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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. Crazy people who count calories...? #aintnobodygottimeforthat
  2. Cape May is wonderful. DH prefers Diamond Beach just north of there, however. I have two IRL sisters. No brothers. Always wanted a brother. I don't like chickpeas. Not at all. Perhaps I should have put that on my list of dislikes on that other thread. Meh. I'll just tell you all here because you're the ones that matter. I can't stand up straight today. Nor can I get comfortable in my chair at work. This is going to be a long day. I keep stretching, but it doesn't help the pain. I hear thinks creaking and racking and boy do I feel old and out of shape. I told DH last night that I am now on a mission to get in the best shape of my life by the time I'm 50. So that I don't have to start right now I gave myself a few extra years. LOL
  3. Hi, all! Just finished painting Adirondack chairs. They broke my back. I'm toast.
  4. :grouphug: to your dad and best wishes for a speedy recovery. It's amazing what doctors can do these days.
  5. I just played Professor Noggin's Fifty States card game with DS. I'm ashamed. He kicked my butt. He was even getting the answers to my hard questions. No, I am not smarter than my 3rd grader.
  6. Jean - no need to switch your vote just to make me happy. You keep your chocolate so that I am not tempted. Because, like chocolate still rocks even if it is evil...
  7. But chocolate makes me break out. I binge on Swedish Fish. The big bags. Yes, you CAN eat the whole bag in one sitting. :ack2:
  8. Is it a sign of addiction that I think about ITT when I'm at work? I think it might be. I quoted myself! :)
  9. Took me a second. The bride IS the dishwasher, don't you know?
  10. Oh, yeah. I gave the word. I'm a happy girl right now thinking about :ph34r: footprints.
  11. Call dd1 at her friend's and tell her to come home and go to bed. We don't want her to feel left out.
  12. :grouphug: , Another Lynn about your dishwasher.
  13. I'm in QA, right? So at work today, a coworker responded to my query as to why her program was still sending testing to our lab when our lab was not accredited to the Standard that she was adding to her revised procedure, because now it is required (since April!!) by the Association for whom we manage the program (following this? LOL), and she responded thusly: It's not my responsibility. Huh? You are the Program Manager, lady. It most definitely is your responsibility to make sure that the accredited testing required by your program is done by an accredited lab as specified in your program docs. How do you think the lab is going to know what your new requirements are? Through osmosis? But I was in a non-confrontational mood (this is not the norm for me :)), so I calmly went to MY boss and took him into a conference room to freak out on him instead. LOL My boss looked at me, and said, "WTF?" are you serious? And later he told me he had taken care of it with her boss. SMH. If she wasn't pregnant I would have gone off on her to her face. I mean, someone points out an egregious error to you and you just shrug? I wanted my ninja elephant & minions to rain down on her so bad today.
  14. So I found my missing hosta buried in the mulch on the other side off the garden bed. Poor thing was yanked right out of the ground and very thirsty. And missing a few leaves. But she is back in her home now, recovering, with a little bit of new soil and lots of water to make up for her misadventure. I am also happy to report that my Rose of Sharon is covered in happy bees. So many that I couldn't count them all. Alas, DS's throat still hurts. But we have ruled out strep, so now we're back to thinking allergies. Poor kid.
  15. Heidi? Oh, don't mind her, she's "Trying to blend in"
  16. I, too, feel like this is a most important question.
  17. I was wondering, too. I grew up Baptist (I guess "Northern"? - It was in MA) and we could dance. Just not dirty dancing. So it wasn't Footloose I related to, it was Dirty Dancing!
  18. Woot! Happy Birthday to Another Lynn's DS! :party: :party: :party: :party:
  19. :grouphug: to your dd. Hope she's feeling better. Oh, Okay. I see now that she is, indeed, feeling better. Well enough to slam doors and give attitude. LOL
  20. DH is not a people person, LOL. DH gives DS the option: a party, or we take that money and buy you extra gifts. DS choses the gifts. :)
  21. Thanks. I feel better already. I love this thread.
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