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LaMere Academy

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Posts posted by LaMere Academy

  1. I was a huge curiculum junkie when the kids were younger. The last few years money has been so tight and I'm so thankful I bought liberally back in the day. We are able to homeschool now with minimal purchases each year. We have our own library with books on most subjects, I have several Sonlight cores and tons of science and history curriculum.

  2. I never knew of vegan body builders. :lol: I think super buff body builders look strange and unnatural, but it does give me evidence that veganism doesn't equal weak. Mac Danzig looks normal and strong!


    Okay, can we further encourage me by linking a whole food vegan who looks normal and healthy. I want to know it isn't vegan white bread , chips or cake or whatever that keeps people from being too skinny.


    And thanks to those who were so up PC to say they have noticed ill health effects of a strict vegan diet.


    And to those I put-off. I am sorry. I am a cranky, hungry lady right now. Even beans, nuts and avacado don't keep me full.


    My daughter and I just read Skinny B**ch and it was a really good book, I also recommend http://www.healthyb**chdaily.com as a daily motivator.

  3. Oh wow, you all are so beyond me. I need to learn "how" to eat raw. Halcyon, I'll have to start with the basics.


    One question though: how do you get enough protein in a raw diet? I'm confused on that one. :confused:


    BTW, a few years ago my dentist said I was too wired for him....imagine. :tongue_smilie: So, this coffee drinker cut waaaaaay back and now I consume no more than 4-8 oz. of coffee a day.


    My daughter is doing raw till dinner and we've read alot about being vegan in the last couple weeks. The books say that you can get plenty of protein through fruits and veggies/beans. The fact that we need meat/dairy for protein is a myth. Americans consume way too much protein than what is needed.

  4. I am trying to find U.S. History for 9th and 10th graders. I have seen several of you mention Notgrass so I went to their website. It says there are 150 daily lessons which includes text, reading and writing assignments. The site also says depending on your student that they may require 2-3 hours for each daily lesson.

    HOW on earth are we suppose to allot that much time to history with all our other subjects?!?!

    I think that is a bit much.

    Any comments and advice for U.S. History? I have also heard good things about MFW but I after looking at their website I wonder if it is heavy on the religion. We are Christian and I am not opposed to a Christian approach but don't want it heavy in text. KWIM?


    You have to remember you get 3 credits with this course. Bible, History and a Literature. So, it makes sense. Still seems like a lot to me. I did a search here to find out more about the US History course, I'm thinking of buying it for my dd 11th grade.

  5. Also, dear Facebook friends, I do not want to see photos of you sticking your chest out in every photo that you post....just because you've had a boob job.


    I'm sick of teenage girls with their boobs out AND their tongue out. What is up with that? Also the sexy face in about 200 pictures that they took of themselves in the bathroom mirror. These girls have parents as their fb friends, what is wrong that the mom is not making them take these down?

  6. I've seen the show. It doesn't dress it up at all. It actually follows the parents and shows the tremendous stress having children puts on their education, their relationships, and on their own parents. Maybe some girls would see these situations as desirable, but they'd have to be masochists.


    I watch this with my 15.5 year old daughter and I think it's a great way to show how giving in to desire can ruin your life. We have great talks. I think they're great shows, they let teens see how hard it is. All the girls always end by saying they wish they had waited. I think it sends a good message.

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