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Posts posted by gevs4him

  1. I say if that is how you roll and your hubby is fine with it why should you care what others think??:glare: My husband and I are married now for 24 years and we are each others best friends :D That is how we roll and how we enjoy our life :) So who is to say yay or nay to your happiness :tongue_smilie: Only you can be your own judge :lol:


  2. If it's the 1st grade reading/phonics, I'd go ahead and do it orally with him, but I wouldn't stress about it if you're somewhere in the last workbook. If you're further back than that though, I wouldn't skip because of course phonics builds on itself and you need all the pieces. The first workbook of 2nd grade is review, but it goes faster of course.


    We used R&S reading and phonics with both children, and there were many times that we did it orally, sometimes doing one page orally and one page written.



    Thank you - it is reading and phonics (sorry everyone I forgot that very important detail :confused:) And yes we are in the middle of unit 4. He does seem to understand the reading material and understands the phonetic

    rules, but still hesitates to sound words out.



  3. If you are trying to play catch up - would you do the workbook pages orally? And write the answers for your child? (grade 1)

    Our son has been sick and I am feeling stressed (planed to start 2nd grade after x-mas - he is in 2nd grade for all other subjects) we are way behind and I know his writing skills will not allow us to progress so we can catch up. He will not have a problem with the reading part.

    Thank you


  4. Baby steps to build up the time. We started to build sit down time around the age of 5 1/2 with our ds and only for 10 - 15 mins. We did this gently with praise and ticket prize method.(Several 10 - 15 mins. sessions a day and he received a ticket which bought him 15 mins. of electronic time. We still use the positive reinforcement method - marks on the board - which is now for a week long not just the day) He turned 7 in Aug. and sits long enough to get two R&S reading or phonics pages done, YEAH!! When I teach the lesson he lays on the floor playing with what ever he picks up, army men, cars, blocks, etc. He still answers the questions correct when asked so he is paying attention just in his own way. Just have to love homeschooling. :D

    Lisa wife for 23 years to an awesome man

    DD 19 college Jr. Law/English major

    DS 7 having fun loving legos

  5. Ya know I don't know? How would one go about finding that out?


    How to find the dominant eye:

    1) Take a small piece of paper( about 3 x 3) or an index card.

    2) Fold the paper half so you can cut a small hole in the center (about the size of a small marble.)

    3) On the wall at their standing eye site height make a Dot with a dark color ( I wrote it on the white board)

    4) Hold the paper with the hole in front of the left eye - have them look through the hole and try to see the Dot.

    If they can not see the Dot.

    5) Hold the paper over the right eye to see if they can see the Dot.


    The eye that they can see the Dot with is their dominant eye.


    I did this to myself 1st because I wanted to make sure I did it right with DS. :D And I did see the Dot with my right eye and I am right handed - we also did 19 yr DD and she saw it with her left eye and she is left handed. On another note when I took DS to the eye Dr. I had him check it and we were right he is right eye dominant and writes with his left hand - thus creating his handwriting difficulties.



    Sorry about the high-jack - We use Peterson Directed Slant Print Handwring - and love it ;)



  6. My dd has all the same issues as well as a lefty but she is older she's 10 but has struggled with this issue the whole way through

    spacing and reversals interchanging she has gone to OT for awhile and has improved somewhat. She can write "normal" if she closes her eyes weird huh?

    We have done HWT as well as a lot of air letter writing or using yr finger and write a letter on her back and have her guess it. Writing figure 8's really helped


    Is she right eye dominate? This is our DS 7 problem - he strugles, but we have found that Peterson Diredted Handwriting - slant print has really helped him.


  7. Up since 3 a.m. :lol: DD 19 left for Washington D.C. with her PAD group at college. She is in for another round of mock trails. :001_huh: One would think that after 2 trips last year I would be used to it and :chillpill:. But nooo here I sit on the computer all worried about her 3 hour flight, missing her ;) and praying that again this year God will be with her throughout her visit. :) And I had visions of me this a.m. playing catch up on logging hours and paying a few bills :D


    wife of 23 years to one awesome man

    DD 19 college Jr. lovin law

    DS 7 hockey player having fun

  8. Well if you really feel she is to chunkie - talk to her Dr. (Not so she can hear) I know I require alot of protien to keep me full from breakfest until lunch. Oatmeal and fruit doesn't tie me over. When I eat oatmeal I eat 1 piece of bread with peanut butter/honey and a 6 oz. glass of milk. And my 7 yo ds eats almost every a.m. 1 homade waffle 4x4 with corn syrup, 1/2 pear and water for drink. He just went to the Dr. he weighs 75 lbs. and is 4.5 feet tall. She said he is the perfect size for a 8 1/2 year old. And my mother always says he is a little chunky isn't he :confused: He is just built very stout :) Now I do limit unhealthy snacks(candy) and make peanut butter on grams with marshmellow cream for a sweet treat or let him dip an apple in peanut butter mixed with honey. You could also try at dinner putting 1 to 2 tablespoon of all foods made on her plate then do 2nd helpings with a focus on more fruit and vegs. We do not and did not allow our daughter to help themself in the kitchen without permission until the are around 13. And if they sneak the just would lose the next snack.

