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Posts posted by Mandamom

  1. Is there any signs of redness or anything? The sudden onset is a bit odd. Have you injured it in the past and maybe you reinjured it.


    My son broke my tailbone during his birth and it was very painful. It took weeks to be able to sit comfortably (I could only nurse lying down) and it took months for me to be able to sit without reminders that I had broken that bone.

  2. Southern Chester County is very nice, but too expensive for us, especially since we are starting over after suffering through unemployment. We would be looking to rent a 3 or 4 bedroom home or townhouse with a basement.


    Look over the border of Chester County into Cecil county MD and check out the housing prices there. I'm not quite sure how they differ from Chester.


    Regarding jobs there are some but most people work either in Newark/Wilmington or at Aberdeen Proving Ground or down toward Baltimore. If you live in Cecil you spend most of your days in DE, PA or Harford/Balto. county.


    there are many homeschool resources in the area -- both harford and cecil community college in the past offer homeschool classes and allow teens to take classes as long as they pass the necessary entrance tests.






  3. OMG. We're going to go out to dinner soon because we have a few hours where the streets are safe and everyone is in front of a TV. I've never lived ANYWHERE where the general public dresses in team colors SO MUCH. The thrift store put everything on sale EXCEPT red and yellow tags. Entire office buildings are lit up with purple lights. I'm not even IN Baltimore, but out in the burbs. It's a sea of purple and black out there all season long anyway, but they've lost their collective minds this year.


    There's even some sort of back and forth betwe



    Isn't it crazy?? this has been a crazy year as far as team gear around the state.


    I laughed when I saw the news article that said that some schools (private) have decided to close tomorrow.


    No power...what's up with that?

  4. Thanks, Janice. I will look into the EPS book. She definitely has no issues with reading fiction. She is doing Windows to the World right now and can analyze and think beautifully- as long as it's a story! LOL!


    We've done Wordly Wise for the past 2 years and is now using Vocabulary for Achievement grade 9. So we are working on vocabulary. She is constantly reading (no twaddle- pet peeve of mine) but only literature.


    So anything else out there to boost non fiction reading comprehension skills?


    Lori, I'd love to have her take classes from someone other than me, but it isn't in the budget right now. grrr...



    I checked the lexile level of one of the passages and it is definitely college level. So, having her practicing at a high school level (more varied subject matter books) and progress through harder material would probably help her out a lot.


    If you need or want any in-person help (free) let me know. We live really close to each other.

  5. I can't believe this! I just had my 15yodd take the local community college's practice test for the enrollment assessment test. She did great on the math (shocked because she's not good at math) and sentence skills portion. BUT, she bombed the Reading comprehension part!


    This is my child who LOVES to read anything literature! Dickens, Austen, Illiad- she loves them all! But, she has always struggled reading any non-fiction such as a textbook. Apologia biology is really challenging her right now! I figured it was just not her favorite subject, but now I'm suddenly realizing that it has nothing to do with that. She lacks reading comprehension skills.


    ( Just thinking back... she was very resistant to reading/phonics and wouldn't even read early readers. Suddenly the last week of 2nd grade she was given the first Narnia book and read the whole thing. Never looked back. And we just did a lot of living books for all the rest of her years. Now I'm thinking that I missed some important skill!Even used living books for science until 9th grade, so I never realized she didn't have good non fiction reading comp....)


    Soooo, now what? What can I do to help her come up to par? I don't have a lot of time in my day to devote to extra tutoring-no that I'd even know where to start-, but could carve out a little if I can find some resource that is all planned and quick and painless. Any ideas? Age appropriate? I know she won't take it seriously if it is a book geared to elementary/middle agers.


    Oh, please help! We were planning on community college next year in spring semester, but there's no way she will be able to handle it if we don't get this licked!


    Any advice on this is greatly appreciated!




    I work with several students, and have a daughter (and struggled for years myself) who struggle with comprehension issues. Some of these kids have phonics issues but most do not. They also tend to be weaker in vocabulary which should also be developed to help with the comprehension.


    My first priority is to remediate the phonics issues, if any, first because that will help with comprehension problems.


    Next, figure out what levels your daughter is currently at both silently and orally. If she struggles with both than you will need to work on both skills. Once I know the right levels I use several leveled workbook series (EPS Reading Comprehension Varied Subject Matter among several) and we either read them out loud or silently (depending weaknesses) and have them do narration, inferential discussion and working on vocabulary development. If vocabulary is low (relative to grade) I use Wordly Wise and make sure they know the words and the meanings. I like both series because there is a lot of non-fiction and some fiction stories to work through. I use other series for more fiction development.


    Feel free to ask if you have any further questions or you need more ideas.

  6. Last year I was putting my ds6 to bed and we were getting ready to read a book. He laid his head down on his pillow and as he did I saw a red thing and not a second later he started crying. I yelled out to my dh that ds was bitten by a spider with red on it. He comes running back and we realize that it was a wheel bug -- also known as a nymph assassin bug. That thing apparently has a very painful sting but he was quick to heal.


