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Justin from WTM

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Posts posted by Justin from WTM

  1. Justin here, from Peace Hill Press, but this is just my opinion, and NOT an official PHP endorsement:

    Philip Daileader's Middle Ages courses are wonderful. I took them from him in person, ten years ago, when I was a history major at The College of William and Mary. Recently my wife and I listened to one on a car trip, because yes, we are nerds and that's how we roll. He's dialed down the hilarity somewhat, for the audio format, but it still comes through, and he explains things very clearly.


    Also, he was recently named "one of the 300 best college professors in America" in a Princeton Review survey: http://www.princetonreview.com/uploadedFiles/Sitemap/Home_Page/Rankings/Best_Professors/BestProfessors_Name.pdf

  2. Fans of "Telling God's Story," thank you for your patience. The Year Two instructor guide, and the Year Two activity book, are now both for sale on our webstore: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/store/religion-curriculum.html. You can see samples at the individual book pages. If you have any questions about the books, you can ask them here, or email me at justin AT peacehillpress DOT com.


    We are gratified by all the wonderful feedback we've heard from you, and we're excited about this second year of helping parents and teachers introduce children to Jesus.

  3. How long does it take to complete a Bible lesson?



    A lesson takes about 15-20 minutes to read/speak to a child. We suggest that people do one lesson a week...they could be done more rapidly, but that seems to be a good pace. Some people have the child color the coloring page from the Activity Book while they are listening to the lesson being read, and then the next day they do one of the follow-up activities from the Activity Book, etc.


    Hope that is helpful.



  4. Hi all,

    Many of you have asked about the availability of "Telling God's Story, Year Two: The Kingdom of Heaven."

    I'm happy to announce that the book, and its accompanying Activity Book, are now available as downloadable PDFs. Find them at our webstore, here.


    Print versions are in process and should become available in the next few weeks. We'll update you on that here, as well as on Facebook, Twitter, and the Olive Branch Books blog.


    Justin from Peace Hill Press and Olive Branch Books

  5. Halcyon,


    Here's what SWB says on page xxiv of the Instructor book:


    "Beginning in Week 3, the student will need a thesaurus. Although any comprehensive thesaurus will work, the most recent version of the classic Roget’s International Thesaurus is recommended. Avoid condensed or pocket-sized thesaurii, since these are less complete."


    Hope that's helpful.


    Justin from Peace Hill Press

  6. Hello all,

    Justin here from Peace Hill Press, asking for your help.


    Susan Wise Bauer's "Story of the World" series has been nominated for "Best Homeschool History Resource" at About Homeschooling. The poll is open until March 21st. If you think "The Story of the World" is a great Homeschool History Resource, please cast your vote at http://homeschooling.about.com/od/readers-choice-awards-2012/l/bl-best-homeschool-history-resource.htm

    Remember, each person (email address) can vote once per day, so please continue to vote in the coming weeks.


    SWB says if we win, she'll deliver her famous "gooey" brownies to the home of each and every voter. [Note: If you mention this to her, SWB may not actually recall saying this, because it may not have actually happened. In unrelated news, Justin may be looking for a new job tomorrow.]


    Thank you!


    Justin from Peace Hill Press

  7. Here is the table of contents.


    Telling God's Story, Year Two: The Kingdom of Heaven




    Unit 1: Stories Jesus Told

    Lesson 1: Talking the Talk and Walking the Walk (Matthew 21:28–32)

    Lesson 2: The Kingdom of God Grows on its Own No Matter What (Mark 4:26–29) Lesson 3: Everyone is Your Neighbor (Luke 10:30–37)

    Lesson 4: Don’t Stop Forgiving Others (Matthew 18:21–35)

    Lesson 5: God is Equally Gracious to All (Matthew 20:1–16)


    Unit 2: Miracles Jesus Did

    Lesson 6: Kings Don’t Pay Taxes (Matthew 17:24–27)

    Lesson 7: Taking Jesus at His Word (John 4:46–54)

    Lesson 8: King Jesus Has Mercy on the Helpless (Luke 18:35–43)

    Lesson 9: The Faith of the Outsiders (Luke 17:11–19)

    Lesson 10: Jesus Actually Touches a Dead Girl and a Sick Woman (Matthew 9:18–26)


    Unit 3: Teachings of Jesus

    Lesson 11: God Loves the Rich and the Poor the Same (Luke 14:7–14)

    Lesson 12: No One’s Sins are too Big for God to Forgive (Luke 7:36–50)

    Lesson 13: Jesus is the Shepherd who Loves His Sheep (John 10:11–21)

    Lesson 14: Jesus is Greater than Death (John 11:17–27)

    Lesson 15: Staying Connected to Jesus (John 15:1–8)


    Unit 4: The Sermon on the Mount

    Lesson 16: Give to the Needy without Showing Off (Matthew 6:1–4)

    Lesson 17: You Cannot Serve God and Another (Matthew 6:19–24)

    Lesson 18: Be Honest With Yourself Before You Judge Others (Matthew 7:1–5)

    Lesson 19: Living a Disciplined Life (Matthew 7:13–14)

