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Posts posted by Pegasus

  1. I realize that we are just speculating here, because we don't even know for sure that females are statistically more likely to pass their first college-level computer science class.


    If this is true, it is very possible that it is a case of self-selection with the female students. Only the ones who feel they are well prepared to succeed even try while lots more males figure they might as well give it a try.


    Edited to add: I just realized that I pretty much repeated what SparkleyUnicorn said. So, I agree with her.  :iagree:

    • Like 3
  2. Honestly, I don't think it matters what you do.  Every school seems to have their own methodology for calculating the GPA of prospective students so they are going to recalculate it anyway.  Our flagship public university, for example, calculates what they call the "core GPA" that consists of specific courses and weights AP, IB, and dual enrollment courses.  

    • Like 1
  3. This is probably too obvious to mention but in case it helps, go ahead and cut the quantity of fat so that you feel better and then slowly ramp it back up. Also try fats from different sources.  Avocados, black olives, and macademia nuts, for example, may not immediately come to mind.

  4. Smoke permeates surfaces and the smell sticks around forever.  Do you have ANY belongings (furniture, rugs, books, etc.) that have been in the homes where smokers were?  I'd suspect that is the cause.


    Edited to add: The longer you go without being around smokers, the more sensitive you become to the smell of smoke.  I grew up with two heavy smoking parents and it didn't bother me overly much.  However, now I practically choke if a smoker (not smoking!) gets into an elevator with me.

    • Like 5
  5. That is awesome!  So great that you heard on Friday so that you weren't worrying all weekend. Despite the relief, I know from experience that your mind just turns to "ok, what else could it be."


    I also got benign results recently for a biopsy.  The nurse called and was trying to say "it's good news" but I kept hearing "it's kidneys". I even repeated it back to her and she said "yep."  I was trying to figure out how they determined I had problems with my kidneys from the biopsy sample they took!  Thankfully, kidneys are currently fine.   :laugh:  

    • Like 1
  6. Wow!  I wasn't expecting so many response. Thanks, everyone. 


    1. Yes, a co-worker commented that my meal was "so weird" and I was trying to gain perspective on whether that would be a common/typical perception. 

    2. I do eat low carb for health reasons but don't talk about it to folks unless asked.

    3. I especially appreciate the comments about the meal seeming odd in some way.  Each of the ingredients seemed perfectly common to me with only the almond milk being, perhaps, out of the main stream, and even that is so much more common in stores these days. I didn't consider that it was the COMBINATION that might have triggered the remark.  I did leave the blueberries/milk for last as a kind of dessert but the rest of it tasted very good eaten together (not mixed, but bites of each).


    4. Some folks haven't even HEARD of blueberries and milk?  I did not expect to hear that.  It is absolutely delicious. I had a small serving of blueberries in a bowl, just covered in almond milk, with a splash of cream.  I guess you could consider it the lazy man's berries and whipped cream.  Just as delicious without the effort of whipping the cream.

    • Like 8
  7. or immediately categorize it as a special diet or way of eating?  My lunch today consisted of:


    sliced turkey

    sliced avocado with a drizzle of lemon juice

    sliced cabbage with homemade dressing

    dill pickle

    blueberries in almond milk and a splash of cream

    tall glass of ice water


    And no, I didn't comment in return on their meal.  :closedeyes:



    • Like 1
  8. Thanks, everyone.  I've done some reading online and 2 weeks seems to be the standard duration.  I'll probably stick with that.  The nurse practitioner was at the prescribing office. . .the doctor was at a different office a few days later. . .the pharmacist was at CVS when I picked up the script.  I didn't have the same office giving me different guidance.  Sorry for the confusion.

    • Like 1
  9. We are on the very edge of totality. Thinking about driving a bit to get closer to the maximum totality duration but may reconsider if it reports are that traffic is crazy.  Got the solar eclipse glasses from Amazon; was supposed to be one of the trusted manufacturers from the description, made in the USA, but came as "Made in China".  Sent them back and re-ordered from Lowes. Hoping they come in time and are genuine.

  10. Disney discounts are becoming harder to get and you have to be very flexible with dates, resorts, views, etc. to even have a chance. I was online at 3 am waiting for the free dining offer to open back in April.. .I think it opened at 5:30 am, and I had to play around with my dates AND change resorts to land the deal, all within the first few minutes of the offer being available.  Many many people are reporting no luck at all.


