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Posts posted by gevs4him

  1. one idea: since he likes the number line so much, try having him take the small step of visualizing the number line in his head. Have him write it out to make sure it's there in his head. Then have him visualize the number line in his head to add. Then practice, practice, practice.


    FWIW, to the extent I see a number line in my head, it is *vertical*, with the lower numbers at the bottom, and bigger numbers going up. Maybe try making a vertical number line on paper, use that for a bit, and then have him use the vertical number line in his head to add. And then of course practice practice practice.



    Thank you ~ this is not something I thought of :)

  2. What would you do for math, if your ds 8 just does not seem to memorize math facts? He can skip count, do money, time etc. He just does not have his facts mastered ~ he likes to use the number line with every problem. When I put him where he can not use it he takes forever trying to figure the answer. He should be able to snap right off 6+4 or 7+7 ~ you get the jest.


    Thank you

  3. :grouphug:


    Boxed - I have found having something to do for our children (even though you are not well at this time) will improve your health. I know this may sound funny, but when you know you have something you have to do you tend to rise up to the challenge. Since you have an older child it is not hard to teach the children mom needs rest when the baby rests. Our ds 8 knows and is able to do computer work or watch an education dvd if mom needs to rest for a spell. The benefits of home education out way the alternative by far - sending them to school.


    Praying for your health to restore soon.

  4. Emphasis? It definitely falls below math & language arts, but it also is higher in priority than formal music or art appreciation, or formal art or music skills.

    :iagree: Since k we have done lang. arts and math daily, we never skip it. That being said, we also do science and history daily, but skip them if we get short on time or have somewhere to go(they are our after lunch subjects - fun subjects :D). Our ds 8 has always loved and excelled at these subjects and gets upset when we don't do them.




    married 25 years to one awesome man ;)

    dd 20 engaged - college sr. gearing up for grad. school.

    ds 8 hockey player - R&S reading with reading detective, R&S English, R&S Arithmetic with math mammoth, Sequential spelling with spell city, Abeka health, Abeka science with Considering God's Creation, Abeka Hist. and SOTW 1, Building Thinking Skills, Mind benders, Logic Safari,The Complete Book of Maps and Geography, R&S Music, Discovering Great Artist

  5. We use Rod and Staff Exploring Arithmetic 3 and M.M. If I wanted to do just one it would be M.M. As it stands we have used R&S since grade 1 and love the way it is written - we do it 3 times a week orally, on the white board and once a week he writes 10 problems from the book. We do M.M. work text pages 4 times a week. Our ds 8 loves them both and so do I. :001_smile:




    married 25 yrs to one awesome man.

    dd 20 engaged college sr.

    ds 8 hockey lover

  6. I feel bad because this is their home and they have a routine down and I dont want to be demanding and disrupt that. Maybe I'll just ask if before 11:00, it can be quiet time and try to do things after lunch that my nephew can participate in like story time and science projects


    Quite time before 11:00 sounds like a good idea. It is not a healthy routine to have the T.V. on all day long. You would be doing your nephew a favor by asking your sister to shut it off.

    I know this because our ds 8 is a T.V. buff and we just have to say no! Otherwise he would not play with his toys, pretend play, read, etc.



  7. For what age dc? Early Intervention will cover him till basically 3, and the ps after that. My ds is doing speech therapy, so I guess I'm biased toward getting an evaluation. You can't know what you have till you get it evaluated. Could be a minor thing or the tip of a bigger ice berg. Kids can have oral tone issues and all sorts of things to work on.



    Ds turned 8 in Aug. And from what we have read he should be saying his F, and R's and some other combinations clearly by now. He has a hearing test apt. on Jan.7th. (he talks very loud - we thought it was due to alergies) And again ds's Dr. just acted like no big deal when we brought it up at his well apt. last month. Then we plan on having his speech evaluated. He did have 4 front teeth - his Permanent teeth came in behind his baby teeth - so we thought this was the problem. 6 months ago the dentist said this was all okay - hence we are planning to see a new dentist in Jan. So we finally were able to convince ds to let us pull them out. Now his permanent teeth are about 1/2 way in with one of them coming in pretty much sideways. We really don't know how much your teeth play a roll in these sounds.


    Could you please tell me what oral tone issues are?





  8. I don't know about games , but I do know that the best tool to improve speech is : speak . Read , talk about what you read , ask , read again and talk again .





    We are doing this, but it was pointed out to us by a member of our church that they felt our ds possibly has a problem with tongue placement when he speaks. So we feel we need to step things up a notch.





  9. We use R&S Exploring Arithmetic 3 and have used R&S Arithmetic from the start. Our ds 8 likes it and we love the way it teaches, but I had some concerns like you about his retention of some of the skills taught. So this is what we decided - it is best to continue a good base program if you feel it is working and like the way it is written. When you jump programs it is a real good possibility that something may be missed. So that being said I looked for a good supplement for our problem areas. After hours of research and trying different sample worksheets with ds we settled on Math Mammoth. Wow! this has made a world of difference. He loves it and we love that he is retaining the skills that were a problem. My advice is to stay with what you are using get M.M. to supplement. Then comes the hard part getting your children to learn that they both have their own special talents and sometimes since they are so close in age that sometimes they will work at the same level and that it is okay. That they just need to worry about doing their best and not what the other sibling is doing. I do know this is easier said than done.



  10. Mine was breaking her from being a perfectionist and always in a big hurry to finish what she stared so she can start something else. :glare: And yet try as you may they will do as they see fit( we never did break her) and we as parents we went along for the ride :auto: Well that is what we did and to be honest at times it was bumpy, but well most of the time it was fun :lol: DD is now 20 and has flew through college in 3 years. She will graduate in May 2, '11 with 2 majors(English, paralegal), 2 minors(criminal law, pre-law) and one concentration(tech. writing). She carries a 3.85 and is happy to tell you the 3 semesters that she did not get a 4.0 is because she never cracked open a book. So when you ask her why? she states I just wanted to have fun :D When you ask her what she plans to do next? she states go get a MBA, then maybe law school or get a DR.


    So I guess what I am really trying to say do you really think you can change the way a gifted person thinks or their actions? I mean as dd matured she did get less worked up if something did not trun out perfect, but we could never get her to slow down that is just how she is wired.



  11. Need to vent - we took ds 8 to the x-mas make a present for your parent and dinner tonight. My dh and I decided that this year we would help not just drop our ds off for 2 hours(which is why we did not do it last year - we are not keen at droping him off) Anyway back to my gripe - on the way home our ds told us that while he was laying and watching the movie the boy in the gray shirt told him I hate you and everyone at my school hates you - I would like to beat you up. Okay my son got up and moved. Ugg I just don't understand why children have to be so mean :confused:


    Now mind you I was sitting in the same room and saw my son get up and move, but did not think anything about it.


    We just told him he did the right thing by moving away. Then he wanted to know what should he have done if the boy would have hit him?? Ugg do you tell them to hit back??? We have never taught him to fight. Do we teach him? :glare:



    It just makes me mad that children have to bully. And I am at loss as to how to teach our ds at how to respond. :001_huh:


    Thanks for reading my rant!! :D



  12. Grade 1 reading includes spelling - you use letter blocks from the back of the workbook.





    dd 20 college sr.


    ds 8 - R&S Reading/phonics 2, English 2, math 3, and music, SOTW 1, Discovering Great Artist, Considering Gods Creation, Building Thinking Skills Level1 , Balance Benders, Logic Safari, M.M. multiplication 1, early geometry.

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