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Posts posted by JenneinCA

  1. I don't know either. I was 17 almost 18 when I started college, my birthday is in October.


    It was absolutely the best thing I could have done. The dorm was wonderful and there were guys on my floor. But they didn't cause problems. It was finally, finally a place that I could fit in.


    I am currently dealing with a child that may end up going to college early. I am frantically trying to stay ahead of her needs. If college is the best place for her at a younger than normal age, then that is what we will do. And if it isn't then we will find something else.

  2. My older kids both have birthdays in October. And I did start them both in kindergarten at 4 almost 5. They will be 9 almost 10 at the start of fifth grade and 7 almost 8 at the start of third grade.




    I have crazy smart kids. The problem of dealing with a child entering college at 17 almost 18 is not on my horizon. Right now I am dealing with just delaying her enough to make it to 14. And I am not sure it will work! Smart kids have enough issues with trying to hide their brains to fit in, the idea of deliberately low balling the grade is absurd.


    I very much think that this is a personal decision. It depends on the child, the parent and the community. It can be the right thing to make them wait. It can also be the right thing to send them early.

  3. Questions:


    Do you know if you take classes without the diploma option and then decide to get the diploma if they would transfer? I know it would be more expensive this way, but I could preserve my daughter's status as a 10 year old fifth grader for a little longer. Sometimes it is easier to have her be a fifth grader taking advanced courses than a ninth grader that is ten.


    When I looked at the assignments for algebra, it didn't look like the homework was graded. Only the progress evaluations and midterm and final. Is that your experience? Did you have experience using a proctor? We are likely going to use the local community college.


    Thank you for you help.

  4. MK -

    counter service -the burger place next to Small World, I love to watch the boats go by

    snack - the orange juice/ice cream twists next to Jungle Cruise and the Camels


    Epcot -

    counter service - the food court in the Land

    snack - the bakery in Norway


    MGM - No opinion, my kids aren't impressed with the park


    AK -

    counter service- Flame tree grill (especially the key lime pie!)

    snack - Flame tree grill (the key lime pie!)

  5. Here is a web link to where you can buy it:




    It is used in History Odyssey's Level Three package for Ancients. I can't find samples of the How to Read How to Read a Book.


    Here is a web link to the Panida web site, the book and supply list has How to Read How to Read a Book for Ancients Level 3.




    I hope this helps.

  6. The main bathroom is the one that the kids use almost all the time. And I have children who will sit in there for a loooong time. So the bathroom decor is... educational posters. Specifically the periodic table, an alphabet chart, a numbers 1-100 chart and eight little posters about flight.


    They change depending on what we are doing. We start a unit on flight tomorrow and that is why the flight posters are in there. My little guy is learning how to count to 100 and the alphabet and that is why they are in there. And the periodic table is there just because.


    I figure if they are going to sit in there at least they can look at something educational while they are there.


    I have gotten some funny comments from guests. Usually they laugh and everyone giggles about reading material.

  7. Thank you for the reassurance. We will keep doing what we are doing for now and if either he or me gets too uptight then maybe we will look for other options.


    The good news is that he was holding himself at swimming lessons today and walked over to me. I asked if he needed to potty and he said yes. So we did and he pottied then. So maybe we are making progress.


    I will keep him on the timer and try to catch him before he poops. Hopefully it will be better this week.

  8. I am not sure what is going on. And thought maybe the hive would know...


    Son is four, turned four about a week ago. We decided that it was time for him to learn to use the potty. And so far it has been of very mixed success.


    He has never (really never!) said he needed to go before he did. He has only very recently been aware of having pooped. He doesn't poop at the same time everyday. Sometimes he skips a day and then the next day goes twice. He is not aware of having peed at all. But he is dry all night and if he naps he wakes up dry.


    So since Monday I have been watching him like a hawk and I have caught him before he pooped 3 and a half times. And missed another 4. The only reason that he hasn't peed in every pair of underwear he has is because I set a timer and he goes every 45 minutes. And this works. He doesn't pee in his pants this way. But if I set the timer longer he puddles and doesn't notice. He is absolutely not being obstinate about this, he is cooperating about going to the potty but just isn't getting it.


