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Upward Journey

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Posts posted by Upward Journey

  1. Am I the only one who actually read every book I was assigned in school? Am I just a goody-two-shoes? Honestly, it never occurred to me not to.




    Maybe ;) I remember AP English senior year. I know I read all the way through Macbeth & Brave New World. We were assigned a lot of books that year. We were supposed to read a lot of books that year. I was good at listening and good at writing papers, and I got an A in the class. I read very fast and love to read, but only what I want to read. I did not take the exam. I knew I'd bomb it. And when I went to college the next year, this science/math major avoided taking lit. classes like the plague :)

  2. They can chew through cardboard & plastic. Ask me how I know :glare: Sometimes the eggs come home from the store, so I put everything that won't be comsumed quickly i.e. pasta, flour, beans.... in the freezer for at least 72 hours. I stopped following my own rule the last couple of months and now I'm dealing with the same thing.

  3. This is my sixth pregnancy, so you'd think I'd have it all figured out by now! I'm currently 15 weeks pregnant.


    I've dealt with "morning" sickness with all of my pregnancies, but usually I have been able to handle it by eating small frequent meals throughout the day. However this time, nothing seems to help the nausea much. In fact, the weirdest thing is that when I do eat, I get MORE nauseated. It's definitely not from eating too much, because I will sit down to eat and after only a bite or two, a wave of nausea will hit. I have to struggle to force myself to continue to eat. I never experienced this with my other pregnancies- usually if I ate a little something, I'd feel better. Of course, if I wait too long to eat, I also get nauseated, so whether I eat or not, I am doomed to feeling sick.


    I've also been very, very tired this time. I know each time I've had times of feeling exhausted and needing a nap. But this time I've been even more lethargic than usual and feel as if every little thing wears me out. I've been wanting to get out and take a walk with the boys each day, but just the thought of it makes me weak. I can sleep all night and still feel like I need a nap only an hour after waking.


    I am 38 now, but didn't have my first until I was 29, so it's not as if I am comparing pregnancy against being particularly young the first time. But maybe this 10 years really does make such a difference?


    idk, because this is how all nine of my pregnancies were. I could never understand how anyone could say that they loved being pregnant, since I spent 24hrs/day for months feeling nauseous no matter what I did.

  4. I keep a little sugar and honey in the house for the occasional baking I do, a birthday cake or some cookies maybe once every month or two.


    And yes, if you make bread you do need a little bit to start the yeast for bread, a teaspoon or two.


    I haven't put sweetener in pancakes or waffles or any number of things that have sugar in the recipe for years. They taste fine with some sliced fruit or berries on the top. With sugar, I have found taste preferences are what you get used to. After being low sugar for years, I cannot stand to eat commercially made or even most homemade cookies, cakes, and sweetened drinks.


    I've found this to be true as well.

  5. For the most part here too.


    We have a birthday once a month. I just cut the cake in equal parts for whoever is there and serve. I don't want to deal with parsing it out as after dinner dessert for the next 3 days.


    Obviously if we did that daily, that'd be horrid. But it's once a month. Big whoop.


    It helps to have to divide everything by 10-12 too. ;)


    So true :D

  6. I don't buy candy except forchristmas and Easter.


    I don't buy prepackaged treats very often. Usually only cookies or an angel food cake for company to have with coffee.


    I do bake stuff on the weekends and for special occasions.


    We don't allow food out of the kitchen.


    And we don't keep an open kitchen.


    We buy staples and for our menu.


    We do not use faux sugar substitutes.


    Everyone here still like sweets, but no one here is used to heavy indulgence.


    I have 2 kids that would over consume if you let them. On anything really. Just this morning I chewed out my 16 year old for putting nearly 1/2 a bag of chocolate chips on his bowl of yogurt for breakfast this morning. (normally they get approx one to one and half tbsp of chips for a very large bowl - about a pint sized bowl of yogurt with granola. Caused a breakfast riot is what he did.:glare: within seconds of him sitting down 8 other people who he had previously served noticed the discrepenacy between what he gave them and what he gave themselves. Not a smart move before I've finished my morning coffee and with a house full of sick people.:glare:


    The bolded at our house, too.


    When my children are given a lot of sweets I am more than willing to let them eat until they're sick. I did the whole dole it out thing for a couple of years with my oldest, and what a chore. So now I let them have at it, and then it's gone, and I don't have to worry about it again until the next holiday. It works out well for all of us :)

  7. I love this idea.


    I am terrible at birthdays. I remember my kids but half the time forget my own. Bdays are just not that important to me - doesn't mean the person isn't though. May not be what's going on with your ILs, but thought I'd throw it out there.

    If you choose to talk to them, I wouldn't even mention bdays (cause that can start to sound like you are upset they didn't send a gift. Not true, but if they could hear that if they feel defensive or embarrassed). Focus on what you are most interested in which is what kind of relationship they want to have with your kids.


