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Posts posted by HSMom2One

  1. I bought about 50 of these little jars and some nice labels a few years ago and they work beautifully. The jars sit in the cupboard on wire racks (the little riser type that look like stairs). We buy our spices in bulk and have the overflow in zip lock bags kept in a bin that is stowed up above out of sight. As the jars need filling we just look in the bin or add the spice to our shopping list. I love our system better than anything I've used before.




  2. Gosh, let's see.



    1. I have one personal e-mail address that is mainly for friends, family and official family business.
    2. I have another e-mail account that goes with private teaching I do and is connected to my self employment website.
    3. Then I have an e-mail address for all things homeschool related.
    4. I also have an e-mail address that I use for online purchases and for signing up for anything that will generate ads, junk mail, etc.
    5. Then there's the official e-mail for a school where I am on faculty.



    And then let's not forget that there are the FB messages and also message here on the boards.



    This may seem over the top to some, but I like things organized and tidy. If they all came to the same address I'd go crazy.




  3. We had a thread sometime ago where a number of us came out of the Arminian theology "closet" and discussed the same topic you are bringing up. Here is a link to that thread. You'll find some suggestions to consider, among them Heart of Dakota and My Father's World.


    BTW, I've used TOG curriculum successfully, only having to tweak it here and there to suit our needs.




  4. Our situation was very similar to yours also. We have one dd at home and we are just finishing our 5th year of hs'ing. We made a commitment to provide an excellent education for her, but we also recognized her need to connect with other kids. It took her a while to adjust, but eventually hs'ing became a way of life for her. What made the difference was that dh and have made every effort to get her around kids by taking her to events, groups, classes, etc. We've invited kids to our home for playtime and sleepovers and we've sent her to be with friends at their homes. Belonging to a church with a good group of kids has been a godsend for us too.


    I can't stress enough to you the importance of giving your child some outlets such as this away from home where he can enjoy time with other kids. Scouts, church, community classes, co-ops, summer camp, sports -- whatever you have available will be great for him. Help him stay connected with friends, even if you have to sacrifice to do it. When it comes to being an only child at home this is especially critical.


    We've had some changes this past year with friends moving away and now my dd has fewer people to connect with in our rural area. We're going to be moving next year and I feel that the timing is good for her. She needs friends so much now that she's in middle school. But I realize that our season of hs'ing is coming to an end after next year. I will send dd to high school because I know it's what she needs. I guess I'm telling you this because things may change for you and your family in a few years too, but for now I'd encourage you to just give your ds some time to adjust and then go out of your way to get him involved with extra activities to go along with his home education. Hs'ing an only can sometimes feel lonely, but it can also be a rich, rewarding experience. I'd say give it time.




  5. I used to have to lay down with dd, read the bedtime story, say the prayers, then turn the light out and say goodnight. I'd stay there on the bed with her until she fell asleep. Then I'd VERY gently get up and leave the room. 95% of the time it worked, and yes, I got tired of doing it. But it saved me time and trouble in the long run. Eventually I started moving away from the bed, but would wait in the dark until dd fell asleep. She knew I was there with her and felt comfortable. Then after a while of doing that, I'd say good night, turn out the light, kiss her goodnight and wait for her to fall asleep, but by then I'd be closer to the door. Then at the door. Then finally we got to the point where the light went out and I kissed her goodnight and left. It was a slow process, but finally was what worked for her.


    On the other 5% of the time occasions dd ended up coming to bed with me.


    Yes, I am a patient woman.





    P.S. If I'd thought of the duct tape thing on those 5% of the time occasions, I would have done it.

  6. I sent an email to the executive assistant that I wanted to be a beta tester for WWS 2 but I did not get a response. Did anyone get a response? I just want to make sure that my email was received.


    I did not get a response either, but I am hoping we are on the list!


    I didn't get a response either. So, of course I am convinced I misspelled the addie, and it disappeared into the ether. I am sitting on my hands so I don't resend 100 times. Have I become pathetic yet?


    I did not get a response either. I figure they are writing us on a list they will keep in a safe place, with a little heading of "minions" or something like that. :lol:


    No response here either. Guess we'll just have to wait it out.


    No response for me either. So I'll just sit here with my minions and wait.




  7. I'm an art teacher as well as hs mom, and I can't think of any product like what you've described. But I would suggest that you make a custom book for your dd and have it spiral bound at Staples. You could make a colorful cover for the front and back and lay out the pages just like you want them. You might consider using sheets of drawing paper or even what's called text weight paper rather than regular printer paper. A thicker paper would be more enjoyable used with colored pencils or markers.


