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Posts posted by JenneinCA

  1. My daughter was 20 when she got the label.  It happens.  You are not a bad mom.  

    The diagonistic criteria has changed.  Your daughter may not have gotten the label if you had asked when she was little.  Mine wouldn’t have.  The rules were different.  She hasn’t changed from the person she was, but understanding and support is different now,

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  2. How about an ‘It depends on the kid’ vote?

    Kid 1 wants to be an engineer.  That is going to take going to college.  So she is going to college.

    Kid 2 wants to do software programming and has taken all the classes he is interested in at the local community college.  He is going to a four year school and spending his days and nights learning programming.

    Kid 3 wants to write role playing game adventures and run a game shop.  Neither of these require a college degree.  More importantly, he hates the idea of doing any more school than is required.  I don’t know if he will go to college.  And that is okay.  It is his life and while I can make suggestions I can not (and don’t want to) live his life for him.

    My husband and I both have four year degrees.

  3. Need?  Probably not.  

    But it would probably make things much easier if he did have the diploma.  It also would depend on the particular UC and major he wants to attend. UC Berkeley, UC San Diego and UC Los Angeles are extremely selective and can be choosy about who they admit.  They reject in state kids with a 4.0 plus gpa, great SAT scores and tons of extracurriculars.  It is just the way it is.  

    But if UC Merced or UC Riverside is the dream and the major is not competitive, your odds are pretty good.

    There are other UC schools too, they would be in the middle for selectivity.  

  4. Bribery.

    My now 18 was awful about shots.  I said that I would buy him ice cream at the Baskin Robbins down the street from the doctor’s office every time he got one.  And then I did. I bought ice cream for him from about 8 to about 16 years old.  

    (And then his doc was involved in a meningitis outbreak nearby and he looked up the symptoms and the survival rates and I never had a problem again.)

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  5. My daughter, the 20 year old, was prescribed it by a doctor at her school.  She was having problems with asthma at altitude in super cold.  She says it is helping.  But even with it and the inhaled meds, she is still having issues.  I expect she will get the meds tweaked when she is back in Flagstaff.  She isn’t having symptoms here at home.  We are at about sea level and it is much much warmer here.

    She isn’t having any bad reactions to it.

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  6. You might try Sanctuary or Andromeda.  Neither has sexual violence.  

    Sanctuary has the characters of Henry, the engineer geek, and Will, a psychiatrist geek.  Both are very smart and pretty kind.  

    Andromeda has the captain, Dylan Hunt.  He is very smart and very kind. 

    As much as I like Stargate, I don’t think it will work for you.  There is too much sexual content in the first season.  Hathor and Broca Divide come to mind immediately.  I think there are others as well.

  7. I do take it, but I take it for seasonal depression.  It does work pretty well for me.  It had no bad side effects for me just weight loss which was a welcome effect.  I hope you find something that works.

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  8. My 20 year old daughter received an official diagnosis of anxiety/depression over the summer.  She had seen a counselor for years before who identified the anxiety but was not able to prescribe anything due to not having a medical degree.  Daughter absolutely refused to even think about meds or talking to someone else.  So I counted my wins and kept going.  Freshman year at college was quiet emotionally difficult.  Sharing a room with someone and schoolwork related stress were awful.  This past summer she was finally willing to talk to a psychiatrist who immediately put her on meds.  The meds worked!  Daughter is happier and calmer and in every way possible better off.  But the psychiatrist really wanted her to have a therapist to talk to at school.  So with some effort my daughter found someone.  A psychologist, the kind with a PhD in psychology.  

    This psychologist is in Arizona and we have never met.  My daughter likes her and that is the important part.  But here is the deal...  the psychologist says my daughter meets the definition of autistic.  Many years ago when she was much younger I looked into this.  But she didn’t have enough of the traits.  I finally stopped dealing with getting labels when she was about six, in late 2004.  I decided to just deal with the kid in front of me and hope for the best. The sensory wonkiness that drove me nuts, the total rigidity of opinion, the inability to read emotions or regulate the tone of her voice or tell when someone else is upset or happy or anything like that.... it was real and terribly hard to understand.  But we survived.

    So what is the deal?  Did the rules change?  Is this psych in Arizona right?  And more important what does this mean now?  Is it possible that the psychiatrist that prescribed the meds knew this too?

    From my point of view I have always known she was different but i was roundly ignored by everyone when I was looking for answers.  She looked at people.  She could cope with social settings, for a limited time with lots of coaching and always with advance prep and an exit plan from me.  And the colossal crying melt downs that no one else had to deal with because she saved them for me. Could I have saved me or her from a lot of heart ache if I had kept trying the get the labels?  Could I have made it better if I had known more?

  9. There is more to Arizona than just the desert.  My daughter is attending Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff.  She has snow on the ground now.  It is cold and windy and wet for most of the fall.  She loves the high mountain air and the crisp cold days.  She loves Flagstaff for its city amenities but small size.  Basically she may never return to California.  And that is okay.  

    Now, most of the jobs and most of the people are in metro Phoenix or metro Tucson.  But there are other places to be if the big city and super hot is not to your liking.  

  10. It probably isn’t the answer for you, but mine bonded over video games.  They played and watched each other play.  My daughter is horrible at most of them.  She held the walk through book/website and offered advice.  My older son did most of the actual play and the younger one looked out for missed chests and things like that.  Younger one learned a lot and was able to get through the games on his own later.  

    They still speak fondly of the times they worked together to beat this boss or solve that puzzle.  I think they have plans to do something like this over the winter holiday when everyone is home again.

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  11. A few years ago I was stressed and didn’t want to deal with putting up the tree.  So I didn’t do it.  It got to be about a week before Christmas and the kids finally noticed.  They decided we needed a tree.  So they made one from Knex.  The creation of a knex tree has now become a new tradition in our house.  They put it up.  They take it down.  Everyone is happy.


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  12. This happened to my Dad too.  His is a very very smart person.  After he had a stroke, he had diminished capacity for a lot of things.  His problems were mainly about finding words and following multi step directions.  Unfortunately he still tested as average for all of those things.  But average was a significant difference for him.  Ultimately it took the armed forces test from when he was drafted and the percentiles from that test to show where he was before the stroke.  

    It was a long battle.  But he did eventually prove the stroke had changed his ability.

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  13. Socks, they all want socks.  My oldest is in Flagstaff, Arizona.  The middle child is in New York.  Both of them want warm feet.  The youngest just wants to be like his siblings.  

    And candy.  Mint chocolate for the oldest.  Peanut butter for the middle kid.  And the youngest will eat anything.

    So they are getting socks and candy.

    I will be happy to have them under one roof for a little while.

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