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Posts posted by kilo90

  1. I was JUST about to post a tick question so I appreciate your thread. I had our first experience with ticks this morning. Kids played in someone's backyard last night, got home at 10:00pm, went to bed, bathed them at 8:30am this morning and there were the ticks. Ugh. Two on the 8 yr old, FOUR on my 5 yr old and none on my oldest daughter (thankfully). Called the peds nurse to see what to do and she advised me to come in for an acute appointment. (We're military, so they aren't making money off of us.) Couldn't get an appt on base so we ended up at a walk in clinic. She told me that they would not start them on antibiotics when there were no symptoms. Fine with me(hadn't asked she just volunteered the info) She said the common meds for Lyme can turn kiddos teeth yellow. She also said that the blood test for Lyme could not be done until 3-4 weeks after the bite occurred.

    I think my panic button is primed because DH leaves in a week for a year deployment and this was just one more thing to worry about. I greatly appreciate the advice from those commenting on this thread to not stress.

    I have looked my 2 month old over top to bottom several times. Just don't want to miss anything.


    The doc we saw today said that time on the skin does not effect how likely or unlikely one is to get a disease from an infected tick. That contradicts what I have found on-line, though. I'm glad to hear confirmation from some of you that getting them early on does help.


    I saved the ticks, but I really can't figure out what kind they are despite looking at pictures on-line. It definitely looks like we had 2 different kinds, but I don't know.


    Good Luck RanchGirl. We'll pray for no bullseyes! :tongue_smilie:

  2. Does anyone use one that they like? I know there are strong opinions for and against sanitizer; not looking to hear the pros and cons. Would just like a recommendation for one that's alcohol-free. The only one I tried had a strong/unpleasant smell and I'd rather not spend lots of money searching for one that is decent.



  3. Glad to find this thread..

    My son quit wearing pull-ups about 6 months ago. He was 4yrs at the time and is now 5. He only wet the bed 3 times over the course of 5 months. The last month or so, he has been wetting the bed 3-4 times a week. Any thoughts on why this might be happening after several months of no issues?



  4. I have a 6 week old so I'm right there with you. For the first month, we had family in town so DD was held by one of us most of the time. The last couple weeks, though, we've been laying her down for naps. We'll lay her down awake, she'll be quiet for 5-10 minutes and then cry for usually 3-5 min. (Yes, I watch the clock. :) ) Not wail, but cry and fuss and go to sleep. This has been the drill for our last 2 kiddos. When your sweetie starts to cry is it wailing or just crying? If it's just crying, you might try letting her be and see if she'll go back to sleep. Late evening sometimes our DD will have trouble getting to sleep, so we'll get her up and rock her, but during the day it works as I mentioned above.




  5. Thank you for the info. Looks like we'll be switching to the CAT next year! Already have the Iowa Basic in hand so we'll just do that this year. So bummed that we have to do every section. My kids are SO not prepared for the social studies questions that are asked. We may end up on "probation" for the next school year if they bomb that section?!?! Mamma Mia.


    Thanks again!


  6. We are new to Virginia and we're about to take the Iowa Basic test so we can submit test scores. I had heard from a couple homeschooling friends that we are only required to submit Math and Language Arts scores. A few other friends said they just do the entire test and submit everything. I emailed the contact person for our school district and she replied to say there is nothing in the "state code" that states only Math and LA are required. So I think I goofed by even asking the question?! (Just didn't want to have to pay for another test to do the entire thing if they said Math and LA was not good enough?!) Can anyone give me the real scoop for VA? I really don't want to take more time away from our regular curriculum than I have to.


    Thanks for the help.


  7. Thanks, Nakia. I talked with a friend today who highly recommended another homeschool mom close by. Her website looks great, so I will probably go with her. I appreciate the offer.


    Tammy, it's a simple shot so the age has never been a problem thus far. Photographers have been happy with how easy our request is. :001_smile: Hopefully this time will be no different.



