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Stacey in MA

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Posts posted by Stacey in MA

  1. I have always felt this way. I feel like I have to crack the whip with them, push them along, to get through their day's work. I have to be stern about it, often. They get flustered dealing with mommy the disciplinarian teacher, and don't really want to deal with me as mommy the mommy later in the day!


    But as I have thought this through, there isn't much of an alternative. Everything is a trade off. And the options we have other than homeschooling aren't acceptable to me. So I simply won't get to be "mommy the mommy" very often....


    FWIW, I DO find those moments with each child, the connecting and feeling close without school being the connector, during moments when I take only ONE of them with me on an outing or errand. It's important to me to plug those into my schedule to reconnect with each kiddo.


    GL! No real answers here, but YES, I feel that way often....

  2. My DD's Brownie group just did "International Day". The older girl troops ran the booths, and the younger Brownies got to go around and check out each booth. Most booths had food samples that were representative of that country's food. That was a nice touch! Most booths had some poster with the factual info on the country, and also some printouts for each kid to take that usually included a color-by-number country flag. Some booths had a craft for the girls to do that was somehow related to their country. India was offering henna tattoos, Japan was allowing girls to copy/practice calligraphy and special symbols, China was allowing girls to try chop sticks to pick up a fortune cookie, etc. That was fun! The last thing is that each booth had it's own special sticker with it's country's flag on it. All of the girls touring the booths had a passport type thing which they would collect each country's sticker in. That way, they had more incentive to go to each booth to get the complete set of stickers.


    Anyway, just thought I'd share how that was done. Good luck! Let us know what you come up with.....

  3. If by any chance you end up in Santa Cruz (about 50 mi north), please eat at the "Asian Rose" for me!! It was my favorite restaurant and I miss is so much! It is a vegetarian asian-I-don't-know-what hole in the wall, but soooo delicious! You go through the buffet line like any other quick Asian restaurant, but the flavors are amazing!


    My DH used to work in Santa Cruz and Scotts Valley, so we'd meet for lunch there on occasion.



  4. I don't know why it's freaking me out a little bit this time around. I guess I really thought we were done, but DH has always wanted as many as I will allow, and I've had the baby-itch lately.


    So many of you said how your olders dote on the littles....I see that now in my family of 4 kids, and I LOVE that part of it. It actually goes into the wish for more! It is so endearing to me. I wish for MORE of that!


    Anyway, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I'm not completely decided, but working it, praying on it, getting there....


    Thanks!- Stacey in MA

  5. I love that my girls (ages 7 and 4) are best friends! I love watching my 10yo care for the 2yo baby and truely feel connected to him. I love watching the baby grow (but all too fast!). I want to give them another little person to love through time. Another little person to help learn and show love to.



    I worry about my body getting demolished (prolapsed everything!), my gestational diabetes turning to true TII, the aches and pains, the labor. Stupid, I know. Temporary. But fear inducing. I worry about how school will be when there's another little one in the mix, and all the while school is getting more intense for my older DS10 and DD7. I worry about the vehicle situation, having to get a new car to fit another car seat (ours fits 6 right now) - stupid again, but a sort-of big deal too. The juggling act of simply mothering 5!! I know moms do it, but CAN I?? And what about getting someone to watch the kids? It's one thing to ask someone to watch your child while you run to a dr.'s apointment, but how about "Could you please watch my FIVE children?"!! People aren't used to so many. We know more than a few families with four kids, but I don't know anyone (except a long-distance friend) with more. I would be diving into new territory for me!


    There are also so many things on the plus side. And not necessarily a QUANTITY of things, not like my laundry list of little doubts, but the hugeness of QUALITY, of FAMILY and LOVE of family.


    Hmmm....so many things to consider. How did you decide??


    ETA: I guess when we had the other 4, I had NO doubts, no lists of "maybe we shouldn't"'s. If I have any list at all (as I do), then should the answer be no? It feels weird to be in conflict....