    I will say that since then we haven't put any laundry outside to dry without making sure that there is nothing that comes into the house that isn't supposed to come inside.

  7. That's what my mother called it, pre-Google days..lol. I had to laugh because it is probably one of the few times in all the years I've been doing internet searches that there was NOTHING on that topic. LOL



    Anyway, it's exactly the size of a marble, made of harmless tissue and it's sort of just "there". I could have it extracted for cosmetic reasons, but I'm sorta done chasing roosters or vanity. In doing some reading there are more concerns than just cosmetic (very low risk though). At this point we'll just take it one step at a time and continue to hope it is nothing.




    This time of year, it's probably a bug related thing, but wise to check anyway. Best of luck.


    Thanks I appreciate that and your lead.

  8. Long shot, but I have a thoradaxical cyst that was discovered about that age. Scared my parents half to death.


    I just googled what you had and didn't see anything about it on google. In the search for that I found the Thyroglossal Duct Cyst which happens to look very similar to my son's neck.


    We were going to call the doc tomorrow anyway to due the sinuses. I'm still hopeful that it is just a gland and the swelling will go away with antibiotics.

  9. We discovered a lump in my ds6's neck? It is about 2 cm and doesn't seem to be attached to anything. It doesn't hurt him. Otherwise, he very possibly has a sinus infection with a cough and lots of congestion.


    We're thinking it might be a swollen gland but due to where it is located we're not sure.



    Any ideas?

  10. This is why it bothers me. It really isn't that common around here, but I've noticed that people have been calling me hon much more frequently in the last few years. It's coming mainly from people quite a bit younger than me, and it makes me feel really old. I know it is probably meant kindly, but it feels very condescending. I have to bite my tongue from saying "that's Dr. Hon to you, missy!" So I say it in my head.


    And it really irritates me when the old guy at the grocery store says "Hello young lady!" everytime he sees me. I'm sure he means well, but I just want to bop him.



    Really, not much irritates me. But I'm not enjoying aging and those things get under my skin more than usual.



    My dh does this to young and old and I want to bop him, too, LOL.

  11. I had the oddest thing happen a couple of weeks ago. I went to the store to pick up some parts for our van my dh was working on. I got the parts and took them to the cashier at which point she, who was about 15 years younger than I am, proceeded to hon, honey, sweetheart, sweety and one or two others in about a 2 minute transaction. It was over and beyond anything I'd experienced before and I have been in Balto. many times :)

  12. I have the acer aspire and it is over 2.5 years old. I have an extra power cord and purchased a battery at some point. Otherwise, all is well. I had another one prior to that and I accidentally closed the power cord in the keyboard. It fried the screen and I ended up replacing the computer. It was my fault, though.


    It isn't as fast as my husband's newer laptop but it does the job. I watch hulu and netflix, I surf the web and do some light word processing.


    My only problem with it is since the change of this board to this new format I can't see the who is posting because I can't see the whole screen. I haven't had that problem with other sites nor the previous format of this board.


    All that to say, I really like this computer and have no plans to replace it anytime soon.

  13. I am seriously considering the cheapest kindle for my 10 year old daughter.


    My question is about the amazon accounts. She has an account that she created one time to buy something from a gift card that someone gave her. I have an account that has amazon prime on it. I have since added her account to my amazon prime. Our financial info is not attached to her account and she's only used it 1 time.


    I'm a little confused about the amazon account I should set this up with. I'm thinking she'll have more options if she uses my account but maybe she can use her account. I'm just thinking trying to get this straight in my own mind. If a few years go by and we decide to upgrade to a fire (or equivalent) and then she graduates high school will we be able to switch her stuff to her own account or is that not an option.


    I'm just trying to understand.



  14. I can't speak to the Kindle Fire, but we got my now 9 year old daughter a kindle for Christmas last year. She loves to read anyway, but really loves her Kindle. It has been a very worthwhile investment here. I do think that many kids are attracted to the technology and while we might want them to fall in love with reading an actual hardcover book, reading is what is really important. So, if it helps them read more, might be worth it.


    Are there a lot of kindle books for kids (7th grade reading level)?



  15. At the beginning of November by dh was driving the kids to practice and the van broke down. Diagnosis: broken rod (piece inside the engine).


    Our only choice was to have dh rebuild the engine in our driveway. But, we were just about out of money so we couldn't get started without the parts. Dh is extremely mechanically inclined so this was certainly an option.


    A co-worker gave me $300 to pay for the first of the parts that we needed to get and now the van is just about running. We are probably up to about $600 in parts but much better than a new used car or having to get a new engine.


    We were blessed.

  16. I'm another one who has suffered and I'm really hoping that my girls don't. I will be very sad if they do.


    Taking advil (until I got diagnosed with gastritis last year) and using heating pads has been my saving grace until a couple of years ago. That was when I started taking vitamin D3 and noticed a big difference in my cycle and pain. I still have some mild cramping but it isn't even every month.

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