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Posts posted by JenneinCA

  1. Actually I think terrified is more accurate, but...


    I don't know if anyone remembers but I had a miscarriage at 16 weeks (a little person we had nicknamed Sprog in May 2006) and then another miscarriage at 19 weeks (a little person we called Mouse in January 2007). They were devastating losses. We took some time to regroup and recover and actively didn't get pregnant.


    My OB ran every test he could think of. All of them came back normal. There was no explanation. No reason. He talked to the high risk OB about me. He did everything he could.


    With the knowledge that the OB said there was no reason for the miscarriages and his assurances that there was no reason he could find not to try again, we decided to try one last time. And it worked. I am pregnant. But I am really really really scared. Losing Sprog and Mouse was awful. I don't want to go through that again. But I want to have a new little person enough that I am willing to try again.


    I have my first OB appointment on February 18. He is going to do an early ultrasound and confirm that everything looks good and then send me to a high risk OB for a consultation and care for the rest of the pregnancy if I want. My OB is willing to care for me too, it just depends on what the high risk OB says.


    So anyway, my due date is September 29. And I could use every positive thought and good vibes you might send this way.


    Jenne in AZ

    (mom to dd9, ds7, ds3)

    (Sprog and Mouse)

  2. My kids are dealing with something like what your husband has. It started with a cough and then moved on to a fever of about 102, then the fever broke and now the cough is getting better. We spent about three days getting to the point of the fever, about a day with the fever and are now recovering and coughing occasionally. The worst is obviously over. Yippee!


    For us, the fever was very limited and lasted about 12-24 hours and then was gone. The tylenol helped for making people feel better but didn't make the illness go away any faster. (We do tylenol here because I am allergic to aspirin, advil and all other aspirin look alikes if you can do advil it probably will do a better job with the fever.)


    So far no one else has caught it (not me, not ds3, not husband). It didn't do anything scary other than make them kind of zonky for a day or so.


    I hope your husband feels better soon.


    Jenne in AZ

  3. My little guy is three and a half. We are doing Letter of the Week and Alphabet Art and whatever books we read.


    We have a list of things to do each day, but it is not so much that I want him learning things. It is so I am forced to make time to be with him and sit and do things with him. I make time to do math and spelling and stuff with my older kids and the little guy was getting lost in the shuffle.


    Letter of the Week is here: http://www.letteroftheweek.com/preschool_age_3.html


    Alphabet Art is here:



    Jenne in AZ

    (dd9, ds7, ds3)

  4. I am Jenne in AZ, I took out the spaces when I registered here because I thought it wouldn't let me use them. Ooops.


    I am homeschooling three kids. My daughter, Bookworm is 9, and reads everything she can find. She also likes to play the recorder and neopets.


    My older son, MisterMan, is 7. He likes to build things and run around screaming. He plays piano and Cub Scouts is the highlight of his week.


    My little guy, Bunny, is 3. He follows the older kids around everywhere. He likes playing with legos and duplos and would rather not go to the older kids activities.


    I am Jenne in AZ. I am old enough to not give an age. I spend my time researching curriculum and chasing kids. I would like to learn how to make a really good loaf of whole wheat bread and how to play chess. We have homeschooled since my oldest was born.


    Jenne in AZ

    (dd9, ds7, ds3)

  5. I switched my then newly 6 year old boy to cursive because it helped him with the reversals that he couldn't see in print. HWOT worked wonderfully for him. He is now 7 and I am not sure if he could print if he wanted to. And the reversals pretty much stopped too!


    My daughter learned cursive at the same time. She was newly eight. She can write in either but greatly prefers to print and I don't have a problem with that.


    So my daughter prints and my son does cursive. I never thought about how weird that really was...


    Jenne in AZ

    (dd9, ds7, ds3)

  6. A conversation this morning between my 7 year old son and his 3 year old NON-potty trained little brother:


    7 year old: Why won't you p**p on the potty?

    3 year old: I don't want to.

    7 year old: But why? Don't you like ice cream?