    Is it possible that even at four this little boy still isn't ready to potty train? He has some of the readiness factors but completely misses others. We waited this long because I didn't think he was ready, but I am wondering if he just isn't ready even now.


    Any ideas?

  9. It depends on the treatment. When my daughter got pink eye I was given the choice between A) cheaper 24 hours until not contagious drops and B)more expensive one dose not contagious drops. With two younger boys in the house I chose the more expensive drops and neither of them got pink eye.


    We did go out that day and we did normal activities. And no one else got pink eye from us being out. Ask your pharmacist how long until she isn't contagious and go with that opinion.

  10. From someone with a Mechanical Engineering degree...


    I have not looked at apologia texts or abeka because we need secular here BUT when I was in college I heard no complaints from people about their previous biology classes or chemistry classes, regardless of the high school. We had everything from rural schools with no AP classes at all to heavy duty prep school with tons of them. The only thing people complained about was lack of MATH. I heard a lot of "my teacher in high school didn't cover this" but it was only a real problem in math.


    The biggest issues for my classmates were lack of adequate knowledge in math and lack of knowledge of how to study. (That is what to do when you don't know the the math you should know!)

  11. (Jenne's husband stepping in for a bit)


    If you want free/open-source, the usual suspect is GnuCash. It's like most open-source software - functional, but doesn't necessarily look pretty.


    If you want payware, try Moneydance. It's done in Java, and so will run anywhere with a JVM. I use it on MacOSX, having moved from Quicken on Windows because of Intuit's 3-year sunset policy. (Compare to Moneydance, which gives 3 years of free upgrades.)

  12. We have:


    dd9: Girl Scouts (off over the summer), Swimming Lessons (all year)


    ds7: Cub Scouts (off over the summer), Swimming Lessons (all year), piano (all year)


    ds4: Swimming Lessons (all year), music class (all year)


    All the kids have swimming at the same time on Friday afternoons so it isn't as big a deal. Dd9 did have piano but is doing recorder independently now. And ds4 is trying out music class now. This is as busy as I can handle our schedule. They would do more, but my tolerance for busy-ness is maxed out here.

  13. IQ tests require an advanced degree to interpret. There are testers that could go to your house and give the test, but there are not any true IQ tests that can be done by a parent.


    If expense is a problem many psychology departments give low cost tests because the students need to administer a certain number of tests to get their degree. And many school districts have a psychologist that can give the tests too.

  14. My Dad could not recognize his own name in third grade. (His name is Mike.) He could not tell you the sound a single letter made. His third grade teacher spent the entire year teaching him phonics. He remembers the day he saw the letter r and realized it made the sound "ur". He was eight years old. He cries even today when he remembers how earth shattering that realization was. He was in remedial classes forever. He was told he was good for nothing.


    In about 7th grade he discovered photography. And he taught himself how to take pictures and develop film. He still read poorly and was in remedial math. Somehow he figured out how to do photography.


    He took lots of pictures through high school, year book and newspaper. Anything for more time with a camera. He decided he wanted to be a photographer and attempted community college. It didn't work very well. He still read slowly and his math wasn't up to the job. He struggled. He took pictures for the newspaper and loved that. (That is where he met my Mom, she wrote for the newspaper and they went to a football game together.)


    Then he was drafted. He decided he didn't want to go into the Army and enlisted in the Air Force instead. He took a test and did well enough that he did more photography. He spent his time developing film. Mostly from spy planes and other secret stuff.


    When he got out he wanted to do photography still. And he decided to go to the best photography school he could, a school called Art Center located in California. But they wouldn't take him until he could do the math and english so he figured out how to do that and reapplied. And then they took him. He graduated 11th of a class of 13.


    And got a job working a Hughes Aircraft taking pictures of planes. But was laid off when they decided he was too expensive. He had a wife and child (me!) by this time so he took the next job he could find, working for the LAPD taking pictures of crime scenes. He worked there for 26 years.


    About five years ago he retired from the LAPD and moved to Arizona to be closer to his children and grandchildren. He is now working at the local community colleges teaching Crime Scene Photography.


    He has spent his entire life chasing a dream of taking pictures. It is the one constant thing that he has had since he was very little. He loves cameras. He loves photography. He loves teaching people how to take pictures. It is just a part of him that has never gone away.

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