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Posts posted by NanceXToo

  1. My OB has the same opinion. Do you continue your glucophage through the first trimester?


    The Metformin? She will prob keep me on it the whole time because I was already on 1,000 mg a day for high blood sugar through my medical doctor. The OB bumped it up to 2,000 mg a day to help me conceive. So far it seems to help me ovulate earlier in my cycle and since being on it, I've conceived within 1-2 cycles of trying, twice!

  2. I used crinone progesterone gel and progesterone injections with the twins.


    My doctor's office would do a 'smear' every visit (every week) and see if 'clumps' of progesterone showed up. They told me if there were not clumps on the smear, then my levels were too low.


    The first smear did not show clumping (that was at 4 weeks) and I started the gel that day. I was fine and clumps showed up almost immediately.




    That gel is what she mentioned to me, she said the suppositories are "awful." I don't know what she meant by that but since the gel is, er, inserted I guess that's still more efficient than the oral stuff, right?


    Jpoy, she did not do genetic testing on dh and I. She said she could but that it would basically just give an indication of what percent chance there would be of something going wrong. I didn't think that was really worth knowing- I couldn't really do anything about it, either it will or won't go wrong and if it does I'll either miscarry or find out during routine pregnancy testing. I was more concerned with the recurrent m/c panel because if there was some stupid thing that turned up that WAS fixable, I wanted to know about it. Like if I had some blood clotting disorder they could put me on blood thinners or whatever. So at this point just hoping I can still conceive quickly with the Metformin and I have to hope that odds are in my favor that I won't have four losses in a row!


    Thanks, all, for the well wishes!

  3. Every test but one came back and they were all normal. Not even low end of normal. Just normal normal. This reinforces my OB's belief that the two recent miscarriages (June and September) were chromosomal or structural and that there's nothing to be done but try, try again.


    Well, I'll know in like 8 days if I managed to conceive this cycle. I really hope so! The last two pregnancies were both conceived very quickly thanks to the Metformin. It's staying pregnant that's the problem!


    Also she said if I want she'll switch me from oral progesterone to some sort of gel. She doesn't really seem to think I need it per se but understands that after three losses in a row and at 39 years of age I just want to feel like I'm doing everything I possibly can!


    I'm 4 dpo today. The waiting to test and hoping/not knowing yet is so hard! I guess I just need to stay busy/distracted the next week!

  4. I do not agree with the "if you invite you should pay" thing at all. You're not asking someone on a date. You're taking your kids out and extending the option for another family or kid to join you if they desire- they can accept or decline. If they accept they should pay for themselves! If it isn't in their budget to do so they should decline and say, "Thanks for the invite but we can't make it this time."


    My kids often want to have friends along in our various outings. Who can afford to pay for someone else all the time?! I'd just say this is what we're doing, this is what it costs, let us know if you'd like to go along too.


    I would never in a million years dream of sending my kids on outings with friends without sending enough money for them to pay their own way. I'd never dream of being expected to pay for someone else any time we asked if friends wanted to tag along on our outings. I'd be shocked if someone else just expected that I'd pay their way, too.


    If it's like a birthday party for my kids, I'm paying for everyone. If it's just a typical going for fun outing, I'm paying for my family and you can pay for yours.

  5. I like to think I'm a reasonably talented writer. I had several articles published in Secular Homeschooling Magazine, I've written some pretty decent poetry, and I always got A's on writing assignments in school.


    I can type 100 wpm.


    Those are probably the only things I would call talents!

  6. She says she should be able to if she wants. She says she'll be wearing a costume, no one knows how old she is, and as long as she's comfortable with it then I should be, too.


    What do you think?


    I'm with your daughter. I'd let her go. I also hate the phrase "begging for candy." It has nothing to do with "begging." It's a fun tradition and the people who decorate their houses, leave their porch lights on and hand out candy do it because they want to and enjoy doing it, not because they are being "begged."


    Let your daughter have fun. She'll outgrow it on her own before you know it!

