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Heather in VA

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Posts posted by Heather in VA

  1. To me buying rabbits to feed the dogs is like having another baby because you have baby clothes that don't fit anyone. You need to feed the dogs so you get rabbits. Now you need to feed rabbits. And with all of this you still haven't fed your children.

    • Like 11
  2. You can find lots of examples and plans online for making rabbit hutches from pallets...but none of them involve just throwing pallets on the ground with some milk crates. #doingitwrongagain #thelazyway


    It is just be such a bizarre solution for 'the dogs need to eat'. 

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  3. She's not, is she? I read it as "He gave me this poem, and I assumed it was his without asking, heehee, what a silly misunderstanding!"


    I just went back and read her post again. She's changed the wording and now it sounds like she's saying she just assumed he wrote it and isn't blaming him. 


    Of course if it was such an innocent mistake then why did she take the poem down the second someone said they thought they recognized it. 

  4. The photographic evidence implies otherwise.


    I know ... but somehow I have to figure out how to accept that there is someone this terrifyingly stupid and she keeps having babies.

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  5. I'm going to take a wild guess that their rabbit housing isn't any more secure than their human housing, and that assorted dogs and other predators will dispatch these bunnies long before any "breeding program" gets going — assuming disease and/or neglect doesn't kill them first.


    I'm assuming this too. I'm kind of grossed out at the thought of rabbit carcass strewn about on the property. EWWW

    • Like 1
  6. Before I got side tracked by the rabbit post I came here to post about the poem. At first I thought it was just funny that she thought she could get away with pretending Jacob wrote that poem. But the more I thought about it the angrier I got. There are two options. First, and the most likely, is that she knew Jacob didn't write the poem but said he did to try to create evidence that the kids are happy and well-educated and everything is just fine. Ok - she's a liar. Hardly news. But look what she's done. Now she claims she didn't know Jacob didn't write it. To cover for herself she's saying her son is a lying plagiarist. So she's wiling to throw her son under the bus to protect herself. Disgusting. 


    And on the outside chance that he did give her that poem and say he wrote it. Does she really not know her children well enough to know if they wrote something? A poem like that doesn't just appear out of a child's head. He would have had to work on it, revise it etc. But she never noticed. Of course I believe she knew he didn't write it, but even if what she says is true, it's still bad.

    • Like 6
  7. She bought rabbits for dog food.


    That was an improvement???


    I'm absolutely freaking speechless. She is going to feed the dogs rabbits that she's raising. So is this like the garden? Do the dogs have to wait to eat until the rabbits have made enough new rabbits so she can start killing them? What are they going to feed the rabbits? 


    I am starting to think she's making all this stuff up just to see if she can cause an Internet stir. No one is this stupid.

    • Like 5
  8. She posted on fb this morning that she didn't know it wasn't her son's poem. He writes poetry and gave this to her



    Oh yea... she thought that was written by her son... ok sure.

    • Like 5
  9. This is what's so infuriating about the Naugler's supporters saying "People all over the world live in conditions like these, or worse!" People in those conditions generally want to improve the conditions they live in but lack opportunities.


    This 1000 times. Even in the poorest places people know they don't poop where they sleep and they need clean drinking water and do the best they can to have it. They aren't necessarily successful because of their circumstances but they want that. Joe and Nicole could have clean drinking water and a safe place to sleep but they just don't bother.  If they want to live that way then whatever. But their kids deserve basics like clean water and safe food. The epitome of neglect to deny their kids such basic human needs.

    • Like 8
  10. Just a couple minutes ago (Friday 6/19 about 8p.m.) I took a look at Blessed Little Homestead facebook page.


    Per fb, two minutes prior, Nicole posted a poem allegedly written by Jacob.  She put a watermark of Jacob's supposed signature at bottom of poem.


    A poster immediately recognized the poem and stated that she had read it before but could not remember who had written it. 


    Wonder if Jacob has read the poem his parent claims he wrote.


    When I refreshed page a minute or two later, Nicole's post was gone.


    The poem was the one that starts out with, "A careless word may kindle strife..... "


    Is is apparent that I spent my day off work in an unproductive manner that preparing organic vegetables and grilling salmon cannot redeem?


    LOL!!! I love that someone called her out on the plagiarism and lie. At least if she is going to steal something she shouldn't pick a poem that has been turned into a million memes. 




    And I think organic vegetables and grilled salmon can redeem you :-)

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  11. I've never seen the Nauglers take responsibility for anything. Their talent for coming for with excuses for every little thing is pretty impressive.


    They are very good at it. They've had a lot of practice.

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  12. Per Nicole's blogs, they have been reported to CPS in Texas, Maine and multiple times in Kentucky.  Allegedly  all calls were baseless and made out of spite.  She implies that the Texas anonymous call was related to big ole meanies trying to steal Alex Naugler away from his father.  The Maine caller claimed that the Naugler home was filthy.  The odds of unfounded CPS contact in three states is exceedingly low in my opinion although I have no statistics to back up my assumption.


    I agree that it's very unlikely those were unfounded situations, especially when the current CPS situation is clearly warranted just by looking at the evidence Nicole herself provided.

    • Like 7
  13. Of course it was someone else's fault! He was arrested for failure to appear at a hearing regarding the back child support, and spent 6 weeks in jail because they couldn't make bail (guess they hadn't figured out how to exploit GoFundMe yet!). But according to Nicole, it was totally not Joe's fault, because they didn't remember ever receiving notice of the hearing, and the government has no right to make him pay child support anyway. To her, this is just more proof that the government is out to get them.


