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LaMere Academy

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Posts posted by LaMere Academy

  1. The Narnia series aloud to my kids

    The Scarlet Pimpernel

    It Takes A Village Idiot


    this year I started many books and didn't finish them.

    My Life in France by Julia Child was one...

    Becoming Jane Austen was another, can't remember them all.

    I didn't do a whole lot of reading this year either. I hope to do better in the new year.

    I just finished The Heretic's Daughter and am now reading Cleopatra's Daughter.

  2. When we're really broke these are the things we eat


    grilled cheese or peanut butter sandwiches

    tortillas with cheese and refriend beans

    small amount of chicken with rice and beans, can be put in a tortilla also.

    spaghetti, no meat

    baked potatoes

    macaroni and cheese with small amount of meat.


    We all have a very hard time eating a meal without meat, so I just make a small amount and give everyone a bigger helping of the starch and veggie.

  3. How I do love this show...

    Ds has been really loving The Cosby Show lately. I've been listening from the kitchen, laughing. Tonight, he taped (and we watched during dinner) the pilot episode; you know, the one where Denise (the epitomy of cool when I was 12 yrs old) wanted to date the Merchant Marine with the ear ring and Theo wanted to be "regular people"

    , and Claire says "don't you talk when I'm talkin' to you". Its very interesting to watch this particular show again now that my kids are the same age (more or less) that I was when I watched these episodes. I remember feeling really burnt by Cliff's comeback after Theo's big speech (I remember thinking 'ha! even hollywood agrees with kids sometimes, so take that, Mom and Dad!:tongue_smilie:')...I laughed really hard this time around. And so did ds :confused:!

    What ever happened to those kinds of shows? I don't watch much tv anymore, but I'm pretty sure shows aren't like these anymore.


    Anyway, if you haven't watched it lately, enjoy the link :).


    My kids and I watched these tonight. My kids have seen The Cosby Show only a few times in the past. Tonight nothing was on and I went past Disney and Nickelodeon and found...The Brady Bunch! My 9 and 10 year olds were mesmerized! Ha, then Cosby came on after. It was great.

    And I LOVED that my 15 year old son heard the whole thing with Theo and his dad about him wanting to be "regular people" It was great.

  4. No. Every teacher does it differently. Do it the way you want to. If your child does well on tests, you can save yourself time and just grade tests. If your child doesn't test well, you can grade a test the same as a homework assignment. It doesn't matter. It is totally up to the teacher. One cc teacher of my son's graded everything equally--from 5 question quizzes to a 5 page report. Personally, I thought that was weird; however, it illustrates that there is no standard whatsoever.


    I'm so glad to hear this myself!

    I had been wondering. I personally count everything as the same. Especially since I've never been big on tests and quizzes, though they are starting to take them now that they are in high school.

  5. I use an Umbrella school. I pay $25 a year and send in 180 days of attendance.


    I'm just not excited about having to deal with the county and keeping a portfolio.


    This is exactly what I do, however this coming fall I'm going to register my older two with the school district so they can play on the tennis team. It will be a new experience.

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