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    North MS

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    Homeschool Mom
  1. Both my boys play hockey and we've found that FUNK FREE works pretty well. I think we found it at a sports gear store... can't remember which one, sorry. There's NO smell like dirty hockey gear. Blech!!
  2. I'll be graduating my last homeschooler next year, and clearing up space in my bookshelves. I wonder if any of you would care to recommend some great books to put in my personal library? Books you can read several times and not tire of. Thanks!
  3. My older son starts college next week and will be on his university hockey team. He will be living with us. My younger son just started 11th grade and plays on a local hockey team. We have homeschooled all the way through. Both boys have jobs. We also have several pets and raise chickens. It seems like when they were younger, our house was less chaotic and I could keep it clean (most the time.) Now that they're older, it's like they've forgotten everything I've ever taught them and have trouble picking up after themselves. I am weary of cleaning 24/7 with nothing to show for it. Just looking for some nuggets of wisdom about dealing with the constant mess and my lack of control over the schedule. I'm feeling very *out* of control and it's making me doubt my sanity. Thanks!
  4. I haven't read the other replies, but it sounds like a great deal. My son is a freshman in college and rented the books he could, and had to buy some used for the CD's and access codes. It was $600+.
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