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Posts posted by cassiemc

  1. My younger son uses MBTP and my daughter uses BYL. I think BYL has a lot to offer. She is in 7th grade, so maybe the younger grades are lighter. She does the literature/geography/art from BYL and science and math she uses other curriculum. There are plenty of learning activities beside the reading. On some days her work takes longer to complete than her high school brother's. My younger son enjoys MBTP and it is a great curriculum as well :)

  2. My son will be 14 a week after Christmas. We did the computer thing last year. He built his own and bought most of it himself. We did gift some computer parts last year. This year he is into playing his Bass guitar. He is getting a lot of music gifts that he asked for. His favorite band is Muse and he asked for a few things from their store. One really cool gift that we found is a water powered alarm clock. That is one of his bday gifts. He is interested in environmental science and conservation so the clock seems perfect for him.

  3. My almost 14 year old DS loves to spend his free time playing or writing music/playing computer games/playing with siblings/reading either a book or a website/playing with his cat. He works hard at swim team, household chores and school work, so his free time is just that, free.

  4. I bought one from Amazon and I love it. It's a Tungsten Carbide ring, made out of the material they make airplanes out of. It's indestructible!




    My husband's ring fell off while we were out shopping. I bought a tungsten ring from Amazon as a replacement. We'll never be able to replace the original emotionally, so this one works.

  5. My oldest (13) is our swimmer. He had 2 weeks off in August and just started his stroke and turn clinic on Monday. It lasts 2 weeks and regular swim practice starts after Labor day. He swims on a year round USA competitive team. He most recently swam at the State Games of America in Hershey, PA, about 3 weeks ago. His team will swim in a meet most weekends in the short course season. He is a hard worker and loves swimming. We love watching him swim :)

  6. My son swims 2.5 hours a day. They take lots of breaks and when it's really hot/humid they go outside to cool down during their breaks. It may have been a combo of not enough fluids and overheating. Make sure he has a snack before practice and plenty of fluid before, during and after. As he works up to more laps, he'll need a restorative snack after practice. I hope he keeps it up! My son loves it!


  7. 1.Well, since no one here is an actual pilot, how about a view from an real live commercial pilot! My DH is just that. I have been with him since high school, so I know a great deal about it all. He went to Embry-Riddle in Daytona Beach. He did most of his training at a local FBO (it was cheaper). Sfter graduation, we moved back to Atlanta and he got a job as a flight instructor to build hours. After that he took a job at ATP, again to build hours (not the best job but he got the hours). He then got a corporate pilot job. It was a great job. He became head of the training dept. We were finally making good money. Then 9-11 happened and no one was flying. The company went bankrupt and he lost his job. Thankfully, he had already interviewed at ASA (commercial airline). We had to wait several months for a training class, but he has worked there for 10+ years and is know a captain. He is now looking at majors.


    2. If he had something to do differently, he said he would have gone to a local college and trained at a local FBO. Embry-Riddle is a very expensive college.


    3. Advantages~it's not an office job! travel, pay, benefits, job security

    Disadvantages~away from family about half the month, miss kids activities, etc, no set schedule, long hours


    4.Advice~Work for an airline with a union. Do not take a job at a low pay airline, there are plenty who will pay you well. The first year pay is not great, but hopefully, you will be young and unattached and the pay will be enough.

    He does recommend this career. There is about to be a hiring boom. Now is a good time to become a pilot. Things are looking good for the future.


    Flying is a passion. Many people with this passion would not be happy doing anything else.

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