  8. I had a baby less than a month ago. Since we are military, I never know who will be on duty in Labor and Delivery when I go into labor. I was blessed with a wonderful midwife this time! She use to have an at-home midwifery business. I wanted a natural delivery so there could not have been a better person on duty. This is my 4th baby (all 4 sans meds) and although the OB's I've had were good, I felt much better with her. I felt/knew she was more knowledgeable with laboring naturally.( She let me drink what I wanted to and not just have ice chips. :D ) The only thing I wasn't nuts about is that she required me to have a bag of pitocin AFTER delivery to help with bleeding. Since it was my 4th baby and I am late 30's, she said it a good plan. (Based on something that happened with a friend recently, I did not argue the point with her.) This may not have been HER preference; it may have been hospital policy. Don't know. Not a huge deal. Still feel like I had a very good experience with this delivery.



  9. I'm hoping someone is knowledgeable in the area of photography. This forum is always a wealth of info. :)

    I have been looking for a studio to get my newborn's picture taken. (We moved 10 months ago; not near any studios we've used before.) She is our 4th kiddo and we have a picture taken when they are 5-6 weeks old. We always get a 11x14 canvas to frame/hang. It's been 5 yrs since our last baby was born and prices are much higher than they use to be. The 2 studios I have contacted have said that the 11x14 canvas would be $300 and $500!?! Not an option. I saw that Sears will do one for $150.

    My question...is the quality of a canvas print at a professional studio better than what I would get at Sears or is it basically the same? I would cry if a few years from now it started to fade or wear. The 3 I have now look just as good as when I first got them. We've been to Sears for pictures before, but it's the quality of the canvas and durability that I'm most interested/concerned with. I don't want to regret going with the cheaper option if in the long-run it doesn't hold up as well.

    (BTW...it's a basic/simple shot. Wouldn't take a highly skilled photographer to do. All white so no color quality concerns.)


    Thanks for any help...


  10. I looked into both programs last summer and liked BJU a good bit more. Many of the reasons have already been mentioned. One big difference (I don't think has been mentioned) is with BJU, the teacher "talks" directly to the child watching the video. With Abeka, there is a class of kids that the teacher teaches and the homeschool child/children are just looking on. May sound silly, but I just liked that format better. Abeka seemed like it would have the propensity to be more dull and drawn out with the classroom setting.


    Also, I THINK I remember that Abeka's subjects were all on a single disk for the day. BJU's subjects are on separate disks. I much prefer that. On days when we have various activities away from the house, there are a couple subjects we don't get to. We leave the 2 subjects that I feel are the least important until the end of the day and I don't worry that we don't get to them 2 days a week. With Abeka's DVD system, I think it would be really confusing to keep track of which day we are on with the different subjects.


    I was not keen on going over to a DVD program, but it was what we needed for this year for a variety of reasons. I have really liked BJU.


    Hope you are pleased with whatever choice you make!


  11. In addition to handwriting technique, the video would introduce languages and letters of various countries. It was good/interesting info, but we had to trim the day somewhere and it was the first to go. :)

  12. Brenda,


    We skip the video for history and handwriting. We didn't mind either of them, but it is just a way to shorten the day a little. My daughter misses SOTW (use to be her fav subject), so she sits in on history with her younger brother and just does the reading, worksheets, and tests for BJU history. Reading is the last subject she does. She probably gets to it 2-3 days a week as opposed to all 5.




  13. I have used them this year for the first time for my 5th grader. We have not used BJU before now, so I have only used the curriculum with the DVD's. Overall I really like them; it has been a good fit for us. Personally, I like the Christian content that is woven throughout the lessons. The teachers are much more chipper than I would be teaching, so I think that is a perk, too. I do wish some of them were a little more up-to-date. I emailed BJU about that and they said they redo a few each year so by the time my younger children get to 5th grade, it seems like they will have been redone.


    It took us a couple months to make them work for us. If you do all the videos for all the subjects, it is a very long day. (Too long for homeschooling in my opinion.) We skip 2 of the videos and I save the subject that I think is least profitable until last. On days when we have other activities, I don't worry about not getting to it.


    I spent the first 3 months of the school year dealing with morning sickness. The videos were GREAT to have during that time! DD was able to "do her thing" with minimal help from me. We plan to use them again next year as I will have a newborn and my husband will be deployed for the year. Although I know BJU isn't the strongest curriculum in EVERY subject, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks to me.


    Hope that helps a smidge.



  14. Thank y'all so much for your thoughts and experiences! I really appreciate it!

    Thank you for the link, Elizabeth B. I realized I searched "deployed" and not "deployment" so it didn't come up on my search. Great thread.


