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Everything posted by fluffybunny

  1. Does anyone have a suggestion of documentary that is either on youtube or available at Amazon.com on Sigmund Freud? Something engaging and colourful, preferably. Thanks
  2. Can anyone here, who has read Crime and Punishment: Dostoevsky, tell me how much explicit violence there is in there? Is it only in the beginning, and if I am reading it aloud, can the details be edited out? I have a very sensitive 16yo. Thanks
  3. Thank you for your Brad. Yes, we have read a few Plato dialogues this way: I find it the best method.
  4. If you have read Nicomachean Ethics, what do you think of it as a read aloud and discussion book? And if you were to choose the most important chapters (ie most useful/practical to a teenager), which would they be? I ask this in case my voice runs out. Plus "less" could be "more" in some cases: we could concentrate on just a few chapters if this is possible. Please ... no flames: it's just a straight question. Thank you . :o I look forward to your replies :)
  5. Do you have a link that explains this more? Thanks, but it still involves paper, which my ds won't use. This looks promising. Do you have one? Can it be set so the background is white and the writing black? thank you
  6. I'm looking for a tablet like gadget for my dysgraphic son to do math calculations with. But the Surface Pro and a stylus pen, and it would be perfect except that he has has too many distractions on it. There is such a thing called a Boogie Board, but you can't save the math calculations on it - you press a button and it disappears. So I really need a gadget like the Boogie Board that can be written on with a stylus pen, but that can save etc. Thank you in advance if anyone can direct to such a gadget.
  7. That sounds the most promising thing so far. We've never had Macs, but I'll willing to try anything! I'll talk to dh and the local tech shop about this. Thank you.
  8. Thank you: the Alphasmart is in the right direction, but since he's now 14, he is used to using a full page. I hope there is something out there.
  9. My ds types everything as he has dysgraphia, but is always getting sidetracked with things to play with on the laptop. Does anyone know of a gadget or program that has absolutely no games or fun things on it - just pure typing? thank you
  10. Yes, we have read The Apology, Phaedo, Crito, The Republic, and Meno. We especially loved Meno. :001_smile:
  11. To those people who have read both the Symposium and Gorgias, which did you enjoy and find the most 'fun'? thank you
  12. I got in contact with someone at the top of the ANC and asked about all this and they were very helpful. The conclusion is that, although teachers and highschool syllabi commonly use the expression; "deconstruct this text," they don't actually mean deconstruct in the way that Derrida meant it. The word has broadened out to mean "look for implicit/hidden values." So, my hunch was right: ds needs to know the meaning of this word, plus how it is now used broadly, before moving on to senior high. Absolutely.
  13. You could try emailing Wes himself. He has always replied to my questions in a kind and generous manner.
  14. We love the 101 Series by Wes Olsen. Biology isn't that great (it was the first program) but Chemistry and Physics are wonderful. My son watches the DVDs over and over for entertainment! I'm not very science-y, but I was greatly inspired by these programs. The DVDs are wonderfully made: very colourful and the concepts are explained well. There are also workbooks to print out.
  15. It's from a high school in Canberra. But 'deconstruction' can be found on most high schools' descriptions. I even found one for 10th grade for the Health Curriculum: "The skills that are developed in English help students critically analyse a range of health and physical activity texts to assess them for accuracy and reliability, as well as for deconstructing the subtleties of health messaging." More here: "deconstructing and sequencing teaching to focus on the steps that lead to new knowledge, deeper understandings and/or more sophisticated skill" So it seems that the word "deconstruction" can mean anything. Deconstruction has been deconstructed!
  16. I'm starting to wonder the same thing. I've been looking through the ANC and viewing how the school puts it into action, and it's a little vague, eg (this is high school English): Literacy deconstruct a range of generic structures and text forms, ensuring that students are able to reproduce these (from the perspective of being able to manipulate language for a range of purposes AS WELL as to provide students with the skills to deconstruct these so that they increase their critical literacy skills Languageincludes the specific teaching of grammar, punctuation and spelling (as they are relevant to the deconstructing of text types and genres)
  17. Thanks Pen. I'm the same as you: an English major but have forgotten most of it. :laugh: I remember reading a long 40 page essay by Derrida where he argues there is no centre. That's about it.
  18. Interesting that this is about deconstruction and the thread is deconstructing itself ?
  19. Can someone who is at least an English teacher please explain if I have got this right before I teach the basics of what 'deconstruction' means
  20. addit: I just checked it out: it would be over my price limit and too much for what I need. I was really wanting something online, and there are a lot of commentaries online to wade thru, ie at Online Bible Study Tools.
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