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Posts posted by JenneinCA

  1. Not a teen boy, but I accidentally ended up with hyperthyroid after a medication problem.  The symptoms were things like my hands shook all the time, my heart rate was way high, blood pressure was high too, and I was anxious and felt like I was always trying to panic.  

    It wasn’t hard to test, just a blood test.  But it took a good month to get back to a level that wasn’t causing problems.

    I hope your teenager gets the help he needs.

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  2. I wouldn’t count computer science classes for science classes either, but I am surprised that any school is suggesting that many computer science classes at once.  The projects could easily be due at the same time and be absolutely overwhelming. 

    This is coming from the mom of someone who has graduated with a comp sci degree in the recent past.  He never took 4 comp sci classes in a single semester.  And then two more classes on top of that would have been a disaster.

    Of course you know the situation and your student better than I do, but I would be extremely concerned about that schedule.

  3. I got the latest bivalent booster on Monday.  It did the same as all the other boosters…. Fever, body aches, feel horrible.  It starts about 12 hours after the shot and lasts 24 hours.  I am mostly better today.  But yesterday was awful.

     No one else around me is having significant reactions.  Lucky me…

    • Sad 2
  4. My middle child graduated from RPI in May 2020.  He got a computer science degree and totally loved the place.  He joined a bunch of clubs and was really sad about missing all the senior week stuff because of covid.  
    (My husband and I met there and both of us have degrees from there too.  But that info is many many years out of date.)

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  5. We didn’t do any of the forms you are talking about.  They are adults.  They can tell us what we need to know.  It is a time of growth and change for everyone.  We need to learn to let them do their own thing even when we would do otherwise and they need to learn how to do their own thing without a parent looking over their shoulder.

    That means I heard about ER visits after the fact.  It means I learned about suspected pneumonia after the fact.  Various banking catastrophes after the fact.  A couple of problems with being too young to rent a car for interviews after the fact.  And they learned how to navigate all  of those incidents by themselves knowing that if they were truly stumped all they had to do was ask for help.

    So my opinion is the reason not to do those forms is so the parents remember that the kids are adults.  And to let them go and make mistakes on their own.  

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  6. I think it depends on your child’s choice of major.  My older kids didn’t have economics but did have physics.  They majored in Computer Science and Engineering.  My youngest has economics but no physics.  He wants to major in something that leads to designing role playing games.

    My older kids needed physics.  My youngest needed economics.  It really depends on the kid and the intended goal.

  7. My middle child did three years at the community college and then two at a private four year school.  It did take some planning but all the classes transferred just fine.  Because of articulation agreements between the California Community Colleges and the University of California and California State University systems there isn’t a problem.  
    If UC Berkeley and UC Los Angeles take that class for credit, then the other schools follow.  

    The major issue was that he took four semesters of extremely heavy duty computer science.  There was no time to spread them out.  He had all the Calculus and Differential Equations and science electives and other electives, he needed upper division computer science classes.  The good news was that those classes were pretty interchangeable and not sequenced.  

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  8. I would go to Amazon and type in graphic novel for 9 year old and see what comes up.  For many you can do a preview to see if the content is what you find appropriate.  
    If you have a local comic book store, the staff there would also be able to point you the direction of something you and she would like.

    (We have many graphic novels and comic books at our house, but not suitable for 9 year olds or I would give specific titles.  My husband reads them more than the kids do and the youngest kid is 17.)

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  9. I did this as a college freshman.  For me, it turned out to be a side effect of the asthma inhaler I was using. I was using two puffs a day to manage symptoms so I could breathe during maple tree pollination time and the albuterol made my hands shake.  It was very annoying but the solution was finding a better way to control the asthma and waiting until the maple trees finished pollinating.  Of course, it took a neurologist to figure this out…

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