    3 year old: I like ice cream, but I don't want to p**p on the potty.

    7 year old: But it's been a long time since we had ice cream and Mom said we would have ice cream if you p**ped on the potty.

    3 year old: I don't want to.

    7 year old(getting frustrated): Well, no one is going to like you if you are an adult and still wearing diapers!

    3 year old: I still won't do it.


    I was laughing at the whole conversation. The little guy is so determined to be in control of something. The joys of three year olds!


    Jenne in AZ

    (dd9, ds7, ds3)

  7. My ds8 has autism and is only 'sorta verbal' so he is not able to explain to us at all what's going on in his head. However, we have noticed ourselves that apples in particular make him a 'space cadet.' He's also gfcf, but that's for other reasons. Apples is the 'space cadet' factor for him.

    Likewise, anything with artificial colors make him hyper/crazy/a silly drunk.


    For my ds10 (who is 'normal') certain foods affect his ability to think straight. In his case, oats seem to be a major player, as well as artificial colors AND flavors.


    I think diet can sometimes be a huge factor, but it can be very different from person to person and sometimes hard to figure out.




    (Formerly Pam in N.FL.)


    The part about the apples stuck out to me. I have been reading about Feingold diet and there is a section in there about apples being related to salicilates (sp?) and causing problems for some people. I haven't done Feingold and am really reading about it in an effort to deal with awful excema and ADD type behavior. But I might suggest you take a look.


    I am allergic to aspirin and eat apples on most days. I am wondering if there isn't a connection for me.


    Anyway the link to Feingold is here:



    Jenne in AZ

    (dd9, ds7,ds3)

  8. We just got back from a trip to Disney World. We had a fantastic time. I'll try to answer your questions.


    The meal plan isn't free now. It is sometimes free as a perk for going in the middle of October. It is a very very slow time and they are trying to get people to come then. Otherwise the meal plan is $38 for people over 10 and $12 for people under 10 and you need to do it for your whole group and whole stay. We used the meal plan this time, but it was inconvenient at best. I wanted to play more and not worry about getting to the restaurant on time. You get one table service, one counter service and one snack per person per day.


    We stayed at Wilderness Lodge because we rented a friend's DVC points and got a great deal. If you are looking for inexpensive this isn't the place. I would suggest trying one of the All-Star resorts for the least money or Port Orleans for the next step up. The biggest advantage for Port Orleans is the fact there is a restaurant at the hotel. The All Stars only have a food court. If you are on the meal plan then that restaurant is important.


    About the park hoppers, you might have needed to pay a fee back in 1995 if the days are still good on them, then you can just use them in the parks. Otherwise there is no way to get the old days on the new cards. When we left there was still one day left on our tickets, we could have paid a huge sum (like $150 per person) to make it last forever and we could use it on our next visit or we could let it expire. We let it expire.


    I hope that helps. Ask more questions if you have them!


    Jenne in AZ

    (dd9, ds7, ds3)

  9. Bookworm (dd9) just finished The Three Musketeers. She was not so impressed. She liked The Count of Monte Cristo much better. She read Dragon Rider and a bunch of tales from Japan.


    MisterMan (ds7) just finished The Westing Game. He thought it was alright but nothing too great. He has read The BFG and Stuart Little recently too.


    Bunny (ds3) has been listening to Duck Truck and Egad Alligator. He also likes Go Dog Go.


    Jenne in AZ

  10. I have three kids, all three are different.


    The oldest is Bookworm, a girl age 9. She loves books and currently is into Neopets. She does Girl Scouts with other homeschooling girls and loves it.


    The middle is MisterMan, a boy age 7. He likes to play the piano and play games of all kinds. He likes Ticket to Ride and Moose in the House. But he will learn any game if you will play it with him. He is a Wolf in Cub Scouts and likes hanging out with the other little boys.


    The little guy is Bunny, a boy age 3. He thinks he is big and is sorely disappointed when he can't do the things the older kids can. He tags along for most of our outings and picks up far more than I think he does.


    Jenne in AZ

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