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Posts posted by mamaofgirls

  1. I am keeping my favorite clothes, which is a lot... lol. I plan on weeping over them when I am old and my children have moved on. Sometimes I think it would be nice to make a quilt out of them but really, I want to see those tiny newborn sleepers - spit up stains and all.


    I am okay with getting rid of most of the 'equipment' and either pass it on to other moms (much younger) at church.

  2. As they are pretty old, not little kids, I'd focus on things that actually matter - that you can defend.


    So folding their laundry instead of just stuffing it in the drawers?  I'd give up on that one.  What is the point?  


    Asking to be excused - I dunno, do you ask to be excused?  seems kind of overly formal, like something putting a barrier between you and the kids (which you definitely don't need right now).  


    Helping out with the clearing of dishes - definitely worthwhile.  You can defend it, too, as in "we all help clean up after a meal" - make sure you and DH are also taking things in.  


    I would leave the computer thing alone entirely.  Just forget about it; you could even say, "I didn't realize how great it would be to have less electronics in the house - we have a lot more time for other things now!  I'm getting off the computer too, for the summer. Let's look at it again when the summer is over."


    Then get off the computer for the summer.  This will give you time to build the relationship - none of you have electronic distractions so you can interact with each other more directly.  It also eliminates the computer use as a bargaining chip - they're not trying to win them back, you're just seeing as a family if your dynamics and work ethic and habits can be changed more easily without electronic distractions.

    When I was a child I once asked my dad why I had to make my bed if I was just going to mess it up sleeping. His response, "Why wipe your ass if you are going to $hit again."


    I also teach my children to ask to be excused at the table, do you have young children?  My 3 year old would just run off after two minutes of eating if allowed... we eat together as a family, at a table not in front of the tv. A child needs to learn to be respectful of others at the table.

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  3. Oh no. gone squirrelly now.


    EMR is also not new and depending on rates, it's not dangerous either.


    Humans have EMR output. It's itty bitty. But it's perfectly natural and detectable with the right equipment.


    EMR affects animals and to say that it stops there would be silly. No  one seems to care for my Wisconsin links but I have seen first hand what large towers can do to cows... its sad and scary.





  4. And the county had the right to set its own regulations, until the state determined that there was cause for a variance.  I can see both sides, and no this is not an easy process.  Until the state approved that variance, the Amish did not have the right to ignore building codes.


    And above you stated I was wrong about a panel approving the variance.  Please understand your own links before you correct me. Thanks.


    Oh, so yo do not think that the Amish had a right to ignore the building codes even though they went against the constitutional right for their Freedom of Religion? 

  5. More info on why it's so harmful: https://fortress.wa.gov/ecy/publications/documents/91br023.pdf


    And... is the second half of your post a joke, where you say that solar energy produces electromagnetic radiation?  Is this one of those joke things like dihydrogen monoxide?


    EMRs are scary... http://solar.org.au/papers/04papers/Knipe.pdf


    Just google EMR - but you probably wont like the 'off the gird' posts :) Maybe there is something you will find interesting though! It is scary..


  6. There have been quite a few studies done on the dangers of wood smoke. It's really, really bad for you. Here's some info: https://www.pca.state.mn.us/air/wood-smoke-and-your-health


    Just because something is old-timey and smells good doesn't mean it isn't harming your health. I can only imagine how much the air quality would deteriorate if the entire country switched to wood burning.


    Just because something is new does not mean it is better though - EMR is bad but you dont see that stopping most people on here using a tablet, smart phone or wifi internet to talk? Dont get me started on our food supply and the idea that eatting coal tar is 'healthy'...


  7. *

    I'm too brain dead to go searching, but there actually are studies on it.

    In places where they have only been able to use raw wood or animal poop fuel, not only does it decimate their landscapes bc they always burn faster than the wood regrows and pollute the air, it causes many to die slow and painful deaths at a young age due to respiratory illnesses.

    The introduction of better ovens and cleaner fuels not only improved their health, it allowed time for the landscape to heal.


    I could see the animal poop doing that, the Iraq troops had to burn their own poop and are now getting payment for the affects...


    But wood? My grandma has been cooking on wood for like ever and heats her living room with wood and lived to almost 90 without respiratory issues. Bowel problems, yes but not respiratory.


    That goes to say things like Solar Energy are good, totally off topic, but they produce electromagnetic radiation which is not good... but most people do not know that yet ;)

  8. I read it.  The county wanted its building codes to apply to all residences.  Which on their end is reasonable.  The state "got involved " because that is how the  appeals process in Wisconsin works, and the panel found that a variance could be granted.  It isn't easy, but it is the process. 


    Without reading the decision, the Amish likely were helped by their new structures being within their communities. 


    Regarding the bolded, please read your own links.  A state panel did find the variance request reasonable.  From your second link of your earlier post:

    A Wisconsin panel has approved an Eau Claire Amish family's request for an exemption from the state building code.


    Yes, the state approved it but that is after Eau Claire county rejected it twice (one of the articles stated that.. not sure which one there is a million). This was not some quick fix, it took over six months.


    To restrict people, including Amish, from building homes because they do not agree with electrical requirements is wrong. The county refused for YEARS the right of the Amish to build structurally sound and safe homes all because they did not agree with the UDC.

  9. No one is preventing this guy from fulfilling his dream to live off-grid in a mobile home with uninspected, self-installed electrical and plumbing systems. There are plenty of places in this country, probably even within a few miles of where he is now, that would allow him to do that. Heck, he could buy a piece of land next to the Nauglers and live in an uninsulated shed on the banks of a filthy pond, with no electricity or clean water source, and a 5 gallon bucket for a toilet, just like they do. But don't set up your mobile home in a city that doesn't allow mobile homes, ignore all permit and inspection laws, refuse to apply for variances, and then complain that your "freedoms" have been taken away. "Freedom" doesn't mean the laws don't apply to you.