  6. Not sure about ALL of the touristy and/or educational things, but I think of a few things that might be fun....


    The Monterey Aquarium is fun, but pricey like any aquarium. See if you can get some discounted passes at a local library. In addition to the usual aquarium sights, they have a pretty decent little-kid's area with touch pool and play area called the Splash Zone:



    One thing I always wanted to try while we were there but never did (b/c I always had an infant to deal with - I think kiddo must be at least 2yo to ride), is this:


    Check out the "large surrey" bike. It's like a golf-cart size, and everyone (or just mom and dad!) pedal it. There is a paved bike/jogging path that runs along the coast, so you ride along, get some exercise, see the scenery, stop for lunch, etc. Looks like fun to me! You can call them to find out where to go, but you have to just show up at the path, where they keep the bikes and rent one on the spot.


    And also this - sea kayaking in along the bay:


    Never did it, but always wanted to try!


    We used to go swimming at the Monterey Sports Center in the middle of town. It's a HUGE indoor pool that has a waterslide in the middle of it (the older kids loved it), and a very large "therapy pool" which is used by the little kids and moms (it's heated warmer than the pool, but not as warm as the hot tub. I enjoyed it!). Check out the web site and pics:



    Tourists usually like the 17-mile drive. It wiggles along some very scenic coast, and in through the Pebble Beach golf course. Might be worth a few minutes of time. I remember we used to stop along the way and let the kids wander on the beaches.


    There is a town just north of Monterey called Seaside. For some reason, the way it is positioned on the bay, it is almost always quite breezy or even downright windy there. There are some dunes along the highway/ocean when people do some hang-gliding. Lots of people go there to the public beach to fly kites. Might be fun to check out. Seaside also has the local Costco, which is where we shopped and went to lunch for our hot dogs and pizza! ;-p I honestly don't remember which beach name it was that we went to, but I know it was the one near the Costco! Here's a list of beaches



    A great SHELTERED beach (little cove, not lots of waves or wind - great for little ones) is at Lover's Point in Pacific Grove. Lots of families there.


    We used to go to Dennis the Menace Park from time to time. Pretty big playground with equipment for all ages. Also, there's a skateboard ramp park right next door for the older kiddo. At the pond adjoining they rent those little paddle boats. See #15 on this map:



    There's always Fisherman's Wharf for food and sights. Just to walk along, watch the otters, hear the sea lions, etc. A little touristy, but nice.


    I hear there's tons to see on the southern side - Carmel, and further south, Big Sur. I just don't know those areas very well. Perhaps someone else will have a suggestion for them.


    Good luck and have fun! Are you visiting family/friends? Just a vacation? Business trip?

  7. Can you tell me what went into your decision to have more than 4? Since having the fifth (or more), what do you count as the plusses and minuses? Are they the same as what you thought they would be BEFORE you had the 5th?


    We have 4, considering a 5th. Looking for some experienced input.


    Thoughts? Ramblings? TIA! - Stacey in MA

  8. They have a good selection of styles, and almost all are the most conservative on the general market.


    My dd7 and ds9 are on swim teams, and so I've noticed that swim team suits tend to be very non-revealing. The front of the suit comes way up (no cleavage would show), the front part of the bottom has a normal cut (not high leg), and the bottoms are well covered. The only thing that might seem a little revealing is that the back is fairly open down to the small of the back. Maybe try some web sites that sell racing suits?


    Good luck!


    - Stacey in MA

  9. Hi all -

    I was thinking about trying to do something a little special for the kids as they pass from one trivium stage to the next (sort of like 4th grade, 8th grade, and 12th grade graduation instead of the traditional elementary school, middle school and high school graduations). My (oldest) DS9 is completing 4th grade this year, so this would be the first year trying something like this.


    First of all, do any of you do (or have you done) this? What are your ideas and experiences with it? Where did you go or what did you do? What did your DC really get excited about?


    What I had in mind was something educational - perhaps a long weekend trip to see a special historical place and then an amusement park too to round out the fun. It might be too much $$ though, so my other thought was that perhaps just my DH or myself could take him alone somewhere fun and special (instead of the whole family).


    I don't have any other concrete thoughts on this. Still stewing it around, and thought I'd solicit some direction for this lost mommy brain of mine! ha! FWIW, we live near Boston MA.


    What do you think?


    TIA! - Stacey in MA

  10. I can't remember details right now, but they said if this market situation were to mirror the great depression, we are (firstly) only at the beginning, and (secondly, with all the adjustments made for inflation, various conditions, and such) that the market would land down around the 3000 mark before this is over.


