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Jean too

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Posts posted by Jean too

  1. Whose home are these family gatherings taking place? If the gathering is at the creep's house I would not attend. If it's at your house or another family member's house, whomever's house it is needs to tell the creep his behavior is unacceptable and must change or he will be asked to leave. The creep needs to be called out not enabled and tiptoed around. He sounds like a real horse's ass. He needs to know that he will not be invited to future family gatherings if he refuses to grow up. Would your family rather spend time with this jerk than with you and your dd. Your family needs to get onboard and support your dd.

  2. I very much doubt that your package will be inspected and returned to you. I've shipped lots of media mail packages and have never had any of them opened and inspected once they were accepted as media mail. The books etc are supposed to be bound in order to be shipped media mail. I have no idea why it matters.


    A couple of years ago my local USPS had their panties in a twist because some lady had been caught mailing fabric as media mail. For a few days they insisted that all packages had to be opened so they could see the books and to confirm that there was no loose leaf paper of any kind in the package before they would allow us to ship media mail. They quickly tired of that hassle and went back to taking your word for it.

  3. Because of the virus have you spent more time lying down? I've had that happen before when sick. I'm not sure if it was the extra time lying down or the stress of being sick that caused the back trouble to start up again. Stress definitely increases back trouble for me. Try doing some (slowly) of your back exercises and see if that helps (over time) relieve the symptoms. Lower back exercises, ibuprofen, and pulsing heat/ice should help.

  4. My dd has a still in the box, never been used, or even set up, HP mini that she is planning to sell. She won it last week and already has a laptop. I don't know how much she is asking. She is at college and will be home this week end. If you interested send me a PM.


    I have a used laptop that my dh (IT guy) bought for me. I've had it almost a year and have never had any problems with it. I think he bought it from a company that sells laptops that were formerly leased.

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