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Posts posted by bbsweetpea

  1. I hate to say it, but if in her listing she said that insurance was the buyer's responsibility, she's right, unless the item was damaged before she shipped it. If it became damaged in the mail, however, and you opted not to insure it, that does become your problem.



    Actually according to Paypal and any Judge ... it is the responsibility of the seller to make sure the item gets to the buyer. Even if the seller buys DC and the item does not make it to the buyer ... Paypal will side with the buyer.



    File a despute, take pictures, they will have to refund the money. You may have to ship back the item though and pay shipping both ways. It may not be worth that.

  2. For my four year old and 5 year old I am going to use


    Handwriting without tears (pre-k and K)

    Explode the Code

    Click Start (for my computer crazed son)

    LTR in 100 easy lessons

    LOTS of reading


    Right Start Math level A



    Science is going to be a few of the Janice Van Cleave books, some nature books (kids love going on walks and the park)


    History is through reading everyday books- we will stop and take a day to learn about things mentioned in the books


    We also will have a bible plan (mainly reading the bible and having crafts, memory vs etc with it)

  3. I usually look to see what is in the freezer and then look at the sale pages to buy any extra meal food we may need.


    I make sure we always have cereal, eggs, jam, cheese, bread and Milk on hand for any days we may need a quick meal.

    My hubby works nights 4 nights a week so I normally don't make as big of meals those nights.


    A few of the meals we eat on rotation


    -Chicken and rice (with peas and carrots in the brown rice) and a side salad

    -turkey pasta with green beans and fruit salad

    -white chili and cornbread

    -Pesto chicken over some sort of whole wheat pasta

    -chicken nuggets with 2 veggies

    -Zuccini Lasagna (no noodles in this dish) with a salad

    -turkey & black bean taco's

    -Ministrone soup or some other type of soup with cornbread or garlic bread

    -Pot roast with lots of veggies thrown in the crock pot

    -Stew the next day with the leftover pot roast or roast beef sandwiches

    -Chicken fajita's


    We usually eat soups and salads for lunch or a grill cheese or peanut butter sandwich.


    I usually make one new recipe a week from my clean eating magazine and some make the cut and go in rotation ... some do not.

  4. You can try soaking their bottom for a bit in oatmeal or baking soda to help heal and sooth them. I also use a thick paste (Butt Cream) and make sure it is very thick over the irritated area's. I sometimes put a layer of powder on as well to be more drying. Usually it will clear up within a day.


    You do have to change the diaper as soon as they poop and I just use paper towels (wet) instead of wipes so that the soap does not irritate them more.

  5. Thank you all for your advice. I think I will pull back on the sonlight for this first year and focus more on the 3 "R"'s.


    We already read a ton (or I do to them) and do some science study with "Magic Schoolbus" books. My kids seem to LOVE science and exploring so I may keep them active in this area and just wait on History, Geography and formal Bible for another year.


    This will save me money and time as well.

  6. My name is Rachel and I am VERY new to the HS thing. My oldest daughter we held back this year do to developmental delays. She is finally almost caught up in speech, OT and PT. I have been working with her this year on some basic K stuff and decided to continue to homeschool. My middle child has been doing everything with us and at 3 can write all his letters and numbers. He does get distracted easier and does not hold attention for as long but he is actually quicker at his work than his sister.


    My thought is to do Sonlight K next year with some adjustments. Here is where my questions come in. Should I continue to teach my 3 year old (he will be 4) at the same level as his sister who is 2 years older? I think he could keep up right now.


    Would this adjusted program cover everything we need for Kindergarden? I am using Sonlight because I really am overwhelmed. I think after this first year it will be easier for me to adjust and add other things. Like I like MOH and Apologia Elements of Science but am not sure how to get it all to fit together right now.


    From Sonlight I am going to buy the bible, science, geography, History, Homeschool Family Fitness, Come look at me books (art) and then I will still have them read all the books listed on Sonlight (most I am getting elsewhere)


    For Math- MEP (what we are doing already) and then singapore (skip saxon)

    Think I will still get MathTacular because I have heard good things about it

    Teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons - BOB books instead of FUN stories (because we have these already)

    I already have started Writing without Tears so we will continue that



    PE- Soccer One semester

    Art- Pottery 2x a month

    Music/Theater Arts is a class they will take that puts on a performance at the end of the semester.

    Church group activities and my 3 year old still has Mothers Day Out 2X a week


    I am not getting lots of the hands on things because we already use playdoh to create letters and numbers, we have a lot of manipulatives for Math and we have a dry errase board and chalkboard for the kids already.


    I guess I just need reassurance that I am not going to mess this up and I can do this.


    I do teach at our Church Mothers Day Out 2 days a week but my mom said she would work with my oldest during that time with any school work I give her. I also manage a 2x a year consignment sale that takes up 15 hrs a week 40 weeks out of the year. Luckily I create my own schedule other than those two weeks but I still am afraid I will fail at Homeschooling. My husband is on board but he will not be teaching.

  7. I am new here and new to homeschooling. I live in Central Texas (ROUND ROCK). It looks like there are lots of ladies in the area.


    I have a few friends that homeschool but they all do it their own way. I am still trying to figure it all out but am excited we are starting this journey.


    My kids are ages 5, 3 and 10 months.

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