    :grouphug: Lisa

  9. Well something must be in the air :D Yes, get this our dd 19 just stomped off and went to bed because she told me her 7 yo ds is not nice to her and I am the cause :glare: Now they go round and round yes can you believe it 12 years apart and for years she can't walk by him and keep her hands to herself. And yes he has gotten bigger and does the same to her. (we do get after both of them) Then it is me :tongue_smilie: Guess so cuz I never have gotten her to stop. And boy she was mad when I told her that and that she should really reflect on herself and when she gets herself all straightened out then she can come on back and tell me how to run her borthers life. Well stomp stomp off she went - what did I say? :lol:

    Anyway :grouphug: to you - just have to love our children :)

    Maybe try taking something specail away or better yet give them some kind of special time together with you for going so many minutes with out conflict.;)


  10. Our 2nd graders LA schedule look like this:

    Grammar: R&S Preparing to Build English 2

    Spelling: Sequential Spelling book 1

    Writing: copy work, 1st we read a story 2nd he picks out a main point and writes a sentence 3rd he illustrates his sentence., Draw-write-now books

    Reading: R&S Phonics and Reading along with non-fiction and fiction books which we take turns reading one book and the other he reads out loud to us.

    Handwriting: Peterson Direct 2nd grade slant


  11. Our grow-a-frog is over a 1 year old. She is real big about a 3 inch body. We love her! We bought a 10 gal. glass tank with wire lid and a filter that hangs on the side - wish we would have bought a bottom filter. We change the tank water 1 time per month and the filter 2 times per month. Anyway we do not have anything in the tank - no sand on the bottom and no fake plants. I buy liver about every 4 months for around $1.60 (keep it in the freezer) everyday I cut off a small piece and cut it into smaller pieces - sometimes she takes them off my finger, catches them in the water or when they drop to the bottom she stirs them up and eats them. We started feeding her liver after she stopped eating and I called the company and they told me to feed her it, just never went back to Wal-Mart Food.

    Hope this helps


  12. We use R&S English 2 with our 7 yo ds. Was not going to because he doesn't write well(handwriting problems) and we are in unit 3 in first grade R&S Phonics/Reading so he does not read at the 2nd grade level. We go through it orally and I copy the pages and have him draw lines or whatever fit’s the lesson. We are now on Lesson 15 and he is writing 2-3 sentences. YEAH :hurray: To be honest we are thrilled with it, it is a great - I do all the teacher readings and he is able to do the student readings. So with all the teacher readings. our oral lesson, him doing the copied book page and the sentences it takes around 15 mins. tops. In our eyes it is perfect all around and recommend it. ;)


    DD 18 college

    DS 7 R&S ~ Reading/Phonic 1, Working Arithmetic 2, English 2, Music 1, Health 2, Abeka ~ History 2, Health 2, Art Projects 2, Building Thinking Skills 2-3, SOTW 1

  13. We use Sequential spelling with our 2nd grader. You give a test per day - it goes something like this ~ give a word correct the word until the list is completed. When you write the word on the board for correcting you use different colored makers for the patterns. Example in, pin, thin and so forth. We were really surprised how many words he gets correct. It just makes sense to us. Check them out at http://www.avko.org/sequentialspelling.html you can try the 1st lesson out for free.


    DD 18

    Ds 7

  14. Sorry that your children and you had a bad experience in co-op but, don't be to quick to put the sole blame on your children - not knowing this women or your children. I am just going to take a guess she was probably mad because things were not going the way she had planned. And yes your children being normal children might have rubbed her the wrong way with a comment,(that is children - we teach them to be respectful, but hey we all slip up :glare:). Did she check to see if your sons knee was o.k.? This would upset me if she did not. Also, she should have showed/taught the children how the game was played and how to jump rope. You should never assume a child knows how to do anything. Remember she is to teach P.E. not just tell them do this and that. Now from our experience with co-op P.E. the children were grouped by age (3&4, 5&6, 7-12, 13 -18) your skills are only equal to your developmental stage. You can not expect a 5 year old to keep up or have the same ablities as a 11 year old. And my 6 year old son was taught to jump rope at co-op P.E. They taught everything they wanted the children to learn. They also allowed our children to sit out and watch and if the parents did not approve then it was up to them to get their child to participate.



  15. eBay is so easy for me to use, but recently I've had really hit or miss success selling. I am starting to think that "regular" people aren't using it as much. I have had 6 auctions going during the past week: 2 have sold (for bare minimum -- no bidding wars like the good old days); 2 have re-listed; 2 I've let end without re-listing. Granted, I've only posted about 20 auctions since 2003, so I'm no expert; however, I think (and it's just a feeling) that eBay seems to be more the domain of pros now -- not as many "clean out your closet" people like me anymore. When you see an auction lot of 250 items that are "new with tags", that probably isn't from someone's closet...that's someone going to outlet malls (most likely) buying up a bunch of stuff and re-selling it hoping for a profit.


    :iagree: This is what I have noticed and why I wanted people to give their opinion. It just does not look like people are buying.


    Thank you

    Lisa :)

  16. We have found it helps to stay away from round pencils. :confused:

    We try to look at the big picture - is their handwriting neat? Do they complain about hand cramping? Our son is a lefty and we have had so much trouble and with him it does seem that the correct hold,correct pencil flat sides, and paper tilt produce neater writing and less complaints. So we make sure he is doing it the correct way. Where our daughter who is also a lefty holds her pencil wrong does not have the right tilt of the paper , but never complained of hand cramping and her writing is good. So we let her write the way she felt confortable. :glare:


    DD 18 college

    DS 7 R&S Reading/Phonics - Math - English - Health, Abeka Hist. - Health - Art, Science Units made by mom, Building thinking skills level 1, SOTW 1. Peterson Handwriting slant 2

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