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Posts posted by WishboneDawn

  1. My brother gave me one of those shelving units with baskets rather then shelves for Christmas one year. It has four baskets. Most of my needles and point supplies are in the to basket. Other stuff is crammed randomly into the other baskets. Balls of yarn hide in corners around the house.


    It's a foolproof system.

  2. We really want and are seriously beginning to plan to live overseas. No point in buying if we're leaving anyway.


    Even if we stay however, I am not confident we're not just walking into the same trap pre-2008. I read a report just last week that another housing bubble has started. I have a lot of concerns.

    What?! Aren't you supposed to be moving to Canada? Do I have to revoke your honorary pretend citizenship?

  3. I was outside horseback riding in a hoodie when it was 30 and sunny today. It felt that warm.

    I've been out in that temp in a t-shirt...of course I was whacking a stack of firewood to break the ice so I could bring in wood...That works up a sweat pretty quick.:D

  4. I have Ernie from Sesame Street. All my others were thrown out by mistake when I was a teenager. I never was a kid that caredaa ton for stuffed animals so Ernie is tucked away somewhat, treasured but never cuddled our anything.


    I did have one important animal and that was Rowlf from The Muppets. Each of the kids in my family got a Muppet one Christmas and they were sort of our family totems. :) Unfortunately they were all tossed out by mistake in that one great tragedy. But as an adult my one brother found the Scooter he had owned on EBay. Then he found and sent me the Rowlf doll. Then I found the Kermit doll my other brother had had had at a thrift store and finally a couple of years ago I found the Fozzie that my sister had had. I have it to her at Xmas and it had special meaning because my brother had passed away two years previous and she had his Scooter.


    None of us are sentimental in regards to stuffed animals but the Muppets are special to ask of us regardless of gender.

  5. I'm with everyone on this one because I think we're talking two sides of the same coin. Mothers are either undervalued and unappreciated or they're put on some ridiculous Precious Moments pedestal like a saint.


    I'd be happy with something in the middle. Respect for our chosen vocation and the skills it demands would be great. I do NOT want the kind of patronizing adoration the gets printed on coffee mugs and posted on Facebook.

  6. The AMDG bothers me in that I have religion thrown in my face all.the.time. Message boards are like 'conversation' to me (as WishboneDawn said), so that is what seeing that acronym at the beginning of each post feels like to me--- religion being thrown in my face. MomofOneFunOne seems like a really nice person and I generally like her posts, so I'm sure her intent isn't to make others feel uncomfortable, but it is uncomfortable to me.


    Bolding in posts doesn't bother me, but posts in all color do. Someone posts in all green and it hurts my eyes to read. I'll read short posts, but it they are more than a few sentences, I have to give up. I also won't look at websites with black backgrounds and white font---I just can't read with that type of color contrast. I was surprised to see there are still some of those out there!

    I definitely don't feel it's religion being thrown in my face.


    I think what should be considered is the poster. MomofFunOne is generally a polite and considerate poster and not prone to proselytizing. There is a point where I think that has to be taken into account and the feelings of offence dismissed. To those who are familiar with her It's quite obvious it's something she does for herself and it's not meant to say anything about the rest off us.



    I'm actually regretting saying anything though. We've now moved to essentially discussing just one (lovely) poster and I think that's unfair.

  7. I don't think anyone has mentioned this yet, but AMDG is also used as a motto by the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits).  


    My husband and I both received some of our education at Jesuit schools, so I'm happy to give them a little publicity here!      http://www.jesuit.org/aboutus

    I never went to a Jesuit school but I consider them the Beatles of the education world. :D

  8. Ok, I'm really going to step in it here and say that I loved Vision Forum before they, you know, went down in flames. My kids love the Jonathan Park audios and we have some hymn cds that teach you to sing in parts. And potato guns! They're fabulous.


    Admittedly some of the Jonathan Park gets a little off but we just talk about it. There was one segment where they were supporting girls not going to college and I just told my girls, "You're going to college." They were like, "We know." No big deal. I actually felt like one of their segments was very respectful to evolutionary scientists (they had a debate or something) not that I want to open THAT can of worms. We use those and we use materials from other, very different sources.


    I'm pretty sure I have a grammar book somewhere here by the Pearls. Someone gave it to me. It's a little weak on actual grammar but there was nothing sinister about it.


    My point is that you've just got to pick and choose. Like someone else already said, I don't think my boy's potato guns or our hymn cd brought evil woman enslaving mojo into our home.


    Besides, I have a pixie cut. They wouldn't take me if I wanted to get in. :)

    I think part of the problem some might have though is that the circle of concern for harm done should be wider then our own family.