    :iagree:and I usually only remember my kids birthdays because they remind me the week prior :D

  8. I spent DAYS researching this thing (it's only a kindle - can you imagine what I am like when it comes to curriculum? :lol:). Anyway, I went to Best Buy and took the Touch (KT) and the Keyboard (KK) for a spin, side by side, in person, with 3 different Best Buy young, techy gurus helping me. Here are my observations for whatever they are worth to other moms researching eReaders:


    1. Classics are FREE (like out of copyright). I've downloaded 64 of them to date. This beats them being on my bookshelf - even if they are "free" through Paperback Swap. I'll use those credits for other books for the kids they need to read for school that aren't free on Amazon.
    2. *I* need to read these classics before I have my kids read them if I have any reasonable chance of feeling comfortable teaching them to my kids later. With that said, *I* wanted to be able to highlight and take the occassional note as I read which is why I did not bother evaluating the $79 version. I think the $79 would be great for the kids though.
    3. The KT was too sensitive when I didn't want it to be and not responsive enough when I wanted it to be. I would sometimes turn more than 1 page at a time because I pressed the screen too hard. I would try to highlight a word to use the dictionary and turned the page instead. There were pauses using the touch keyboard that pops us. Thinking I might just need some training and getting used to, I asked the Best Buy guy. He said a LOT of people get the touch and come back after the keyboard for the reason I was experiencing. If you have ANY plans of highlighting and taking any form of notes - get the keyboard.
    4. The KT wasn't as bright as the KK. Why? Because the KT only refreshes the screen every 5 pages so you end up with mild shadowing between pages. The KK refreshes every page. The ink is SLIGHTLY darker (even Amazon will tell you this, as will many reviews).
    5. On the KK, if you don't know what a word means, you simply move the cursor in front of the word and the definition automatically pops up at the top or bottom of the screen - no highlighting of the word required. Folks - this is super cool - for mom and for kids. Sure, the KT does this, but you have to highlight a word and I kept turning the page instead. The Best Buy guys kept turning the page too.
    6. The KK can be held ANYWHERE on the device. If you touch the screen on the KT while shifting your hands, you just turned the page.
    7. The KT is not as friendly to left handers. The screen is mapped. The far left side of the screen turns a page backwards. The rest of the bottom 2/3 of the screen turns the page forwards.
    8. The KK has forward and backward buttons on both sides of the frame, easy access.
    9. The KK comes with the USB charger AND wall charger. I've already used both.
    10. I liked the clicking of buttons to type my notes (again, only applicable if you intend to take notes at all - or type in the title of a book you are searching for on Amazon or when searching a term in a document).
    11. If debating to get one at all - besides TONS of free classics and other titles, Amazon has deal of the day for cheap and every month, Amazon picks 100 titles for $3.99 or less. These are decent titles folks.
    12. Libraries are popping up with eLibraries with new titles regularly. It can only get better from here.

    I opted for the KK 3G with ads. Yep, it was $139 last night. And on our drive home for Best Buy, with the 3G, at NO EXTRA CHARGE, I was logged in to Amazon, registering my device, downloading my books, and reading A Christmas Carol before we ever got home (we're ~25 minutes from Best Buy). Oh, and I had brought my laptop to plug the Kindle into to start charging using the USB port for those of you wondering about power.


    Now, I am like many of you - I don't leave the house a WHOLE lot with opportunities to read. I'm a homeschool mom who is busy teaching most of the day. But, we have 7 hour drives to visit our parents. It's 30 minutes to get to most stores around here. I can shop and grab a new book if I didn't take or have time before I left the house. How cool is THAT?!?!


    Now, I have never been a BIG reader. Neither is my 9 (almost 10) year old. Remember the 100 for $3.99 or less deal I mentioned? I grabbed a title for my daughter Little Blog on the Prairie (1.99 until the end of December) and my reluctant reader was in the middle of chapter 2 on my new Kindle before going to bed. My point is sometimes the medium can make all the difference in interest. I'm already 20% finished with A Christmas Carol and already looking forward to the next classic I never actually read growing up.


    I hope this helps someone out there exploring Kindles.


    Thanks for this review. I've got the $79 Kindle. I love it, except for the way the keyboard works. My kids think it's a special treat to read a book on Mom's Kindle :D I was debating getting a second one, but I think I might just go for the KK this time instead.

  9. How long do I have to give it up for to know if it's the caffeine? Is it a matter of days or weeks? I need to know what I'm getting into here. :lol::lol:


    I'm trying to remember, but this particular child is now 10yo so it's been a while, lol. I'm thinking that it was w/in a day or two, though. Definetly NOT weeks.


    Hope you find the trigger soon and are able to get some rest. :)

  10. I've been thinking about this lately. :( I only have one cup in the morning and one in the afternoon but I guess that would be enough to do it, huh?


    I don't want to give up coffee. I don't think I'm addicted, I don't *need* it to wake up or keep me going but I really do enjoy a good cup. Since having to go dairy free, I've not had any treats. No chocolate, cookies or cakes or anything of the sort. My coffee is my one indulgence. Sigh... I don't want to give that up too. :tongue_smilie::crying:


    Darn. Sounds like I should give that a go.


    Definetly. I'm sooooo sorry. It's worth a shot. Maybe it'll turn out to not be the caffiene. :grouphug:

  11. I had one that was GREATLY affected by caffiene, to the point that I couldn't even have decaf tea or coffee. My life was exactly as you descibed until I cut every trace from my diet, I couldn't even sneak a chocolate chip. It took me quite a while to figure this out unfortunetly :glare: He also couldn't tolerate oats. Life at least became bearable after my dietary changes.


    :grouphug: hugs to you.

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