    The only issue with combining lined paper and plain the way you've described is that when the pages are turned, the lined pages would be reversed. The only way around that would be to print lines on plain paper just on one side and place them in a way so that when it opens up you'd always have lines on the side you want them to be.




  8. Thank you, Joanne. Yes, I do know there are others out there that have been through this crazy, heartbreaking experience. My heart goes out to you too because our situation is very close to the same. The REAMS of paper that I've filled out, the long line of personnel that I've spoken to -- and all for what? Like you, I just don't get it.


    We've been making on time payments for nearly two years now, have stayed in touch with them and jumped through all the hoops, but because of the arrears there seems to be little hope in sight. Frankly, I think we've lost the momentum we once had to finish the renovations that would make this house a wonderful place to live. I'm so ready for a new beginning!


    Thanks for sharing your story. God bless you and your family.



  9. It has got better over time... my first couple of teens are now early twenties and they take time to let me know how much they appreciate and admire me... Particularly because they have started out in life and have seen first hand how hard it is to make your way away from home and mom's help is suddenly so much more golden... So, I got lots of loves from my older kids...


    I'm not so much a "card" person or even a "flower" person... I am a "just do SOMETHING that says I love you and thank you for what YOU do" kinda person...


    I hear you, Bee. I could've written this post myself! It isn't about getting gifts and having a lot of hoopla made over you....it's the expressions of love, appreciation and honor that mothers do need occasionally. I just got done having a talk of my own with someone in my life about this very thing and am trying to gain some momentum to get past hurt feelings, just like you. It does hurt when loved ones slight you on special days.






  10. We own a home and recently chose to rent it out to a family that had also been hurt hard by the economy. They had recently had a short sale or foreclosure, they had been behind on lots of payments, etc. I think they handled it beautifully. They sent a letter to us through the rental company right away. They said, basically that they knew they would not pass the credit check. They proceeded to give lots of details about their financial history, what had happened, why, what they had done about it. They had worked in the financial services industry and the real estate industry. Clearly they were hit hard. We had to think about it long and hard too. In the end, we appreciated their honesty, they steps they were taking, the progress they had made. I think we made the right decision. I think the most important think is to be upfront with all the issues and hope for the best!


    Thanks for sharing that, Cammie. I'm a pretty open person and have a tendency to go that direction naturally. I was wondering if it would hurt us or help to explain in details though. Your comments give me encouragement to go ahead. I'm a pretty good writer and we have everything documented well, so I think I'll start thinking about putting this together during the summer while I'm not busy teaching.


    Again, thank you.




  11. What types of illustration are you talking about? Are you simply manipulating photographic images? If so, then Gimp is an option, as would be Adobe Elements or Photoshop if you're talking higher end stuff. But when you say illustrator programs it implies that you are looking for a vector program that creates postscript images. If that is the case, then the best program is Adobe Illustrator. That is a professional level graphic design software that is usually used along with Photoshop and a page layout program like In Design or Quark Express.


    Sorry, that's the full answer. But I come from a graphic design and fine arts background and that's my world.




  12. Id try working out the foreclosure somehow. I know there are legit programs to help people.


    Been there. Tried that.


    During the past three years we've applied and applied for programs. The banks are just not doing a whole lot to help people that fall behind other than give you some time to get back on your feet again, but the arrears part is what hurts most people. Home modifications are supposed to be helping people, but they are few and far between. And then there are some real cons from 3rd party companies out there too that say they can work with your bank to get it through faster, so you do have to be very careful. We got swindled by one company that offered to help, and they seemed so legit. But fortunately they were shut down by the FTC before they had collected all of the funds that were required. After a long legal process, we are on a list of clients that will get at least part of our money back. If anyone reading this is in this type of situation, do not -- I repeat DO NOT -- try going through a 3rd party organization that offers to help you get a loan modification.


    I've filled out so much paperwork during this whole deal; waited for answers only to have my hopes dashed to the ground. Both dh and I are done with this emotionally. We need to move on.




  13. I would suggest trying to avoid foreclosure by doing a short sale. The HAFA program will help you with this and even give you $3000 toward moving costs if you qualify. The hit to your credit is much less if you short sale through this program or do a traditional short sale, and you would be eligible to buy again in 2-3 years. As long as you can prove hardship, you should be able to short sale. GL! I understand the stress of being in an underwater house, unfortunately. I think it's wise to just let the house go.


    Thanks for the comments JessyC. We aren't ruling that one out, I just didn't mention trying to sell it first. In fact, the short sale is our first choice and we'll only allow it to foreclose if that doesn't work. Whatever the case, we know we'll be moving next year one way or another and we'll still have a bad credit rating.




