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Stacey in MA

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Posts posted by Stacey in MA

  1. Thanks Jessica! Yes, same here. It was a very nice dinner and great conversation! It's so great to put a face to so many like-minded moms! It's a real blessing to have met you all!


    Now I have to figure out how to send individual messages on these boards so I can chat with you all each! More later....


    My alarm is set for 4:30 to make my flight home....I hope it goes off! Ha! ;-p


    - Stacey

  2. Well, I made it! What a nice hotel! Arrived late, and then needed to EAT! I was a little nervous about flying (I don't fly too often and am a nervous nelly flyer!), but who do you think I'd be blessed with having sit next to me? An AA pilot who's regular route is Boston to London! He talked shop much of the way, in a very relaxed fashion, and I didn't feel nervous at all! What a gift that was....


    My kids were sick last week, and I am not feeling great today (I won't shake your hand, OK? ;-p), so I will be late to coffee, as I'm headed out to find some ibuprofin. 7-11 perhaps? See you soon!


    - Stacey

  3. How do we get to the social group?


    Yep, I'll be there, sans kiddos (a first for us)! Coming from Boston to Newport News (am I the only one traveling into there instead of Richmond?? It was much cheaper...) Very excited! Late Thurs. through waaaaay early sunday.


    FWIW, I did end up getting a rental car and the lowest I could get was $20/day. You got a real deal on the $12!!


    See you all then!

  4. I don't LIKE the junk food, but I accept that it exists, especially at other people's houses. If we were meeting every day, then maybe I'd lay down some rules. But a buddy that DS visits once or twice a week and gets toaster streudel or fruit by the foot, I'm not worried. At home, he eats fairly well and healthy - lots of fruits, veggies, nuts, etc. - nonprocessed food. As long as a good 80 or 90% of his foods are coming from our home and our ideas of healthful, then I'm OK w/ that 10% being something "other" (within reason of course!)

  5. I'm not following it to the "T", but it inspired me to eat better.


    Right now I most often use Paul Newman's Asian Sesame salad spray. It's one of the best low-cal ones I can find.


    I have made one once (but can't remember the exact ingredients! came from a library book....) that was good. Did it in the Vitamix with lemon juice, chopped sundried tomatoes, garlic, water, and something else - can't remember! Maybe it was some fresh tomato? or capers? Hmm...Yes that might have been it!


    Salad always needs something a little acidic (lemon or balsamic, etc.). I have blended several things in the Vitamix recently and thought "hmm, this would make a decent dressing!" - any blended veggie might make a nice sauce!

  6. I thought I had hit a real bargain! The woman was selling some clothes and she was just my size. (They were various capri's - denim and khaki - and a couple of sweaters/vests). When I asked how much, she said $10 - - PER ITEM! I was very surprised. I understand they are named brands, but I don't want to spend $50 at a yard sale - I want to spend $10 or $20. If I want to spend money to get exactly what I want, albeit used, I'd search on ebay and be willing to pay more. So I didn't buy....


    Anyway, just food for thought. Maybe if you want what you know know you can get for the materials, you should post on some sales boards, or even ebay?


    Good luck! Let us know how it goes....


    - Stacey in MA

  7. He would say it over and over and over again! So embarassing! First of all, I tried doing time outs in the crib, but he didn't seem to get it. He'd be sad for being removed from our family space, cry for being in there, but not seem to make the connection that what he was saying was getting him there. Or maybe he did, but it just didn't stay with him later next time he said it!


    Anyway, the next thing seemed to work. We simply ignored him. We completely tuned him out when he said it, as if no one said anything. (I had to really try to get the olders not to LAUGH - that just made 2yo say it even more when he got a reaction out of people!)


    Now he (mostly) doesn't say it anymore. At least not excessively. Once in a blue moon.


    If he were older, I definitely would offer a consequence like time out, privelege removal, or something similar. But at 2 or maybe even 3, that doesn't always work.


    Have you tried ignoring it?


    Good luck! - Stacey in MA

  8. Hi Heather =

    Is what you have shareable? We are doing Vol. 4 this year w/ DS10, and also have United Streaming. I use it most often with the younger kids though.... Peep, Magic School Bus, etc. DD7 (using Vol. 2) uses it from time to time for history - watched a cartoon Joan of Arc the other day! I love US.


    So do you have a good list for Vol. 4? Want to share?


