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Posts posted by dangermom

  1. Yeah, no peanut oil. It's dangerous. We just avoid Asian food altogether unless I have cooked it myself (my peanut-allergic kid is also allergic to all nuts, sesame, and all legumes including soy).


    :grouphug: I would not want to be adjusting to this new reality while living in an Asian country that uses peanuts as a staple. It's quite hard enough here! But you will do it.


    You must learn that unless you KNOW something is safe, then it isn't. You have to be paranoid about food. After a while it's just life, and a lot easier.

  2. :iagree:Seriously! It's like being diabetic and working in a donut shop--torture!


    Ha! It just means we have piles of books sitting around at home to read. After all, we do get first crack at the new books...


    My co-worker and I once agreed that the stacks (where the books are shelved) are the best place to be. It's our favorite place. Everything is better in the stacks.

  3. Our families did this several years ago. When bil originally brought up the idea of us not buying each other gifts anymore, everyone was relieved. It seemed we were all giving each other gifts because we were afraid of offending. None of the adults were upset about giving it up.



    The same thing happened in my family. We are all happier. I usually sew something neat for all the nieces and nephews (like library tote bags, doll/bear clothes, etc.).

  4. Ok, this is the one I started with. I'm figuring out though, that 'Season 1' is not actually the beginning. There were lots more doctors before this one, yes? So should I go back and try to watch the 60's and 70's ones (that are still around)? Or just forget it and go forward?


    Also I really didn't think I liked Chris Eccleston at first but I think I'm changing my mind. :D



    I love Christopher Eccleston. :)


    I also love the older episodes, and they are very fun to watch IMO. But you might want to wait a little while.

  5. Last year I made tamales for Christmas. I put them together, half steamed them, and froze them in dozens. They were so appreciated, not because I spent a lot, but because the recipient understood the time they took and the thought behind it. They've been asked for again this year. :D




    Oh yeah, I would LOVE a supply of tamales --or some other neat food. My brother and his wife once did Korean potsticker thingys. Things like that are wonderful!

  6. Yes, talk to your people and propose things like


    --let's just have presents for the kids, not the adults

    --let's just get together for a cookie swap or a hot chocolate/caroling party

    --let's donate $5 each and give it to a charity instead of gifts



    As for your own kids or any others you really have to buy presents for, start collecting ideas now for inexpensive gifts you can make. Get things on clearance now and stash them away. The Prudent Homemaker has tons of frugal gift ideas under the frugal living tab. If you can sew, look at Sew, Mama, Sew's Handmade Holidays category for a billion ideas. And there are always lots of great food things you can do!

  7. Thank you all so much for the support. You are all making me feel much better about making that decision.


    I am guessing her parents just didn't recognize the numbers and figured why would someone they didn't know call late at night?


    Yeah, I gotta admit I'd be skeptical if someone called me claiming to be a suicide prevention hotline. My scammer rader is always set on high.


    I'm very glad you called and made sure that someone got through. Well done you!

  8. 1. Rose's colorful and brief wardrobe reminds us, along with her not RP accent, that she grew up in a tough part of town. This makes her the most difficult Dr. Who character for fancy dress, hands down. (Even if Mater & Pater allowed you out of the house in that get-up, can you be SURE everyone will know it's a costume? And all those mascara bits floating down into your eyes . . . ouch.)



    Very true. Rose comes from the wrong side of the tracks, metaphorically speaking.

  9. The horrible special effects are part of the fun! It wouldn't be Doctor Who if the effects were amazing.


    The flashy wand is a "sonic screwdriver." It's pretty much a magic wand, but only for certain situations, and sometimes it breaks.


    The Doctor is a Gallifreyan Time Lord, and doesn't quite understand human romance. This leads to some interesting situations, but his companions are not really love interests in the traditional sense.

  10. Nah, she's a homeschooler.


    I'm another that doesn't like dividing lines, and I honestly don't think your 'integrity of a definition' argument holds water. If you like, you can call yourself an independent homeschooler, as opposed to a homeschooler using a charter. I think that's perfectly valid. But you're both still homeschoolers.


    I started out independent, and I never would have thought that I'd sell out to the Man :tongue_smilie: and go charter. Then I went broke and couldn't afford so much as a math book. I joined a charter and am very happy, and the only way my life has changed is that I can afford science kits now. I could no longer attend the mom's group for independent homeschoolers (which I didn't really fit into anyway, as they were all evangelical and I am a Christian of the LDS variety ;)), but you know what--that group fell apart soon afterwards. It wasn't open enough.


    Rigid line-drawing and, sorry, snobbery lead to isolation and stagnation. IMO.

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