  14. Hello fellow Hive members,

    As some of you know, dh and I have been through a lot because of three winters in a row with his long seasonal lay-offs as a truck driver; permanent lay-offs and gaps of unemployment and then finally dh's stroke last year that resulted in the loss of his livelihood when they revoked his CDL for health reasons. We have really been through the wringer thanks to the economy and then dh's health issues. Needless to say, our credit is shot. We've been trying to avoid foreclosure of our home, but we're getting tired of the fight. It is an older home that we bought with hopes of renovating, and although we've done a lot to it there is sooooo much more that needs to be done. It gets depressing looking at it all of the time when you have no money available to do what needs to be done. And then there's the current market. At this time our home is worth $40,000 less than what we owe on our mortgage. (We just had a cost analysis done by our friend the real estate agent and it made us just sick.)


    So, saying all that, we just recently decided to give up on the house and let the bank take it back next year. We are currently on a special plan with reduced mortgage payments, so we're going to save up as much money as possible for the next six months. After that we'll have to find a rental. In many ways I'm happy about this because we need a fresh start. There has been so much hardship endured while living here, so it would be wonderful to leave this place and all the memories behind. I do hate losing home ownership status, but I realize that that is not a ticket to happiness all in itself. Dh and I feel that staying here will only drive us further in debt in the long run and so we need to let go. He's retraining for a different career and will be through with it in January, so the timing seems right to make this change. Yes, a totally new start up ahead is exactly what we need.


    The biggest issue for us is in all of this though is going to be our destroyed credit rating. We will need to find a home that will not only allow us to keep our dog and cat, but we'll have to find a landlord that will work with a family with credit issues.


    Does anyone have advice? Have any of you been through this too? It would be so great to have a plan in place before we actually start looking later this year. This is both scary and exciting all at the same time.




  15. I have three grown ds's and cannot imagine not buying them a birthday gift. It's never a big gift because I'm not well off, but celebrating the day they were born is something I can never stop doing. I also buy my dd-i-l a birthday gift because she's just like one of my own.


    At Christmas we've gone to drawing names for gifts, but birthdays are another story for this mom.





    P.S. If thinking of the right gift is hard for you, then buy a gift certificate to one of their favorite stores. In my family, we love that. And honestly, Amazon is a great place to spend money and it seems you can't lose with that one.

  16. Still praying, Bee. Praying for wisdom, strength, and that with God's help this will all turn around to something unbelievably amazing. Remember, He's there with you in the center of it all.


    Just know that I'm praying for you, for your dh and your kids every day.




  17. I don't know if you're interested in individual state studies or not, but if you are these might look good to you. AOP offers these state studies in their Switched-On-Schoolhouse series, and although I've never used them myself I've had my eye on it for quite sometime. You haven't listed your dc's ages, but these are designed for middle through high school level.


    Hope this helps.




  18. That's pretty much what we've already done due to dh's seasonal lay offs and a final job loss this past winter. Right now while he's retraining and back in school (while we're depending on unemployment benefits), we have a monthly food budget of $400 for 4 people.


    We've cut back on meat for one thing, eating smaller portions than ever before and having meatless meals at least 1-2 times per week. We're eating more whole grains, nuts, tofu and legumes and thankfully these things are less expensive than all of the meat we used to buy. What meat we do buy is most often what's on sale that week. We also use leftovers for breakfast or lunch the next day.


    We still buy local produce as much as possible, but we gave up our CSA share and the organic veggies we were buying. I really miss all that, but when it comes down to it we have no choice.


    We avoid buying prepared foods and stick with fresh foods made from scratch. We drink more water and hardly any juice and pop, although I do brew tea for both hot and iced tea drinks. I've personally cut back on the amount of milk I drink and ice cream I eat. This is all better for me anyway.


    There are ways to cut back and save a lot of money. You just have to plan really well and be willing to sacrifice here and there.




  19. I've noticed that this comes up a lot on these boards. I've done some research of my own here with the Hive and also directly with Saxon because we're faced with what to do next after 87 as well.


    This is what I've found: Algebra 1/2 was written and published before the new edition of Math 87 was available. It was intended to be used between 76 and Algebra 1 as a pre-algebra course. Once 87 came around it wasn't necessary to do Algebra 1/2 because pre-algebra is included in 87. So if your dd has completed 87 successfully, she should be ready to go right into Algebra 1. Both Algebra 1/2 and Math 87 are pre-algebra courses, so to do both would be way too redundant and could possibly make her dislike math even more.


    Here is a link to a good thread from the past that addresses some of this and might be helpful as well.




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