    Thanks! - Stacey

  9. I had an upright bike. Hated the one I had b/c it's tension was too high even on the lowest setting. Also, it was a little loud. Also, it hurt my rear-end! ;-p

    I might consider another bike if I found the right one. Needs to be quiet and comfortable. I can get more of an aerobic workout on a bike than a treadmill, since I can't run (back issues).


    I presently have an elliptical that I like, but it is too loud, and too big. So it's in the garage, which means I can't use it while watching TV. It's sort of a big deal to me to have mental distraction while exercising, so this caused me not to use it much lately.


    My current exercise is going to the gym. I use the bikes (upright and recumbant), the ellipticals (some are harder than others), and the treadmills. Then of course I do the various weight machines and independent exercises (with the ball and such). I HATE taking the drive time to get there, but I do love it once I'm there... the getting out of the house away from that commotion....the variety of machines depending on my mood....the plentiful TV's to pick from when I look up from my exercise....etc.


    If I were to get any machine other than the elliptical I have, it would be a treadmill. I can get a good workout going while walking. It's something I ENJOY doing, and would do more often (at home) if I had one. Thing is, I will NEVER be able to run on it - every time I've ever ventured to become a runner, my already messed-up back goes way out of whack for a long time. But just the walking alone burns plenty of calories and is so good for your overall conditioning. And it's ENJOYABLE! ;-) If it's enjoyable, you'll stick to it.


    Good luck with your shopping and purchase! Hope you find something you really enjoy....



  10. ...with my 4th and 2nd grader (4yo has learned most too!). No special tricks or songs (though that would be cool!). We are also almost done with "Day by Day Kid's Bible", which has been really great! It took us longer than a year though, as we missed days here and there, but the amount of reading for each day is just right for a reading.




    I'm noticing that since we have almost been through the whole book now, they have a better reference of where the books sit in the Bible. I think that makes it easier when you're memorizing. Each time before we read, we do a moment of Bible memory work, like listing the books of the Bible, reciting prayer's, creeds, etc. Then we get on with the reading.....


    I just found this:


    But haven't tried it yet. Lot's of Bible memory work set to tunes? May be worth a look....


    Here's a youtube video that has the books set to a tune. I like it! I think I might give a try this week for review:



    Have a good night!

    - Stacey in MA

  11. Our house sold very quickly a few years ago. We still had all the main furniture in it, but NO clutter - ZERO. And SUPER clean - beyond anything I've even kept as regular living!


    FWIW, (not to rock the boat, but....) we rent now, and I'm always looking for new houses so that when the time comes to buy we'll know where to look. I personally actually prefer EMPTY houses. I can mentally work the space around much better when other people's stuff isn't in the way. I know exactly what I want and how I'd use different spaces, and I'd rather SEE them empty. I also worry that furniture is hiding any damage or dirt or something. I guess that's just the exception though, not the rule. Most people say keep it furnished.


    GOod luck!

  12. Playing in the kitchen sink! He pulls a stool up all the time. I have to be careful about what I leave in there (have to put the glasses and knives out of the way!). He pours and splashes, washes dishes, moves them around, etc. I make sure there's plenty of plastic stuff in there for, but it has to be REAL! He doesn't want toys - he wants to feel like he is really doing something helpful! (cute...) He will spend a good 20 or 30 minutes at a time doing this!


    My olders (the girls ages 4 and 7) like to put on music and dance, and he LOVES to watch them and join in.


    I park him w/ headphones with 4yo DD on United Streaming to watch Peep or Magic School Bus while we are doing school sometimes. He gets through about 15 or 20 minutes, but will watch for longer if he's in his highchair (i.e. can't figet or run around) and/or if he's tired.


    I am thinking about taping a Dollar Store plastic shower curtain or painters tarp to the floor and letting him have a large plastic bin of beans or rice (or oatmeal, as one friend did at her house recently!) for an indoor sensory thing to amuse him during school. He seems to be able to spend lots of time w/ the tactile stuff. Add a few of those little plastic dinosaurs, or FP Little People maybe, and we should have some fun!


    Hang in there - it's always a challenge. And just when you feel you have it mastered, she will grow up and be at a new stage! hehehee!


    cheers - Stacey


    Oh also - YES on the balloons! Lots of fun for little one! But only when myself or my olders are watching (for safety).....

    Also, blanket forts and tents. The older kids build them, and 2yo joins them in either playing inside, or destroying them!

    With the music thing, he jumps on the mini trampoline while the girls are dancing too....