    The potato gun is of no issue to you but you gave funds in exchange for it, right? You dealt with the issues in the video. But now those funds are in the hands of a business enterprise that has done real damage. And when you're done with the video, will it be tossed out our passed on? And once out of your hands it might find it's way into the hands of someone not quite as discerning and you've become part of the system of spreading certain messages you object to.


    There are excellent materials from more respectable and upfront companies. Part of picking and choosing might be too pick from those companies rather then ones like VF and the Pearls.

  9. The aura that you described is pretty much what happens to me. The visual part lasts about half an hour and then is gone. I don't get the painful headache part at all. So it is possible that you won't.


    I know some people get the aura and painful headache, but some people don't. Maybe you will be lucky this time.

    This is similar to me although I do get mild headaches that some ibu profen and a nap will take care of. Generally they're triggered by not getting enough sleep or not drinking water.


    To the OP, they are disorienting and take a bit out of you but I wouldn't be too worried.

  10. I think forum discussions are a little more analogous to talking rather then writing so the AMDG is disruptive to the reader in a way it might not be in a letter our email.


    I do agree that in mixed company it might cause more issues then the author is trying to avoid.


    That said, my minor irritation with it is my own. I'm similarly annoyed by bold and colored don't but I just deal with it. Lots of people I talk to IRL have tics or verbal works that are distracting to I sort of put it in that category and move on.

  11. No, because as I just clarified- it is *not* not being able to afford CC that (in my opinion/mind) riff-raff- it is the character and behavior of the people that I think are riff-raff.


    Any mom willing to put forth the effort to be a tutor does not fall under riff-raff in my book.


    Again, I am not saying that *just because* someone can't afford CC (or uses public transportation) that they are riff-raff.


    I am saying that the people that I want to stay away from, what I consider riff-raff, have these things in common- they would never pony up the cash, nor the effort, to participate in CC- and I enjoy that aspect of it.


    In my 4 years of CC- I have never seen nor heard of the antics that I talked about in our CC community. Everyone participates, everyone contributes... There is no drama, no gossip, no major problems- and women that are extremely intelligent and are very committed to the (top-notch) education of their children. We have conversations about politics, religion, literature, current events, etc. and they are always respectful, even when not everyone has the same opinion.


    When my moms sign up for a field trip- they keep their word, and show up. If they need to cancel- they do it as soon as possible.


    Starting CC was a breath of fresh air for us. I am so glad that I found it, and, that our community is run so well.

    Okay, I actually think that is a good reason for higher prices and a fair point. It likely wouldn't convince me but I can see that bring an excellent reason for many homeschoolers.

  12. What gets my dander up is when people use natural science to come to theological conclusions ("the physical evidence shows that things happened this way, so therefore there is no God/creator"), and when people use the Bible as a science book ("the universe had to be created in six 24-hour days regardless of whatever scientific data indicates otherwise"). My pastor/theologian husband has this to say to both scientists and theologians: "Stay in your own lane!"

    No, I think that's absolutely fair. If there's no scientific evidence of God and you've not got awhit of interest in faith, I think it's quite reasonable to conclude there's no God.


    The problem would be if someone maintained the lack of evidence was proof that there was no God. But that reveals a misunderstanding of science more then a misapplication of it.

  13. I am absurdly blessed in the in-law department.


    I love my in-laws and every members of my husband's wonderful extended family. His sister's in-laws are also amazing and since we see them fairly often they're like an extra set of grandparents to my kids. My late brother's in-laws are great and we bonded when my brother died. My other brother's in-laws are warm and funny and I have a great time when I'm around them.


    There honestly isn't a bad apple in the bunch and I'm very thankful that my kids get to grow up surrounded by these people.

  14. No, Albeto's is there but edited to be blank. I can't tell about any other b/c I'm on my phone but albeto's deleted post is still quoted in several places which makes me think something was wrong with mine. Apparently I'm breaking board rules left and right today. Irritating. Now you can't even follow the conversation.

    I've still got a post quoting her that hasn't been removed. I'm baffled.

  15. I was upset for Patrick Chan, poor guy. He had the gold in his reach after Hanyu's troubles but it was not to be. Canada is still missing a men's gold. 


    But Jason Brown. Wow. There was no one we enjoyed as much as Brown. Every other long program seemed boring and devoid of character and then he came on and we had a blast watching him.

  16. Nothing to forgive. I didn't know I should have corrected you because it didn't occur to me you read it as a quote until Cat cleared things up. I should bribe Cat to help me with my reading comprehension more. 


    We're good?

    I am SO glad I kept reading before responding to your "straw man" post. I took your post as Momoflaw did and could NOT for the life of me understand why you were dismissing her valid correction with a random fallacy alert. :D

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