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Posts posted by WishboneDawn

  1. Hi guys,


    We just have a few clarifications:

    • Our high school principal is now doing his second BA. He graduated high school in 2004 and his first BA is in English Literature.
    • Our teachers all hold MAs and above, except 2. Out of 35 staff members, 25 hold a PhD or are currently working towards one.
    • The school is registered in the US CollegeBoard. Go to https://apcourseaudit.epiconline.org/ledger/ and search our name.

    We are very sorry if our site does not answer any queries you might have. We'd love to help you; please use the live chat feature on our website or email info@harari.edu.pl



    Thank you for the information.

  2. Yes, but they are largely a "cult of personality." Maybe without Gothard they will fall apart faster, especially as more people share their stories on blogs.

    The cult of personality aspect is another commonality with Ham.

  3. Can I ask a question about your last sentence? Why do you (and others) lump Ken Ham in with Gothard? I've seen this comparison before and I'm not sure why? Ken Ham isn't a Pastor. He does run a ministry but it's concentrated on seven-day creation. Not trying to argue - just genuinely curious as to how Ken Ham gets lumped into a conversation about Gothard?

    He expects people to take his word as gospel and is quite vicious to those who disagree with him.


    His MO isn't exactly the same but he still has an entitled authority that his fans seem loathe to question. There's a willingness to cede reason and the work of faith to certain men in some quarters and Ham is as much a symptom of that as Gothard.

  4. After Doug Philips and Bill Gothard both resigning in six months, I find myself hoping that Michael Pearl will be next. It's time to clean house of these sickos.

    I think you could clean house all you want but if you don't acknowledge that the house itself is the problem, the unthinking surrender to patriarchal authority, it will be a rather useless exercise.


    For every Gothard that's deposed there's a Ken Ham who's uncritically adored.

  5. I hate the word "rapey".


    My lip curls into a contemptuous sneer whenever I see a business described as Christian or a ministry. No people, it's your for-profit enterprise. Announcing that it's Christian or a ministry makes me suspect it's exactly the opposite.


    Christian worldview? Really? There is one? Which one, tell me please? Roman Catholic? American Evangelical? Russian Orthodox? Amish? Westboro Baptist? Stop pretending Christianity is some homogenous lump and learn more about the larger church. Then you can construct your own worldview instead of buying someone else's. For a related rant see the term "Biblical".

  6. HSLDA just posted this on facebook:


    "BREAKING NEWS!!! The Romeikes can stay!!!

    Today, a Supervisor with the Department of Homeland Security called a member of our legal team to inform us that the Romeike family has been granted "indefinite deferred status". This means that the Romeikes can stay in the United States permanently (unless they are convicted of a crime, etc.)


    This is an incredible victory that can only be credited to our Almighty God.

    We also want to thank those of who spoke up on this issue--including that long ago White House petition. We believe that the public outcry made this possible while God delivered the victory.

    This is an amazing turnaround in 24 hours. Praise the Lord.

    Proverbs 21: 1 "The king's heart is like a stream of water directed by the Lord, He guides it wherever He pleases."

    ~~Michael Farris"


    I'm shocked, to say the least.

    I'm sorry but if Obama deserved the blame for having them deported, he deserves the praise for NOT having then deported.


    Unless God is on the US government payroll now...?

  7. You could start Philosophy for Kids by David White right now. It's not expensive and is discussion based. I have no idea why it's not more talked about on this board.


    Next year you could use an IB Theory of Knowledge text. Oxford and Cambridge both have excellent ones but we choose the Cambridge text because all the teacher resources are free online where you gave to buy a TE with the Oxford book. You could pair that with Great Minds of the Western Intellectual Tradition from TTC (maybe from the library). The book gives the tools for thinking and the lectures give a great overview of key figures and ideas.


    You could also pair the lectures with the PfK book.

  8. I think that's ridiculous. If the concept of Pi is beyond the kids then why bother with it at all? Or it could be introduced as 22/7. Heck, I was very shaky on what Pi was until I started homeschooling and saw it written as 22/7 in some book on the history of math. All of a sudden it made sense because written as a fraction it relates more directly to what it represents.

  9. Nothing. I believe homeschooling is superior to everything else out there, and in a positive, thriving, homeschool, I can't think of one thing that would ever cause me to think differently.


    Even in a less than perfect situation, I can't think of much that would stop me from continuing our homeschool journey. I have loved every minute of it, and have been lucky enough to not suffer from the burnout and stress that can derail the homeschool train for many. It has truly been one of the best decisions I've ever made, and I'm so fortunate to see my exclusively homeschooled and graduated kids, thriving and excelling in their respective universities and careers.


    If you are having doubts, let me assure you that homeschooling works. The days are longer than the years. If you are diligent, if you work hard, if you're willing to sacrifice some peace and personal time, if you don't give up when things are difficult...your reward will be tremendous. It is worth every second, and there can be so much joy in the journey. But there is even more joy in the results.


    I am truly grateful for the privilege of homeschooling my children.

    Reread the OP.:)

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