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Jean too

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Posts posted by Jean too

  1. We didn't use Cobra once dh old employer quit paying the insurance. Part of the spendulus package is supposed to help you all with cobra. I'm not sure who you should ask about that though. Maybe your dh's old employer.If it still is too high check into state coverage for your children. We could not afford the cobra plan and bought a plan through Golden Rule for our family. I didn't know about our state's insurance plan for children until right before dh found another job. I shopped for insurance online. I still have the name and number of the young man that walked me through buying insurance for our family. If you would like that information send me a PM.

  2. First, I am so sorry that you and Denise are going through this. My dh was laid off and out of work for over six months in 2007. It was very stressful. For me, really leaning on God and the prayers of friends and family, got me through. It was without a doubt the hardest thing I have ever gone through.


    I made my grocery list from the sales flyers. If it wasn't on sale, I mean really on sale, not 10 or 20 cents, but more like buy one get one free, I didn't buy it. I bought a lot of store brand stuff if it was something we really needed. Over time I got a pretty well stocked pantry. Grocery sales usually go in three month cycles. Try to buy enough of the sale items to last three months when they are likely to go on sale again. I only shopped once a week.


    Dh also started praying together every day. That is something good that came out of the layoff and we have continued to pray together most mornings before he leaves for work.


    I will pray for both of you and your families. :grouphug:

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