    In fact, they were very lucky that they got a lenient judge (who presumably didn't know Joe's reputation), because the judge not only greatly reduced the monthly child support payments, he only sentenced Joe to time served instead of the maximum he could have gotten. 


    It's amazing how many times people have cut this family some slack, given them the benefit of the doubt, helped them out in spite of misgivings, not filed charges for threat/assault/vandalism/child abuse, not pursued them for debts when they took off, etc. For 20 years they've avoided having to face the consequences of their actions, and now that it's all finally caught up with them they seem unable to grasp the fact that their usual "solution" — threaten a few people, pack up, and leave town — isn't going to work this time. And it sure looks like there's never been a Plan B.


    This is what is so comical about their crying persecution and government over-reach. Time and time again they have been cut slack that they didn't deserve. Over and over people tried to help instead of punish. And yet now, they act like  they are being treated in a way no one else is. That's actually true - most other people don't get this much slack. 

    • Like 6
  14. No, the time he was in jail for 6 weeks was when they were living in the 4 BR mobile home, before they moved to the "homestead." I think she had 9 kids at that point. Someone from their church visited Nicole while Joe was in jail, to bring donations, and said that the house was filthy, the littles were dirty, smelly, and naked, and there was poop all over the place. 



    Two of the miscarriages were before she had Jacob, and the 3rd was after, but I'm not sure how long after (could have been in between any of the other kids).


    Has Nicole ever address the fact that Joe was in jail? Does she admit he was in jail and that isn't a good thing or is that someone else's fault too?

  15. Ok, she was posting/discussing the other day about her blood type on BLH. She had posted a chart of blood types/parents/child's,etc. Why am I thinking her  type was O? Or did she say that her mom was? I can't keep up. I can't even find the posts anymore because I don't remember what it was under. Oh, well. Others were pointing out that her reasoning was wrong and she was in danger of Rh sensitization, etc. Interesting convo. I wonder if it's still there. 


    Yes the conversation is still there. I don't know if I'm allowed to link to it. Let me know if I'm allowed and I will. According to Nicole she is 0- (hence the rh- factor) and Joe is O+. That is the same combination as my husband and me so I know they are at risk for Rh sensitization. The funny thing is that I don't think she's claiming that their blood type combo isn't a risk. She is saying the blood of the mother and baby can't mix (which is what causes the antibodies to be formed in the mother's blood) unless there is an accident causing the mother to bleed or there is a major problem with the pregnancy. So she sees no reason to do the rhogam unless something bad happens. It just isn't that simple. Believe me, I am all for reducing medical interventions with birth. I really am. But this is not where you do it. It's a freaking shot. Get it. I honestly don't think it's about avoiding "unnecessary intervention" with her. It's about trying to make sure her kids don't have documentation or any of those other evils. 

    • Like 4
  16. The first miscarriage was when they first got together, and the 2nd was after Alex's birth, during the time that Joe was "commuting" between the two states and two women.


    Yeah, he's a real peach alright. I love how Nicole says she "can't imagine his struggle" during this time. Poor Joe, screwing two women while supporting neither of them. What a tough life.  :rolleyes:


    According to the Wiki page of  her arrest Joe didn't fight to get his parental rights back either. So I don't think he was that broken up about it. 

  17. Ok - so she was with Joe, he got her pregnant then ran out and got Alex's mom pregnant and meanwhile Nicole had a miscarriage? Then she took him back????


    This guy is a real peach.

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  18. From "The Story Of Alex"



    . During this time, I suffered a second miscarriage  It was the most devastating experience of my life to this day. Not only was I feeling the loss of the man I loved with all my heart, now I was dealing with the fact I may never carry a child. The doctors had chalked it up to endometreosis, and after my 2nd miscarriage, it was discovered I was also RH-.



    See now I would read this a bit differently than she actually says here. If she really was being treated by doctors (actual doctors) for miscarriages and was diagnosed with endometriosis they would have done blood work well before the 2nd miscarriage and her blood type would have been determined well before. So if at this point she claimed it was "discovered that she was rh-' it seems more likely to me that she was discovered to be rh sensitized. Your rh factor shouldn't be news after two miscarriages when being treated by doctors. Also, your rh factor in and of itself would not be a reason she could never carry a child. RH sensitivity, however, could be a reason to consider not carrying a child because despite what Tinkerbelle might think you can not change that.


    Of course as we've said before all of this is subject to the fact that our information comes from Nicole so who knows what is really true.

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  19. One miscarriage out of 12 pregnancies is actually fewer than average, so I wouldn't assume it was because of the rh issue.


    ETA I'm not willing to blame any mama for a miscarriage, it happens far to often.


    I agree. Also, I might be wrong, but from what I understand miscarriage, i.e. pregnancy loss in the first trimester, is not usually a side effect of rh incompatibility. The affects usually come later and at birth. I am rh- and had three miscarriages but never was is discussed that the rh- situation was the cause. 1 miscarriage in 12 pregnancies is a very low miscarriage percentage so it's likely that it was just an unfortunate loss.

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  20. Or she's full of it and made the whole thing up as a way to pander to her crazy anti-government base. Has she mentioned it on her blog or fb page before now?


    If this is true than she is even more stupid that I thought, which is saying a lot. Nothing like broadcasting to the CPS that she's willfully ignoring the medical needs of her unborn child. 

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