    I don't envy the Disney travel planners.  Folks have gotten used to the discounts.

  11. I received a new script recently and have received the following guidance on it:


    1. Don't use it for more than 14 days.(medical care provider #1, nurse practitioner)

    2. Use it for at least 7 days. (medical care provider #2, pharmacist)

    3. Use it for at least 14 days. (medical care provider #3, doctor)


    There was not a confident diagnosis, more of a this-might-work approach.


  12. Not everyone is ready for sleep-away experiences by that age.  Neither of mine were, unless a parent or other loved one was going along.  They still get there in time.


    Honestly, I think it was this summer for both of mine for their very first sleep-away experience without a family member!  They are 17 and 20.


    DD17 flew alone to another city to attend a week long creative writing workshp.


    DD20 moved into an apartment for a summer internship program.


    They both adjusted just fine, even without having early experiences with sleeping away from home.

  13. Thank you, everyone, for this thread. I shared it with DD17.  She is also one who loves a great variety of subjects and is stressed over feeling like she needs to start making decisions on what to study and make a career for herself.  She enjoys creative writing, drawing, costuming, anime/manga, languages, music (multiple instruments and singing) but is also interested in science, technology, computers, etc.


    She came home from a recent college tour that included a research laboratory and a manufacturing facility where they were doing amazing things with 3-D printers.  She was fascinated and now, based on what the industry folks were suggesting, wants to look into material science and mechanical engineering.  


    I had to suddenly re-think things. I had assumed she'd lean toward something creative but we need to do a slight course adjustment if she might pursue a degree in engineering.

    • Like 3
  14. Your DD is a great student with significant achievements/activities.  Unfortunately, it's a numbers game and there huge numbers of similar students also applying to the universities.  Bluntly, it is very difficult to get enough merit at an out-of-state public school to make it as affordable as in-state public options.


    Try searching the websites of the schools of interest.  If they have any scholarships that are assured for stats, it should be on there.  Competitive scholarships are the huge unknown.  For the best odds, your DD should apply to schools where she is in the top of their accepted student pool.


    Good luck.

    • Like 3
  15. All turned out well.  Once I was able to talk directly to the pharmacist, she filled the prescription while I waited!  She said that the automatic system (which is what you get if you call in a re-fill), has set guidelines of how soon a script can be refilled. However, she was able to check against my insurance, which turned out to be more flexible. *whew*


    Yes, I do still need to follow up with my doctor to get either some samples or a small second prescription so that I can have a cushion of time between refills if needed.


    I got home and counted the pills. Got the full 30 this time, at least.





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  16. Thanks, everyone!  I will post an update once I have talked to the pharmacy today.  The med is not a controlled substance so I'm hopeful they'll be able to help me out.  It's a very old med but not cheap, unfortunately, when I looked up the full retail price.


    Repercussions for skipping days until the next insurance refill are unknown. Maybe nothing, maybe significant symptoms.  It's a long term maintenance med that reduces the risk of the condition occurring again.


    Edited to add: I also appreciate the tips on how to prevent this from happening again. 

    • Like 2
  17. So, I'm on a medication and have plenty of authorized refills (doctor actually wrote the original script for 999 refills. ha!). With my last refill, the pharmacy either miscounted or I've lost several pills; they are teeny tiny and I know I've dropped a few.


    I've tried to have it refilled but the pharmacy says that it can't be refilled yet. . .I'm assuming for insurance reimbursement reasons. It is NOT a pain medication or another a drug that could be abused or sold.


    I took my last one tonight. Haven't been able to talk to the pharmacist as they just route calls through an automated system and I haven't been able to go to the store in person yet. Guess I'll make the trip tomorrow.


    Any ideas on how this is usually handled?  Can I pay out of pocket for a few pills to bridge to the date the insurance will pay for a refill? 



  18. I rarely venture into a Starbucks but when I do, I get an iced coffee. I've never been able to figure out the sizing so usually try to describe what I want.  The last couple of times (months apart at different stores) I asked for the largest size available and I'm pretty sure that I've been given a venti size cup.  It really doesn't seem very big, especially because it is filled with ice.


    BUT, I keep seeing things online about the huge (trenta?) cups available for iced drinks.  Are these only available in certain stores?  Do they have them but not use them unless you call them by name? Why wouldn't "the largest size" request get me the largest size?

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