  7. I want to say this gently, but if it comes out the wrong way, I hope you won't be upset with me.


    Are you sure you want to start trying again so quickly after this last loss? I would think that both your body and your heart could use some rest. Does your doctor think it's safe for you to try again already? And can you handle another loss so soon after the last one?


    I hope and pray that you're able to have another healthy baby, and that when you get pg the next time, everything will be perfect for you, but I'm also worried about how you'll feel if something goes wrong. Are you sure you're up to that incredibly high stress level all over again?


    I guess I'm just worried that you're rushing your body and your mind into this, but I guess that's probably because I'm sort of putting myself into your situation, and I know I wouldn't have been able to handle the heartbreaks you've suffered.




    Because these miscarriages were relatively early on (just past 7 weeks for the one in June and just past 9 weeks for the one in September but measuring much less than that), and because they required no medical intervention, etc., my doctor did feel it was okay to just wait one cycle to try again. And because of my age, I don't feel I have time to waste in between. November 1st, I'll be 39 1/2 exactly (bday 5/1). They say past 40 certain risks increase even more. If I really want a baby, and I do, I don't have the luxury of waiting, I need to just go ahead and try again until I either succeed or decide I can't do it again and give up. If it goes wrong and I m/c again of course I will be upset, but I won't be less upset if it happens 4-6 months from now instead of 1-3 or whatever, I'd still be suffering a loss; I'd just be more stressed about the lost time and my increasingly advanced age the later it happens, know what I mean? I do honestly appreciate your concern for me!


    Anyway, just called the doctor's office to ask if any of my results were in yet since it's been 6 days since I had the tests done, but she said none of them are back yet and that those types of labs usually take around two weeks. Blah.

  8. Our Kindergarten year was VERY relaxed and simple. We used Oak Meadow which is gentle, creative, Waldorf-inspired, and not overly academic in the earliest years- there were fairy tales, nature crafts, music and movement, drawing pictures, and that kind of thing. I also added on a bit of Funnix reading lessons figuring he'd like those because they were on the computer and he loves the computer, but I didn't stress or force them, we sort of did them now and then as we had the inclination to do so. (This year for 1st we've switched to Reading Eggs which I hadn't known about previously and would have used instead if I had known- that is also on the computer and he LOVES doing them, they're much more fun)! We didn't really do formal math but he learned a lot of math just from the computer games he liked to play, and we also sometimes played math operations board games, and we'd play conversational math games like while waiting for restaurant food or something using the crayons as tangibles, the prices on the menu, whatever. He had a lot of free time, outside time, field trips, an outside activity or too, free reign of many educational games, toys, art supplies and so on, and I feel it was a very good and very worthwhile Kindergarten year.


    This year we're doing 1st grade and still using Oak Meadow and Reading Eggs, plus learning lots informally, and I'm happy with what we're doing.

  9. Mine (6th grade) likes most of the things we do for school. We use Oak Meadow which is not textbookish, uses living books, hands on projects, interesting discussion, and creative writing assignments. We also use Story of the World and she likes most of the books and activities and so on we do for that. For math we use a combination of Teaching Textbooks and Life of Fred, and she likes both of those as well as someone can be expected to like math, since one is animated computer math and the other reads like a cute story. We also throw in grid perplexor puzzles for logic and she loves doing those, and we're on our third year of using the Kilgallon series and she actually likes it this year (Sentence Composing for Middle School) whereas she hadn't loved it the first year and tolerated it the second year. We've been slacking in continuing with Meet the Masters for art this year but she adores that, and "music" and "PE" are both outside activities (guitar lessons and judo), and we do quite a few field trips and so on, and much of the stuff we do together, so, yeah, for the most part, she really likes school.

  10. I think that's normal. My son is a beginning reader and many words he's learned to sound out and he'll read them properly in a sentence but then when he gets to a smaller word like "the" or whatever, he might sometimes forget what the word is and just say something else without stopping to think about it. I just remind him what it is, and might prompt him, "Remember, th makes the thhhh sound? That says 'the'." If he rushes past saying "an" or something instead. There's a lot to remember and focus on when you are newly learning to read. It takes time. :)

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