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Posts posted by babysparkler

  1. I absolutely LOVE planners! I am an organizing, scheduling junkie! The problem is that I really like doing my planning on the computer. I have some great spreadsheets and a system in place that really works. BUT, I don't have one of those pretty notebook planners that I can hold in my hands and admire and SEE everything I've planned. Anyone else a techie who's jealous of the written planner types? Any creative solutions to satisfying my physical planner fix while still implementing my e-planners?


    I am a planning/scheduling junkie, but I also love my laminator, pro-click and comb binders, so I go wild this time of year :) This is my 2010-2011 laminated schedule and individual planners...




  2. I second the "I See Sam" books...I taught my son to read using ETC and I See Sam. It is such a nice combo. I then moved on to a couple of the earlier books of AAS just becasue they looked like big kid books and yet they used only short vowel sounds...my son grew in confidence as he was able to read a book like his older siblings.


    :iagree: We are using this combo and it is working great! I've been tempted by the AAS books for the same reason, but they are so expensive. My son is just now starting to be "brave" enough to try other readers, so I will be watching this thread for more suggestions:D.

  3. I inquired this morning about leveling in the upper levels, and here was the reply (very quickly and on a weekend, I must add:001_smile:)...





    One of the differences in levels 6, 7, and 8 is the amount of writing. 6th grade requires 5 paragraph assignments, 7th grade requires 6 paragraph assignments, and 8th grade requires 7 paragraph assignments. More writing is required as the student progresses.


    Different types of writing are introduced as well (biographical essay, cause and effect essay, research report, informative essay in 6th grade - compare and contrast essay, explanatory/expository essay, and autobiographical essay in 7th grade - problem and solution essay in 8th grade).


    The main point of these levels is to get the student writing more and feeling more confident with what they are writing to prepare them for high school.


    Please let us know if you have any further questions.


    Best regards,



    JacKris Publishing

    Growing With Grammar

    Soaring with Spelling and Vocabulary

    Winning With Writing


    telephone (317) 919-3624 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (317) 919-3624 end_of_the_skype_highlighting

    fax (888) 554-0182

  4. If you are not trying to coordinate this with history, I would google "Classical Christian (if you are Christian) School 6th grade reading list". I have done that before when looking for lists for my kids. Several should pop up. Even if they are shorter summer reading lists, you can combine to make a good sized list. If you are following WTM history rotation, the lists are included in the book.



    Wow! There is a lot out there! Thanks.

  5. Just wondering if anyone else has asked or pondered...since it is broken up by semester, could one use WWW 3 2nd semester and then WWW 4 1st semester in a yr? I looked at the table of contents and we have covered a good deal of the 1st semester stuff (level 3), but someone listed the writing requirement for level 3 vs 4 and I don't know that jumping straight into 3 paragraph writings is a good idea.


    I was wondering that too. It looks like it can be done.


    Why did I open this thread? LOL.


    Okay, maybe I'm doing something wrong. We have been using WWE and just finished WWE4, successfully, BTW. But it didn't cover many of the things listed for Level 3 of WWW. Doe PHP just take a very different approach to teaching writing? These workbooks look really great but I feel ridiculous backing my 5th grader up to WWW3 when he has been successful at WWE4. Am I the only one scratching my head in bewilderment? I thinking of ditching WWE for my soon to be third grader and just jumping in with WWW. I was already planning on doing GWG with the rising 5th grader (and maybe 3rd grader too) so that's why I opened the thread.


    :confused: Anyone else feel my pain?


    I think I will be using level 3 with my daughter who will be in 4th for the same reason. I am glad they are calling it "level" instead of "grade" or she would be pretty unhappy with me :001_smile:


    Wow! The acronyms are making my head spin. WWE, WWW, WTM too many WWWWssss!!!! What are we talking about again?



  6. I couldn't decide whether to start with Level 3 or 4, so I emailed the company. They responded within minutes (!) and then gave some great advice. Basically, level 3 requires one paragraph writings and toward the end a few three paragraph writings. Level 4 requires three paragraph writings right away. Based on that, and that my daughter doesn't write in paragraphs yet, we're going to go with Level 3. That feels comfortable for me, as we are using Growing with Grammar Level 3 as well.


    I'll photo-blog our experiences with the program soon.


    Thanks! This is extremely helpful!

  7. I also dislike the top spirals. I wonder if they did the side spirals on these writing books since the kids will have to rewrite their drafts and the side spiral will make it easier for them to flip back and forth.


    My daughter loves GWG and SWS, so I think we will do WWW this year to try it out. I can't figure out which level I want her to do, though. The level 3 material looks like good foundational material that would be both a great review and fill in some "holes" but the level 4 material seems like it would keep her attention more since much of it would be new material to her.

  8. Have you heard of E-mealz? They have a gluten-free menu that you can download weekly (with a shopping list geared towards the store sales). The best part is that it comes with recipes for each day's dinner right on the menu and they are easy to make. I love it. We use the low-fat menu and love it. The link I gave you is my referral link, so feel free to use it or not :). If you use the coupon code DAVE (as in Dave Ramsey) you will save a little on the subscription. I hope it is helpful to you!

  9. I didn't open that thread because it doesn't pertain to me (Florida has a closed primary so you can only vote for your party), however, I would guess this happened.


    Don't email us asking why a thread has been deleted. You can safely assume that the discussion went off track.


    I actually appreciated the idea of the thread. I would have liked to hear from fellow republican homeschoolers what their thoughts are on the potential candidates. I think it is a shame that a few people couldn't keep quiet so that the rest of us could exchange thoughts in a mature way. :thumbdown:

  10. Please reply with your first instinct!


    Say you're driving in the left-most lane (the fast lane!) on a highway and you come up behind someone who is driving slower than you. The next lane to the right is totally empty. What do you do? What do you expect the slower driver to do?


    Oh, and if you want, feel free to post where you learned how to drive like that! I learned in upstate NY.


    I'm interested in seeing how the answers vary state-to-state or um, country-to-country!


    Slower than you but under/at/over the speed limit? I get frustrated with drivers in the left lane who are driving under the speed limit. Since I drive the speed limit, I many times frustrate others when I am in the left lane because it seems like there is an unspoken rule that the left lane is exempt from speed limits, and I disagree with this. I should not have to move over so that others who think they are above the law can drive dangerously. (Though I typically do anyway so that I can keep my family safe from those reckless drivers.)

  11. Let me try again -- sorry. I will try to attach here.


    Today was the 25th wedding anniversary celebration for our friends -- I decided in the wee hours of Thursday morning that I would give them a candy buffet for a gift (as I have written here - they are the kind of couple for whom it would be quite difficult to select a gift). So, I began a crash course in candy buffet and below are the results.


    There is not much else (;)) that is mroe fun than putting candy in lovely glass containers and providing little bags and boxes so folks can take their favorites home.


    FYI, I used to crystal containers that I have here at home that have not been packed away. The others, seven or eight or nine others I think, I purchased as Unique Consignment Shop for a $34.00




    WOW! Can I come??? :drool5::drool5::drool5:

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