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LaMere Academy

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Posts posted by LaMere Academy

  1. Oh, I can top this one.


    My 11 yr old (at the time) daughter was talking to her friend. The friend said "I have all these Kansas quarters." and my daughter said "Can you use those in the United States?"



    I almost had an accident...I was driving them to ballet at the time. We've never let her forget this one.


    Another one (same daughter) is when I told her to find China. I think she was 10. She went over to the US map and was looking at Canada. Her brother still says "Well at least I know China isn't above the United States!" whenever they get into one of thsoe "who's smarter" arguments.

  2. I'm currently studying Latin For Children with my children. I think the pronunciation depends on whether or not you want classical or ecclesiastical. But here's how I think it's pronounced.


    Flavius fla (as in la la la) vius (weeus)


    Publius Pu (poo) bl ius(eeus)


    But someone who knows latin better might know a little more than me.





    That's how I saw them.

    I just put that down because I started reading it aloud and didn't think my kids were going to enjoy it. Maybe I should stick with it?

  3. Love the Mom. Love the Dad. Love the kids.


    Like they say at the beginning of the show- being the parents of two sets of multiples may not bring out the best in them; it's not a perfect life, it's their life; and they're in it together. This I totally understand.


    I love how they put it all out there. It has a genuineness to it that helps me when dealing with my 3 kids. I imagine it is also of help to families with multiples to see the everyday running of another home with many kids of the same age. Let's face it. It would be like living in a daycare.




    Same here, I like them and think they are a loving family doing a great job with all the stress they're under and I don't think they are harming their children by doing this show.

  4. To echo what some are saying - I agree that it is important to be available to talk when THEY need to talk. With my son, it was at 2:00 AM. I kid you not, he could not sleep at night and when he was up, I would often get up and hang out with him in the middle of the night. At first we were just watching TV. But invariably, he would start a conversation and we would talk. I would never have gotten to know his teenager mind the way I did, if I hadn't been willing to get up out of bed and hang out with him.


    I was exhausted! But I KNOW he will never forget that I was there for him and with him when he needed me. He is grown now, lives in town and attends university. Guess what - every once in a while, he calls me in the middle of the night - just to talk. He still can't sleep. And I don't mind. My boy wants to talk to me and I am going to be there for him. So I get up in and go in the living room and we chat. I hope he never stops calling me - I don't care what time it is.


    Now THAT made me tear up.


    I love my teens. I have so much fun with them, but YES they are much harder to parent than when they were little. Just today we had major teen girl drama here, and it lasted HOURS. Shocking stuff, never seen anything like it. Her brother actually was laughing in his room and said it sounded like a bad teen movie. Anyway, she got over it, and has said she's sorry, that I'm her best friend and that she realizes what she did wrong (to get the discipline she was freaking about) and everything is ok.

  5. my dd was listening to her ipod and it just froze, stopped working in the middle of a song. now it's on and won't shut off. plugging it into the computer didn't do anything. Song menu is on the screen. Then she tells me the scrolling has been messing up lately.

    anyone dealt with this? Take it back to Walmart?? Of course I can't find the receipt...or contact Apple? Of course that will take forever to get a replacement!

    I'm hoping it fixes itself!

  6. well i'm wondering if I should just let him do core 6 this year like he has been (we're all behind with the year but we'll finish it) then let him do core 7 with his sister again next year. I have added in harder books for him like now he's reading The Odyssey. I guess I feel bad having my 9th grader do Core 6, but he's doing high school English and I think the history reading he's getting is pretty good, plus I'm adding in A Beka World History, 10th grade to go along with it for him.

    Perhaps I should just let him continue with his sister.

  7. My son is in the 9th grade and is pretty self motivated. We always used to do Sonlight so this year I bought Sonlight 200, but it was just too much, he needed too much help and I have 3 other kids, so we've put it to the side and he's been doing English with a virtual school and history with his sister, so they're doing the Core 6 history books.

    I'm lost as to what to do next year for him. I don't think SL is going to work for him independently. I love the literature approach though.

    I've purchased Omnibus and didn't like it so I sold it. What else can I use? I've looked at Notgrass online and I'm not crazy about that either. I'd like something good, with literature that he can do on his own with very little involvement from me. Any suggestions?

  8. Is anyone else working on more than one book at once and overlapping weeks? I completed my first book a few days in (but I had started it before Jan 1) and I'm a few pages away from completing my second book.


    But, I have a couple of other books on the go as well - there's a devotional that I started a few days ago and an audio book (Yes - I'm counting Audiobooks!) that I'm about 1/3 of the way through.


    My weeks won't be neat and tidy with one book completed in each, but my overall goal is to read 52 books this year.

    Same here, that's how I am every year. I've been making 52 books in 52 weeks my goal the last few years.

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