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Posts posted by bbsweetpea

  1. In my 8+ years in LLL, I saw tons of baby wearing mamas, was one myself. The only babies with issues I saw, were the ones left in car seats for hours on end (flat heads/stiff posture/etc).


    Let us be fair, far more kids are injured in those bucket seats, then are hurt in a sling. Just like the co-sleeping issue, it's all about being educated and paying attention to your baby.


    Totally agree! I wore my third child probably the first 6 months of her life 24/7. I needed my hands free. It is all about education though. I made sure the wrap I bought was comfortable for me to use correctly and that I knew the proper way's to wrap in order for her to be safe.


    Just like with anything (including putting a child in a car seat), if done without following directions it can be dangerous. We also co sleep and I get so tired of all the "dangerous" studies in regards to that. If you learn how to do it properly ... it is NOT dangerous.

  2. I am so glad to hear it is not just me. After my third child (who broke my tailbone in childbirth) I have not been able to endure the bike seat. I will try some of the suggestions in this thread though because my two oldest are getting new bikes for their birthdays this year. I am going to need something in order to ride with them.

  3. Hmmm with my third I decided we had to PURGE in order to make room for the baby. Every night when my husband would come home he would have to crawl over garbage bags and donation boxes to get into the house. I was obsessed with throwing everything out. I got rid of furniture, boxes, letters, paper, dishes ... anything that we did not absolutely need. There are days now when looking for something that I can't find ... I just assume I threw it out.


    The second thing was with my third baby as well


    I decided one day that I would wash every piece of fabric in the house. I emptied all the closets, stripped the beds, took down all the curtains, unzipped the sofa cushions ... I mean EVERYTHING and dumped the linens in the garage in front of the washer. I started my quest for clean laundry. I had it in my head that everything had gathered dust and the baby needed to not be around it when she came home. It took me two months to get it all washed. :lol:


    My husband was SOOO glad when I had the baby and my crazy cleaning faze was over.

  4. I'm a night owl. My *favorite* time to sleep is from 4 am until 10 am. However, I don't do that anymore. :tongue_smilie:


    This is me and luckily my kids normally allow it. The baby is a night person too and usually does not get up until 10 or 11. I am going to miss these days once the kids decide I need to get up earlier. I get so much done after 11 at night.

  5. Well my list works with one child and not the other. I will lead with my Duds for oldest


    100 EZ lessons - bored her she prefers SWR approach and ETC

    MUS-Hated the TM

    RS Math-I love this but she just could not grasp anything unless she wrote it down.

    Saxon Math-Bored us both


    Duds with my son

    SWR- He LOVES 100 EZ Lessons and ETC

    Horizons Math- He LOVES and does well with RS Math

    Saxon- bored us both



    As you can see I have an interesting time teaching these two. They are totally different learners.

  6. Get the book Thyroid Power.


    It will teach you how to be an advocate for your Thyroid Health. It also gives you other tips on how to keep your symptoms under control without just using meds. Sleep, diet and exercise are key ingredients to feeling healthy when you are hypothyroid.


    Oh and I was diagnosed with being Hypo when I was 21 after gaining 100 lbs in 6 months. It took a couple of years to get it under control and even then I really did not understand the importance of being on top of my health. Only just recently with the help of a friend have I started to turn things around and actually FEEL better. Even when your levels are normal you don't always feel well.

  7. Unless there is a health problem I would switch doctors.


    I started mine overweight and only gained about 10 lbs with each pregnancy. This means the minute I gave birth I weighed less than when I got pregnant. I LOVED being pregnant. LOL


    I did have GD with all my pregnancies though and had to be careful what I ate. That had something to do with it (plus my thyroid actually works when I am pregnant).

  8. Yes. It happened down the road from my parents house (like they see it out their window). My son is there and called me to tell me about the "big smoke".


    I am so happy that there were not many people hurt.


    I also have a friend that is friends with the man's family (Stack's wife and daughter). He caught their house on fire before he crashed the plane. Luckily a neighbor got out the wife and 12 year old daughter. My friend is collecting clothes for them. I feel horrible for his wife right now. To have your husband do something like this AND try to kill you and your daughter.


    Very sad day here in Austin.

  9. My husband is almost ore on board than I am. Of course he is not the one teaching though.


    We both did very well in Public School (he was in the top 3% of our class) but were BORED. I think back to all the times I was held behind in stuff because other kids had to catch up. I did not want that for my kids. I wanted them to learn at their pace. We talked it over one day after I decided to hold back my oldest (do to developmental issues) and we both agreed 100%.


    My husband would love for me to home school all the way through High School. His favorite thing about it is that we are not on a public school schedule. We are night people in this house and getting up before 8 am is CRAZY talk. :lol: He also loves that we school pretty much year round. It allows for more time off when we need it during the typical school year. He enjoys the field trips and hands on learning the kids get and the fact that it is not all just book work.


    My husband only looks at the kids school work when they show him something. He is here most of the time while we are having school (since he works evenings) so he see's what we are doing. I do wish he took more of an interest in how well they are doing and would help me with curriculum decisions.


    I need more proof on how well they are doing than he does. If he see's growth in their knowledge and skills he thinks it is going fine. I wish I was more like him.

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