than my sister who was. I truly apologize for any offense taken. My concern is that SHE is fighting the feeling of guilt for nursing the first 3 and not this one. I'm just not sure if I should tell her what she wants to hear or encourage her in another direction. She has copious amounts of milk, so I joked that she could store up enough milk in the first 2 weeks to feed for 6 weeks. :)


    Thanks to those who took my question for how it was meant. :blushing:

  8. I just got over my nausea last week at 13 weeks, so I feel your pain. Those 1st trimester weeks are THE worst! I agree with the ginger ale recommendation. All 4 pregnancies it's helped me. Doesn't relieve the nausea, but takes the edge off. Sucking of life savers or something hard and fruity helped a little. With 2 of the 4 pregnancies cucumbers with ranch helped TONS. It didn't help this go-around for some reason. But someone suggested it 3 babies ago and, although it sounded weird, it was an easy thing to try. Last pregnancy I probably ate 10 cucumbers a week. :) My sister, who is pregnant with her 4th, swears by Carnation Instant Breakfast every pregnancy. I couldn't deal with the thought of milk, so I can't speak to that idea.


    So sorry for your rough days. They are difficult to manage, but congratulations on your pregnancy!



  9. We just moved back to the states from Italy. All our floors were Carrera marble and we had no issues. I don't know if the finish on counters would be different from floors, but they still looked great, easy to keep, and the house was 50 or so years old. In the city of Carrera, many of the curbs in parking lots are actually marble . It was very nifty and beautiful. I don't think you would find anything more durable. Again, the marble in Italy may be thicker/finished differently. Good luck with your remodeling. It's a pain while you're doing it but so worth it in the end! :)

  10. My 1st grade son was not doing very well last year with OPG. His older sister did very well with it in Kinder/1st grade. One day everything clicked for her and she's been reading crazy ever since. I kept plugging along with my son waiting for it to click like it did with her and no luck. I decided to pull out a McGuffey reader one day for him and he enjoyed it and did much better (not great but better). Dropped OPG for several months and only used the McGuffey readers. Over the summer things began to click for him. Now that he is 2nd grade we have gone back to OPG, he doesn't mind it, and he's doing great! We're only on lesson 85 and he's 2nd grade. We could probably skip ahead a good bit, but I would rather him get a solid base on everything. I totally wouldn't worry about where y'all are at in the book. I was fretting over it last year and in hindsight it was needless worrying (as usual).



  11. Thanks ever so much for your reply, Melissa. I had considered going up a grade in a couple subjects, but knowing that 7th grade is much more demanding is definitely something to keep in mind. Maybe a good compromise would be to only do some of the subjects with BJU and keep going with some of the WTM texts we like.

    Thanks again for your thoughts!


  12. After searching this forum for info on BJU and ABeka DVD programs, I came to the conclusion that BJU was the best one for us next year. I checked out sample pages on rainbow resource today and I now have concerns. My daughter will be in 5th grade and we have been fully on the WTM approach until now. When looking at the table of contents for various subjects, it would seem that a good portion of the year would consist of concepts we've already covered. I'm concerned about the length and lack of flexibility that folks have discussed regarding ABeka; however, it seems to be closer to where she's at academically. For those who went from WTM to BJU, did you find it too easy??

    Thanks for the help!


  13. We are in the military and move every 18 months to 3 years. My 9 year old has moved to 2 different countries and 3 different states in her life. We do newsletters because most of our friends are military families. We grow very close to each other as we go through highs and lows together (births, never-ending deployments, deaths) since we are far away from family. I LOVE getting updates each year from folks. We enjoy hearing how children's personalities have developed over the years. I'm sure newsletters are not for everyone, but for military families, they are great. If nothing else, we find out where everyone is moving the next year and sometime see that we get to cross paths again!:)

  14. Big thanks for all the suggestions and words of encouragement! I'm looking forward to researching the programs/books that have been recommended. We will also consider checking into the vision issue if progress continues to be slow. (We live overseas so the option isn't there until we move back to the states next summer.) I don't feel like it's a lack of desire on his part. He doesn't dislike our reading sessions. It just isn't clicking with him.

    I appreciate y'all taking the time to share your experiences!



  15. After searching the posts, I am encouraged to see that there is a wide age range of when reading "clicks" with children. I began OPG with my son a little over a year ago when he was 5 1/2. With my daughter (now 4th grade) things "clicked" at about lesson 90 -something, so I've been waiting for the same thing with my son. We've reviewed, reviewed more, began the book again this past Spring, and he is still just not doing well. We've been at this for over a year and he can read the first set of Bob Books and Modern Curriculum Press Series A and that's about it. I've looked at my friend's 100 EZ Lessons and I don't believe my son would dig it. He is constantly asking to just use the white board and not the book. My question...Since he excels in Math is there an approach I can use that might help us make progress? Is there a way I can tap into his strength of math to help in this area?? Thank you any suggestions...



  16. Kim, I appreciate you taking the time to reply. I think I must have searched the "general" board and not "curriculum" board accidentally. I came up with zilch on the topic which I found very odd. I found some of the threads you referred to. Thanks.

    I like the plan of getting age appropriate books and going that route. I will definitely check out the Veritas Press site.


    Thanks again



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  17. I am torn about how to proceed with a foreign language. We currently live in Italy. I did not start Latin as recommended by WTM in favor of studying Italian with my 3rd grade daughter. We will be moving to Germany next summer for 2-3 years. I don't know if we should go ahead and begin German so that she can have 3-4 years of one language or continue with Italian this last year while we are in Italy. I also don't know what to do with Latin?! Honestly, I'm afraid that if we try to do Latin, that I won't give adequate time to the other language. Would it be better to focus on one and do it well?

    Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated!



  18. My daughter will be in 4th grade and ready for SOTW 4 this fall. Any suggestions on how to bring my 1st grade son into history? It seems like it would be goofy for him to start with vol. 4. I'm eventually going to run into the same issue with my 3rd child who is 3 years younger. Do I just "plug them in" where I am with my oldest?


    Thank you for the help-


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