    I agree, if he is in the city he should move. I would move is some put a chicken barn next to me ;)


    It was just that people 40+ miles from the city had to deal with county codes here. So, living in the country might not help him.

  10. Because instead of using electricity for heating and cooking you use wood or coal fire or something else smokey.


    Of course the same pollution is produced elsewhere by the power plant if it's coal or gas fired but at least it's away from residential areas typically.


    I would be interested in a study that showed the difference between wood pollution (including the cutting, splitting, ect..) to the use of oil or lp gas and the process to get that. Just think it would be interesting.


    We heat with wood - its cheap and hot :) And boy do we love the smell, I dont really get that nostalgic feeling with the LP on... hehe

  11. Oh, you made it sound like someone was trying to force Amish communities to get electricity.  In the second link, a family asked for an exemption and received it.  The county government acted reasonably (asked for building codes to be followed) and the panel found that this was a reasonable accommodation.


    No, it was not that easy and it took over 6 months to get worked out. The county was forcing a new built Amish home, not preexisting ones, to meet the counties Uniform Dwelling Codes. The 'panel found it reasonable' is not true, the state got involved so did the National Committee for Amish Religious Freedom.


    The Amish would not sign for a building permit because they did not agree with it - the part that included smoke detectors, carbon, plumbing and electrical.


    This went on for a long time and the STATE had to get involved because the 'local community' was not being fair. After six months they now have the option to file a waver, they could not do that before. Trust me, they paid big dollars for existing English homes in their community for a couple years (2012?) because building new was not an option.. now it is and houses are going up like crazy.





  12. If everyone- individuals, corporations, etc.- gets to do anything they want in the name of freedom and 'Murica!, it's not going to take long for the nation's air and groundwater to become irreversibly polluted. Where are you going to move then? 


    In my world this would not be a concern, why would the government take away my freedom for more land but allow unsanitary chicken houses (like pp asked me)?

  13. As a community, we decide where we draw lines.  Different communities can draw different lines.  This often happens actually.  What is important in cities is less important in rural areas - even noise ordinances.


    The people living in the community are those who decide where the lines are drawn via their elected officials and ways laws are made (with exception to federal laws, but even then, its our (larger community) who decides those lines in a similar manner).


    "Taking away a person's right to live how they want on their own land is wrong," you said.  If this is true, are you ok with your neighbor putting in a concentrated chicken farm right next to you AND not needing to prove any sort of sanitation to do so?  It's their land, after all, and they want to raise 100,000 chickens for the meat or egg market.  They promise they'll take care of all the droppings and dead birds and flies, etc.


    If you're not ok with that, then you also agree there needs to be some regulation for the common good.


    All Hunstville is asking (as per what is written on here) is that he follow established laws and get variances where needed.   Those variances will show that what he's asking for is reasonable and addresses any health concerns.


    If they were to deny variances that made sense (solar panels for electric, etc), then I'd likely take his side.  Right now he refuses to follow the law of the community.  He needs to move outside that community to somewhere that fits him rather than expecting that whole community to change for him.


    Well, I would move and buy more land to stop that from happening again ;)


    But the Amish are a Community living within a Community of English folks - so, because we are 'English' we have the right to tell another smaller community how to live?




  14. That's so bizarre to me that an entire community has to fight to not have electricity.


    I mean, what if I wanted to go live in some tree hugging commune? You don't need electricity to live safely and healthily usually.


    Most Amish and... Ugh stupid pregnant brain.. What that other one we have around here??.. Men in tights? Anyways, I used to visit them with my grandma as a kid and they were very very clean and sanitary and they were very aware of having to be extra vigilant about it to avoid problems with the outside world.


    They are very clean (well, most not all... hehe!) and very good about helping the 'land' stay healthy when it comes to farming practices. They are so sweet, kind and will do anything for you - best neighbors ever.


    Of course when I locked my baby in the car with my cell phone on a summer day it was annoying... wish they had a phone I could have used! haha

  15. :iagree:  A little study of history - or even present conditions in some areas - could go a long way.


    The vast majority of public regulations due to health concerns show they are created for a reason.  The "Good Old Days" weren't generally so good for everyone involved.


    Two acres is nothing for a fire to consume, esp if there's any brush around or a blowing wind.  Water/wastewater are huge concerns.


    I can fully understand Huntsville asking for compliance or variances to show he's met standards a different way.  Pics and "I told you we did" just don't cut it when one lives in a community with others.


    Just because something is 'not safe' in the majorities eyes does not make it right to take away the rights of others. Smoking is not safe but people still have the right to it. Taking away a persons right to live how they want on their own land is wrong. Our country still allows parents to smoke in their home with young children who have chronic infections because of it.. Why step in here and now and not then?

  16. There was an article recently in a local paper about how the biggest factor in choosing a pediatric heart surgeon is how many procedures they do at that hospital. We had some high name doctor here, but they did very few surgeries so the surgical team was not the best, just not enough practice, and the outcomes were not what they should be. You want a big well known hospital that has specialists who do this a lot. 


    Yes, I agree. 1000%. I see a pediatric cardio yearly at Mayo Clinic in Rochester. I would not go anywhere else. Their pediatric cardio surgeon was amazing, message me if you would like the name. I do not have a scar up my chest and I am not on blood thinners making any future pregnancies impossible. A local hospital would have put in a metal valve, called it good and threw me out the door. Mayo is amazing and I would take out a second mortgage to continue with them if we were not blessed with good insurance.

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