    Hoppity Hops (yes, inside - I've succumbed!)

    Large Cardboard boxes for forts, or coloring on, or pretending it's a boat, etc.

    I love the idea of the olders teaching the little one yoga or doing a video with him! Haven't tried it, though they often pretend to teach him gymnastics (rolls and such). May be worth a try....

  13. I watch it on DVR when I can (maybe every other episode).


    I agree - I want Jesse James to win! Who'd-a-thunk he was such a nice and smart guy! He's married to Sandra Bullock, I think.


    I watched the other seasons, and was hooked by them. I actually don't like the Celebrity one as much, b/c the other seasons had contestants who actually were competeing with their business skills. These guys sort of compete with SOME of their business skill, but also mostly with their celebrity. Not as interesting to me....but fun still.


    Have fun!

  14. I temporarily forgot about the fact that our taxes go toward paying for the local schools which we are NOT allowed to use the resources of, so there is an imbalance there that gets balanced out a bit in our use of the library.


    Yes, thanks all for the reassurance. You'd think that library people would WANT us to be there, eagarly, educating, reading, using their services! Ay, ay, ay...



  15. So I actually have to look carefully to see if a certain book is coming from our library or from somewhere else. The ones that end up being from my library put on hold are obviously processed by our local library ladies (and yes, they're complaining). And the ones that come from other libraries come on the truck.


    So this church/library friend said that it averages out to $2 per book when someone puts a book on hold. I guess they compile that data on all the books put on hold - within our library and outside of, since the holding system is all the same. I mean, I can imagine it costs them SOMETHING, but that amount just seems so high. I suppose they wouldn't have to hire so many people, drive so many routes, etc., if fewer books were being held, and therefore the cost per book would go down. But still...


    And FWIW, this woman works directly with processing the library book holds, and is what I consider pretty reliable in her knowledge. I don't think she'd exaggerate. If anything, she'd try to swing it the other way.


    Anyway, the idea of it costing the library so much bothers me. But still, you're right - we need it, that's what it's there for, so why not? Ah well....


    Just me being sensitive I guess! :-)

  16. I just found out that it costs our library $2 a pop when I reserve a book through our interlibrary loan system! Wow! I had no idea! A lady at my church works at our library, and we chat from time to time. She doesn't personally have a problem with me/us using the library as we do. She says she thinks it's great the way we use it, and that that is one of the best reasons to be using it so fully - to educate the children.


    But I guess there are a couple of grouchy old ladies there who she works with who get frustrated with we library patrons who take out so many books at one time! I do indeed order a LOT! I have 3 little kids who read TONS of books. Often they are on the short side (so there are more of them!). I try to keep up with the history chapters and science work we are doing, as well as literature related to our time period, and just plain FUN stuff too! So that means 6-8 books or more a week for each kid perhaps! (Are you telling me it costs them $50 a week for my family? That just doesn't sound right....) And you never know what will arrive on time or not, so sometimes a whole bunch end up there for you when you didn't think there'd be so many! And sometimes - nothin'. Also, sometimes it's hard to tell what a book is going to be like, if it's a match for the work your child is doing. In that case, I usually just go ahead and order it to check it over, keeping it if it looks OK and sending it back on it's way if it's a dud.


    I DO physically go in to get many books as well. I require the kids to go with a list I compile and find about 6 - 8 books on the shelves. (I want them to know how to do it). I TRY to get the books off the shelf if they are at MY library, and only reserve the ones that come from other libraries, but this isn't a steadfast rule. Sometimes it is convenient to just put it on hold, even if it IS at my library! (I guess this is one of the old lady's problems with we trouble-customers! "Why can't they just come in and get the books off the shelf themselves if they live in town! Lazy!" Ah well....)


    Anyway, I am slightly irked that they have a problem with people taking lots of books out, and specifically reserving them through the loan system. BUT, if they are so concerned, then why don't they post rules about it on their web site? They should inform people that it costs the library $2 a book. Maybe they should make rules about how many can be on reserve at once? I don't know, but I hate it when someone is complaining about me behind my back. Especially when I don't even know them! And especially when I'm not breaking any real rules - written or implied. Sure does make me feel on the outside of the world looking in sometimes....


    Anyway, just thought I'd throw that out there. Maybe some of you didn't consider the cost before? I know I hadn't, but now will likely be more careful about what/how many I order. I also may need to consider upping our annual library donation - ha!


    Happy reading to all!

    - Stacey in MA

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