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Jean too

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Posts posted by Jean too

  1. Ibuprofen (I take 800mg when my back flares up) around the clock until pain free for more than twenty four hours. Apply an ice pack to the lower back area for twenty minutes followed by a warm rice bag for twenty minutes. Continue to pulse the cold and hot until pain free. When he is able to exercise at all, google lower back exercises that he should do everyday from now on if he doesn't want the sciatica to return. Reduce stress level.


  2. Wait,wait, wait... so you all are saying that since they don't "think" of Amy as a sahm it was ok for this conversation to take place?

    I have to say that whether or not they "think" of you as a sahm it was extremely rude and small minded. Since when is it anyone elses business or right to judge other women for the choices they make for their own families?How does your staying home, even if you chose to send your dc to ps and didn't have a homebusiness, have any effect on their lives, or become their business?

    I think it is really about jealousy and their own issues. If the subject ever comes up again I'd confront them about it.

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