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Posts posted by Ibbygirl

  1. I actually think that we all (British or not) are entitled to our opinions on them. They love the publicity and have huge PR departments working for them. The British monarchy loves the media and being in the spotlight. If they can't stand the heat, they need to get out of the kitchen. It's not exactly like they're keeping a low profile as the royal families of the Netherlands and Scandinavian countries. They're asking for it and it's their own doing.


    I absolutely believe that everyone is entitled to have an opinion on any subject. My comment about America having spoken on it in 1776 was in reference to the initial discussion in this thread about whether or not the monarchs should be "throne" out to use Bill's parlance. :p It is my opinion that the US had already declared it's position on monarchy back in 1776 and therefore we really have no business calling for the abolition of the royal family IN ENGLAND. It's for them to decide for themselves. People are entitled to believe whatever they want and they have the freedom of speech to declare it also, but I think it's pretty presumptuous and arrogant to tell people in another country what should be done with their royals when we already left the conversation so long ago, kwim? That's all I meant really.

  2. That is a hell I do not enter.


    Ha! This is just all the unpacked stuff lol. And every time I didnt know where i should put stuff, i put it in the garage. Let's just say reckoning day has arrived. It is either trash,or it has a home.


    :grouphug: Do you have some help at least going through everything? I hope you can get through it and have it behind you soon. I HATE that kind of work. It makes me crazy, but yeah it needs to be done or the stuff takes over. I hope you finish sooner rather than later so you can relax and enjoy your new home. Congratulations! :cheers2:

  3. My DH is scheduled to be in NOLA on Wed-Thurs for a political science conference. He is the head of the Disaster Study group he started last year because of his focus on post-disaster recovery. He got started on this topic when we were the unfortunate "survivors/victims" of Hurricane Katrina (we'd moved to NOLA only six weeks before!). His new book on the topic, Building Resilience" is being launched this Tuesday in DC before he leaves for NOLA (it is also the anniversary of the Hurricane). Wondering if he is going -- I hope not only because we are moving to Japan on the Sunday after (the movers are coming the days he is gone) and I'd like to have him here for the final walk-through and to get on the plane together!!!


    Cool!! I hope his book does well. Good luck on your move to Japan. You know our fellow boardie Jean in Newcastle grew up there. :) Best wishes on this new chapter in your lives. :)

  4. We've had some winds in the night here (just north of Miami on the east coast), but nothing too bad. It's been raining non stop all day, but really not much more than what we get with tropical waves. I see the track has moved a lot more west now. I really hope it doesn't flare up too much once it hits the Gulf. Stay safe everybody. :)

  5. We're about an hour south of Cocoa on the Atlantic coast and were given Tropical Storm warnings for Sunday-Monday. I'm glad it's not coming here since dh is out of town and didn't put the shutters up. Our generator is not working either. But we have food, water, and flashlights if needed.


    I used to think hurricanes were fun until we got hit by Frances and Jean back in 2004. I never want to do that again.




    Ugh, I was locked in my house for 5 days with Francis!! :glare: That was when I realized that YES rum is indeed a hurricane supply!! lol


    We got nailed here by Wilma in 2005! We got the eye wall 3 TIMES!!! It was awful, but still not as bad as Andrew! That's still the scariest thing I've ever been through to date. :eek:

  6. The evacuations in The Keys are not mandatory, they are just urging visitors to leave, but not mandating it like usual. I'm in South Florida 2 miles from the beach just above Miami. It's been cloudy and rainy here for two days. It's been completely dark with cloud cover and rain all day today. We're under hurricane/tropical storm warning in my area and they are forecasting winds here Sunday and into Monday to be gusting over 60mph. That's what I heard on the last advisory about an hour or so ago.

  7. My sister passed away in May (I posted when that happened) and I brought back one of her cats. Here is the part I can't tell anyone in my life because most of them would think I'm nuts and the other ones might be incredibly sad (my mom and my other sister).


    Damascus (the cat) sleeps on my pillow by my head and purrs in my ear all night. My dh keeps telling her to go sleep where cats belong but I love having her there. Sometimes I feel like my sister is there with me, in the cat. I've heard people make statements like that and I always thought it was weird but I now understand how it feels. It makes the tears flow thinking about it. I love having her cat but sometimes it is really hard because I wish my sister still had her cat.





  8. He was a nice man. I grew up near where he lived and was in a 4-H horse club with one of his children. I do have the honor of saying that Neil Armstrong helped me carry my tack box into the show barn for the fair once. He was not at all conceited or pretentious.


    My condolences to his family.:grouphug:


    How cool! :)

  9. :) I know, I am actually quite grateful. But I am even more grateful that our new home has a very large, 2 story storage shed which can house just about everything seasonal, as well as garden tools. So technically, our garage should be able to fit our two cars........:glare:


    That's awesome! So this garage that you're cleaning out now is your old house and you're moving in to the new one, or is the new one the one you're cleaning out. Your house sounds lovely btw. :) Enjoy it.


    I'm kind of a nut about my car and like to keep it nice and shiny. :p I don't have a garage though and live near the beach so it's pretty much impossible. Dh won't let me get a car cover for it so it just sits outside exposed all the time. I dream of a house with a garage to put my car in. I would have no trouble keeping it up if I had one. :)

  10. My dd went to school for 3rd grade and it was a disaster. If she hadn't had such a cushion going in from homeschooling Kindergarten, first and second I know it would have been much worse. She was so lost with not much support and came home every day with homework that she had forgotten the teacher's instructions on. It was like homeschooling without having had the benefit of having taught the lesson. :( She was bullied mercilessly and it was just an overall bad experience for us. My dh was against homeschooling too and made me send her for 3rd grade and even he after 2 months was like, "She's homeschooling next year!"

  11. If it would get to you in time I'd send you one of these:






    It's like the Italian verion of a Keureg - a single serving percolator that sits on the stove. It's my lifesaver when dh is gone! Throw in grounds on the top, water on the bottom, and wait a few minutes for hot and fresh coffee.


    Just a word of warning, you've got to be careful with those things and buy a good "made in Italy" one. I'm Cuban and that's what we use for our coffee and I've been making coffee in those things since I was 9 years old! I had one blow up in my face a couple of years ago and gave me 3rd degree burns! :eek: That solid metal top went off like a bomb and just missed hitting me directly in the head by about an inch!! It was a "made in China" one I learned after the fact to replace my "made in Italy" one whose handle had broken off. So just be careful with them and probably don't stand in front of them when they're coming up. :tongue_smilie:

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