    So many things y'all mention make sense. We moved here from Italy 7 months ago and I enjoyed a housekeeper 2 days a month while we were there. I didn't consider it for this next year since I will have the evenings to clean instead of spending time with hubby, but I loved having that to look forward to. I plan to look into it after hearing thoughts on the issue.


    I won't name all the suggestions I love and draw this out. So many are helpful and give me food for thought. I have also heard from others with experience that the busier their schedule was the more stressed they were. It's one thing to have options of things to do. It's another thing to HAVE to be somewhere at a certain time for a specific reason.


    DH asked if I would want to put the 2 older kiddos in school for next year. That's the last thing I would want to do. I enjoy having them at home and it would definitely take away our flexibility. DH has just been trying to think of things that would make life easier. It would free up my day a great deal, but our full school day will be a good thing for me. A friend mentioned that it is really difficult to find time for the kids to Skype with their dad, but a homeschooling friend of mine reminded me her kids are in school. Home schoolers can Skype at 10 in the morning. :)


    Nursewithgrace- I don't know that I would venture out west with my crew, but we have room if you want to come east. :)


    I'm trying to keep it all in perspective. Once the year is over, it's over. We'll get through it with some good days and some not so good. At this point I'm just ready for it to get here so it's not looming out there in the future.


    Thank you again for all the great thoughts! Blessings to y'all who are in the middle of a deployment or have one upcoming!


  15. My husband will be leaving in June for a year. Our longest deployment so far has been 4 months (back when they actually had deployments that short?!) so this is a different ballgame and the kids are older. I'll have children in 6th, 3rd, K and a new baby. For those of y'all who have experience with this, could you offer any wisdom on what helped or what didn't help? I thought about making one day a week a field trip day for them to look forward too, but that would lengthen our school year and I just don't think I want a longer year under the circumstances. I've also considered just getting in what we could within our normal school year and not worry about finishing everything.


    It has been years since I've done a Women's Bible study through a church. I try to keep our schedule simple and feel this isn't the season for that. Now I'm wondering if I "need" that next year to pull me out of the house/homeschool mode. Our church offers a home school study hall for kids during the bible study time, but it would still be a big interruption in our school day. I really don't feel like we could do a field trip day AND do a Bible study. Thoughts on all that? Incidentally, we are stationed close to Williamsburg, VA so we are surrounded by great field trip opportunities. But educational field trips still take hours away from curriculum.


    Thank you for any wisdom you have to share!


  16. I, too, have felt that I should be spending more non-school time interacting with my kiddos. For a few weeks now, we have been playing a game together after supper/before bedtime and it has been great. The time between the end of school and supper is mine to accomplish household things and now I don't feel the silly mommy-guilt. I know we'll play a bit before bed.



  17. I feel that showers are a celebration of a new little one and they are appropriate for the first child or the 10th. I've always thought it would be sad for the first couple of kiddos to have pictures of their baby shower and yet the other one be told "no one did anything when we had you."


    I have not sifted through all the replies; just the first couple pages. This may have been suggested. I've given many showers for folks with multiple children. If the family has everything they need for baby, I take donations towards a gift card for a nice restaurant. Folks throw $10 or so and the couple (when able to) has a nice dinner out. I babysit the kids for them so they don't have that expense. Just an option that new moms with a houseful of kiddos always appreciate.


    As an aside, I am having my 4th baby (a girl) next month and someone is throwing me a shower. My other daughter is 10, I had given away all my girl clothes as we thought we were done after our 5 yr old. I'm grateful for their thoughtfulness and hope that no one finds it tacky. :)


    Congratulations. Sorry this is a stressful issue for you. I hope you are able to have the shower and ENJOY it! :) Such an exciting time!



  18. 9 is a great age to begin a band instrument. I'm not sure why they would say otherwise. I suppose the instrument could play a factor. Easier for a 9 year old to begin flute than tuba. If your son is small and wants to do a large instrument, it could be challenging, but that's the only issue I could see. My degree is in music and most all of my friends who were instrumental majors started at 9/10. I started flute at age 9 with no issues. If you think your son could handle it, then I would see no problem. I'm sure whoever his instructor would be would have a very informed opinion on it.




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