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Posts posted by gevs4him

  1. Everyone is of course entitled to their opinion, but My dd of 18 and myself 45 think it is disgusting to see young and old parade around with their fat rolls. We feel that people should understand that wearing swimwear to fit your body type looks much better(ie. tankini vs bikini or swim shorts vs skimpy bottoms). We do think that confidence is important, and feeling comfortable in your swimwear(no matter what type) shows through and makes any swimwear look better on the person.


  2. Wow :)

    This is a good thing - our dd 18 was like that she just did her work then we went over it ;) while we were going over it I would then put in the teachings about the next lesson. :lol: That way I did get some teaching in before she did the work. No exceptions we had to sit and go over her work then teach for the next lesson - will say it worked very well. Also, I will have to say her style of learning has helped her do an awesome job at college this year straight A's :)


    Now our ds who is 6 well lets just say I have to prod him to do his work. Would much rather have a self doer/thinker :auto:


  3. First I would like to say thank you for sharing - it is always a caring loving parent who reaches out for advice - which you apparently are - don't feel you are doing something wrong because your child does not respond to your ways, it is tough trying to figure out why your child decides to act out. Take a step back and think well I am 6 months pregnant and things need to change around here so how can I put a positive spin to make that change? Maybe tell her you really need her help with things - explain to her she is the oldest and she is such a sweet, kind loving little girl who her mommy loves and needs help from - tell her you have some special things you know only a big girl like her will be able to do - whatever it takes to break the cycle of unkind behavior - have her do little things for her brother, make a big deal about it that you are so glad she can do that for him, have her do things around the house ( I had to change the way I folded clothes because our daughter felt she needed to help) whatever it takes to give her things to do to help you were you can give her praise. You could even make a little chore list to put stickers on or check off when she does a chore if that would make her happy.(our daughter loved hers) Will be praying for you -


  4. Hi Lisa!


    It is for regulating your sleep cycle, so if your child has been unable to get to sleep and wake up early enough, then it will help to sort that out. :)


    I also find that very small doses work for me, and I have given DD a tiny dose (like 1/8 of a 500 mcg pill) and it works well. It might depend on the person... I have heard that it is safe to give much more than that. There was a thread here about it, in fact.



    Thank you for the info. - this is good to know :001_smile:


  5. I feel for you - our dd 18 is long legged and long bodied. Her problem is everything is always to short and lets her belly show which is not allowed - also I never have allowed speg. straps. Unless she is using them under a shirt to prevent a too low V or to short length. Which I would say she only owns 1. The rest are sleeveless undershirts that are thin and long which she wears underneath shirts. (we have even bought the boys/sm men’s white 3 pkg to use better $) Also I have bought shirts and sewn in a piece to cover the low V or sowed up the V. And shorts forget it unless she will wear sports shorts. My dd wore boys sport shorts b/c they were longer. And we also went to skorts and skirts. Right now she is having a problem getting jeans they are all cut so low in the waist. Which are crude when you bend over -yuck. We spend a lot of time at the store trying on clothes and only buying a few. She may take in 20 shirts and come out with only 2 that fit properly. Good luck :) It is a shame this day and age you just have to be very creative.


  6. Well, that *alone* would make me consider having him evaluated. ... My *guess* would be that you would simply find he has a high IQ combined with a thoughtful, perfectionistic nature. But because you (as his mother!) suspect something more, I think it's worth investigating.



    Our dd now 18 was such a perfectionist (she even had a S.S. teacher tell her there was only one perfect person to walk this earth and his name was Jesus - so don't think you can be) that she was always upset with herself for not doing everything 100% right. To the point that she would quit the task. :( Then be upset with herself for quitting. She was always a very deep thinker and still is, and was always asking questions we could not answer or we had to look up to give her an answer. She did have eye contact because she would stare you down waiting for that answer. Now on a different note our 6.5 year ds has a big problem with looking people in the eye when he talks or is addressed. (We were told some children are not sure of themselves and have to be taught how to look at someone, some say it will come with age - we really don't know.) Back to our dd we did not understand what was going on with her so we had her tested and low and behold she is gifted. It made us feel better to know what was up and we still are learning how to deal - I know it doesn't sound good, but this year she started college and she has to carry 18 or more hours per semester and feels she needs to be at the perfect 4.0. Wants to graduate in 3.5 years with 2 B.A.'s - and is well on her way. After reading your post I plan to read the sites that someone posted - it just dawned on me while writing - there might be something we should be doing to help her destress :confused:

    Thanks for your help - please get your son tested it would make you feel better. :)


  7. You get the elemental science. lol. Because I know it is better than what I was trying to plan and do. It looks like it will get done, whereas my plans just ...don't.


    Now I know you are good at plans :001_smile: Just now looking for the books to go with it - Which Kingfisher First Human Body Encyclopedia green front ?

    How about Kingfisher First Animal Encyclopedia white or green? Does kingfisher have a site - hum I am not having luck finding it :glare:

    Now looked at these on Amazon and oh have to have them - not good, but they are great!!



  8. www.elementalscience.com This is very affordable and gives you a ton of things to do in the student pages. I just got biology and have just started looking through it and am very impressed. It is so much better than what I was doing before. Even WinterPromise is mostly narration. You can still add to it with all of TWTM recs.


    And here is a related thread:


    1st grade science the WTM way?


    Oooohh :) Lovetodeath talk about causing confusion in my mind :D I love the elementalscience!! - this is the best I have seen! Now what to do since I already have next years science books bought and working on the units??? :confused:


  9. I would call back and tell them you want the Dr. to call you. Have your list of questions ready -like - Could it be something having to do with nursing? I know when I nursed our son I had a gland that would swell up and it was sore at times. If not what do they think it could be? What other test would they want to do and why? Explain to the Dr. you don't want to wean your baby and how important is the test? - can it wait until your baby is done nursing? This is just some questions that I can up with I am sure you can come up with others, but why pay $20.00 when the Dr. should speak to you over the phone. Also If you have had it for years did you ever have a mammogram?



  10. My understanding is that SS is for 3rd/4th and above. Is this correct? I'm not sure I would use it with one so young. I think I would continue working on phonics with ETC books, along with lots of copywork, until at least third.


    That's just me though. ;)




    :iagree:I was told to use it when they were at the 2nd grade level or above. So it is a good possibility that you are right. I too am going to stay working with phonics until my son reaches at least 3 rd grade level.

    I do love SS and think it is a wonderful spelling program :)


  11. From our experience I would put her ahead - our daughter was very bright like yours they would not put her ahead and at the time I did not fight for her to be put ahead. So trying to make a long story short - school made a good effort to increase her work in the reg. classroom and put her into their gifted program, but she was bored and unhappy. - So by 4th grade she begged to be homeschooled.(which turned out to be such a blessing) She advanced at will and started college one year ahead of her peers this year and has been on the deans list and carries a 4.0. So I would put her ahead and pray that it will be enough challenge for her.

    Lisa blessed wife to DH of 23years :)

    Two special gifts DD 18 :Angel_anim: DS 6 :gnorsi:

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