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Posts posted by cassiemc

  1. Based on my personal experience, AP classes are not as thorough as college classes. Also, colleges vary greatly. I attended 3 different colleges; one private, exclusive school, one community college and one state university. The level of classes varied at each school. I can see why a college would not transfer credit or accept AP tests scores for credit. It's all relative and you can always find a college that will meet your students needs:)

  2. At 11/12 my son took a online public high school earth science class. He did great, learned a lot and made an A. This year he is studying anatomy using Otter Science and a college level textbook. Next year, he will study the Conceptual Physics mentioned above. He has a strong math background,. He is working on geometry now at just turned 13. I do think that skipping middle school science and heading right for the high school level science is the way to go with a science loving kid.

  3. We are planning a camping trip to the beach, a national swim meet is taking us to Hershey, PA and I will more than likely be going to LA when my sister has her baby in June ( I will sneak in some time in New Orleans, if I do). I am jealous of some of your trips, but we are planning a Europe vacation in 5 years :)

  4. So far we've done:

    5th grade~TT 7th

    6th grade~ Kahn Pre-Algebra, He tested into Algebra 1 after finishing TT 7,but we wanted to make sure he covered what was needed so we did the Kahn lectures thru the summer and then completed TT Algebra 1

    7th grade~ He is now working on geometry thru completecurriculum.com


    He will probably go on to Algebra 2 next year. I am looking at some AOPS courses and then Pre-Calc and Calc

  5. I have no problem with someone coloring their own hair, but it's not something I would do. I started getting grey after my dd's birth. I was 24. It has never bothered me. I don't care how old someone thinks I am. I don't see why I should care about that. My grey hairs are white/silver and I think they look great! I am 35 now and am getting more grey hairs. I hope to be the grandma with the long silver hair one day!

  6. One ortho told me that our daughter didn't need any work. It does happen :)


    My oldest son is getting braces within the month. We had 2 free consults with different orthos. Different treatment plans for a very pronounced overbite. I would never put braces on a child that doesn't want them. I would also not put braces on a young child or pull perfectly healthy teeth. We waited until all of his baby teeth were out. We went at 10 and the ortho wanted to pull teeth for the braces, no thanks! Consults are important. Treatment plans vary and you have to like these people. You will be seeing them for 2-3 years, every month or so :)

  7. My Dh is usually gone 4 days at a time. It's his job and it's all the kids have ever known. You get used to it and then it's no big deal. I am sure it will be different for someone who is used to daddy being there every night, but you will all be fine! Sure, we wish he could work from home, but that's just not possible. He's gone 4 days but then he is usually home 2-4 days before he's gone again. You will find your grove and it will be good :)

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