    It will be anyone's guess as to which companies come out of this alive. During that market plummet, the companies that lived through were raw materials producers (steel and such), as well as some of the agricultural companies (I think). Maybe those are the safer bets these days....? I don't really know enough about it....



  11. I considered it for a while - a few years. But I think I've dropped it. DD has an unusual name, and the way we spelled it, it gets mispronounced often. But since it's been 7yrs, I think we won't. But if she made a big deal about it at some point, I would reconsider. I don't think I would allow under 18 changing her name completely though. I wouldn't mind if after 18 she (or any of them) decided to change. I hope it would be something long-lasting though! The decisions we make in our late teens/early 20's can sometimes be very unenduring! Ah well...



  12. I used Hypnobirthing with #2, and Hypnobabies with #3 and #4. I had great births with all 3 of them, but I think I preferred Hypnobabies. The problem with HypBirth is that it is very reliant on your husband/birth partner's cues and verbalizing the hypno scripts. I didn't like that. I wanted to be in complete control of the process. The HypBabies CD scripts were perfect for me to zone out on, and I liked that they were the same every time (as opposed to a partner articulating the script differently - if that makes any sense). I also enjoyed that I coudl practice on my own (while DH watched the kids). FWIW, I DID feel that practicing made all the difference in the world. I was very able to find my way quickly when I needed to because of much practice.


    My only birthing "issue" with all of the methods I've used is that when pushing time comes, all my technique goes out the window! I totally lose the comfort and control I had. I don't know how to fix that, or give advice on that part of the birthing. Fortunately, my pushing times were always very quick. Feel free to ask me more if you want more... I love remembering and talking birth stories! :-)


    I still uses these similar techniques when I go to the dentist (ickkk!! hate the dentist office!)


    Good luck to you!! - Stacey in MA

  13. It would be nice for him to have a new car, but his 12 year old one keeps hanging on! (We are a drive-the-car-into-the-ground kind of family. No new vehicles unless we NEED them).


    I think I'll always buy Toyota with the great luck we've had with them. (We also have an '01 Sienna which has had virtually no problems as well).


    Good luck and congrats on vehicle shopping!

    - Stacey in MA

  14. Yep, I'm addicted too. I'm on the last one right now. It is definitely "easy" and "quick" reading, but for some reason, so compelling! Definitley teeny-bopperish, though, and I would never have dreamed of finding myself into it.


    BTW, the 4th book is a bit more older-teen or adult themed. There is some hanky panky described, so be warned if you are concerned about your DD reading it. You may want to read it first....


    And, yes, Edward is so "DREAMY", despite being a vampire! I'm pathetic....

  15. feeds us 2 meals. It cost about $6.


    Here's a link:


    FYI, I skip the meat and the mushrooms. Make sure not to cook more than the instructions, b/c it will overcook and start to burn. Also, I usually make a loaf of bread to go with this. That would be less than $1 extra.


    And here's the $$ break down:

    $2 lasagna noodles

    $1 on sale - 28oz can of sauce

    $1-16oz FF ricotta

    $2 2c. package of shredded mozzerella


    That's about $6 for 2 meals. That's all you really need! You can add onions if you like, and spices if you have them (oregano, thyme). If you can afford more cheese or sauce, or even some browned ground meat (beef, turkey, pork), it may add value/taste/nutrition, but not necessary. Anyway, it's only 1 meal suggestion, buy maybe it will help.


    As many have mentioned, I also do a lot of bean soups and chili's in my crockpot. They are cheap to make and VERY healthy!


    Hang in there. You have some wonderful suggestions here. You can do it! Take care and God bless...


    - Stacey in MA

  16. Just thought I'd put this out there to gather your brilliant ideas! FIL had a pretty serious heart attack recently. He's home from the hospital today. We want to send along something nice/cute/useful/cheerful. But my mind is pretty empty! (can I claim mommy brain x4???). He's really not the flowers kind of guy. They have to restrict their salt, sugar and fat intake, so most edible items aren't going to work.


    What other ideas do you have?


    Thanks guys! - Stacey in MA

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