    Lesson 20: Bad Trees Always Bear Bad Fruit (Matthew 7:15–23)


    Unit 5: Jesus’ Early Life

    Lesson 21: God Is On the Move . . . Again (Luke 1:5–25)

    Lesson 22: The Coming of the King (Luke 1:26–38)

    Lesson 23: God Exalts the Humble (Luke 1:39–56)

    Lesson 24: God is about to Rescue Israel (Luke 1:57–80)


    Unit 6: Jesus’ Disciples

    Lesson 25: Jesus is the Son of God (Matthew 16:13–20)

    Lesson 26: No One Has a Higher Rank in God’s Kingdom (Matthew 18:1–4)

    Lesson 27: Jesus Leaves No One Out (Mark 9:38–41)

    Lesson 28: Jesus’ Followers Are Servants, not Commanders (Mark 10:35–45)


    Unit 7: Opposition to Jesus

    Lesson 29: Jesus Upsets a Synagogue Service (Luke 4:14–30)

    Lesson 30: False Teaching Spreads like Yeast (Matthew 16:5–12)

    Lesson 31: A Clean Heart is Better than Clean Food (Matthew 15:1–20)

    Lesson 32: Surrendering our Lives to God Every Day (Matthew 16:21–26)


    Unit 8: The End of Jesus’ Life

    Lesson 33: Obey God More than Caesar (Matthew 22:15–22)

    Lesson 34: Jesus Introduces a New Exodus (Matthew 26:17–28)

    Lesson 35: Jesus Suffers and Prays Alone (Matthew 26:36–46)

    Lesson 36: Jesus Doesn’t Fight Back When Arrested (Matthew 26:47–56)


    Supplemental Lessons: The Rest of the Story

    Supplemental Lesson 1: A Politician Condemns an Innocent Man (John 19:1–16)

    Supplemental Lesson 2: The Death of Jesus Fulfills Scripture (John 19:28–37)

    Supplemental Lesson 3: Mary Magdalene Spreads the News that Jesus is Alive (John 20:10–18)

  8. Hi all,

    Thank you for your enthusiasm about the "Telling God's Story" curriculum! That's gratifying for us to see.


    A quick update, which will also be going onto our Facebook page and blog this week:


    "Telling God's Story, Year 2 Instructor Text" is at the printer, being prepped for printing. I just saw the proofs last Friday and they look wonderful!


    The Activity Book for "Telling God's Story, Year 2" is at the typesetter. After that, it'll have one more quality-check and then it, too, will go to the printer.


    We are planning to offer PDF versions of both these books for sale, on our webstore, sometime in the first half of March (we'll announce the exact date on Facebook and on these forums). When we put those up, we'll also post free samples of the first few lessons to our site.

    The print versions should be available from our store sometime in late March (and at Amazon by April).


    Thank you for your patience during this long production process.


    Would it be useful/helpful if I posted a Table of Contents for Year 2 on this forum? Let me know.


    Justin Moore

    Editor, Olive Branch Books




  9. We just started using this. Overall I am pleased with the program. It is easy to use. I do not do all the activities, some just not something worth doing. I was disappointed in the memory work. I thought it would be scripture but it is just books of the Bible. I have been taking a verse from the weeks lesson and making it dd's verse to memorize and write.

    The one think I do like is dd is finally getting to study Jesus. All the other Bible programs I used started out with Bible stories of Creation and Old Testament people. If Jesus was brought up it only dealt with the birth and death of him.


    Our week looks like this:

    Mon: introduce lesson with an activity or just a discussion, then she reads aloud the Bible verses from her Bible (she needs to find them too)

    Tues: begin writing memory verse in script and reread the verses

    Wed: she gives brief narration of the Bible verses(I write it down), works on memory verse, and we might do an activity.

    Thurs; work on memorizing verse, color picture or draw one and review

    Friday: Say memory verse, I write her narration she did on Wed. neatly under her memory verse she wrote in script, and work on any activity left that we want to use.


    DownTheRabbitHole, thanks for your comments on how you use the Telling God's Story program! I just wanted to chime in, as the editor of the Year Two Activity Guide, to let you know that the Year 2 memorization does use actual Scripture passages (Psalm 23, Luke 1:46-50, and the Lord's Prayer, etc).



  10. We've posted a new, 10-minute video to our YouTube channel: Susan Wise Bauer introducing and explaining our new middle-grades writing curriculum, Writing With Skill. She includes tips for getting the most out of the instructor book & student book, grading student assignments, etc.


    Plus, if you zoom WAAAAY in on the background, you can see what Susan is reading these days.




    Justin and the Peace Hill Press team

  11. Hi folks,

    The Instructor and Student books for Writing With Skill are now available for purchase from our webstore! Copies are in our warehouse just waiting to be delivered to your house.



    Those of you who preordered at the discounted price can expect your books to arrive in the next few days (we're using UPS ground), IF you responded to our phone request for your confirmation & payment information. If you missed our call, please call our office at 1.877.322.3445. We don't want you to have to wait any longer!


    We're proud of these books and we think they'll be an excellent resource for you.


    Justin (on behalf of the Peace Hill Press team)

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