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Posts posted by bbsweetpea

  1. Just thought I would share in case anyone is interested. I found some things for school on Amazon that are on sale right now



    Prismacolor Col-Erase Erasable Colored Pencils, 24-Color Pencil

    List Price: $16.99 Price: $5.99 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. Details Deal Price: You Save: $11.00 (65%)



    Eyeball Animation Drawing Book: Dinosaur Edition [bargain Price] [spiral-bound]


    List Price: $14.99 Price: $3.65 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. Details Deal Price: You Save: $11.34 (76%)



    Explore [bargain Price] [Hardcover]


    List Price: $22.95 Price: $5.08 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. Details Deal Price: You Save: $17.87 (78%)



    Pentel Arts Oil Pastels, 36 Color Set (PHN-36)



    List Price: $6.43 Price: $3.19 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. Details Deal Price: You Save: $3.24 (50%)




    LOVE this kit. It is great for kids that love art. It even has a model flying machine in it. I bought this last year for my kids to use in art and ended up buying 2 because both of them wanted their own kit.



    The Da Vinci Kit: Mysteries of the Renaissance Decoded [bargain Price] [Misc. Supplies]



    List Price: $24.95 Price: $5.63 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. Details Deal Price: You Save: $19.32 (77%)


    Uncover the secrets of Leonardo da Vinci's highly debated masterpieces with this interactive investigation of the original Renaissance man. Our Da Vinci Kit will satisfy fans of Brown's book who hunger for more information about the enigmatic Leonardo da Vinci, his masterpieces, and the Renaissance era that defined him--in an appealing, interactive format! Kit Contains:

    32-page, full-color history of Leonardo da Vinci

    Facsimile sketchbook containing Da Vinci's handwritten notes

    The Last Supper restoration simulator

    Replica of Leonardo's flying machine

    Punched sketch study for The Last Supper

    Detailed paper model of Florence's famed Duomo

    Full-color timeline of Da Vinci's life and influences

    Alberti Grid for drawing like the Masters

    Charcoal sketching stick

  2. Hmm that is a hard one. I am in two groups and this is how each one does it


    Group A- meets weekly - We have a meetup.com page, facebook page and usually call or text with each other weekly (only 20 families)


    Group B- Larger group that has several activities each week available. We have a yahoo group and facebook page. If anything changes the leaders or monthly planners send out emails.


    If someone can't get to a computer or have phone access I am not sure how you could let them know what is going on.

  3. We are in Round Rock and about 35 miles from the Bastrop Complex fires. We also were 15 miles from Steiner Ranch and close to the Leander fires.


    I have asthma and the last two days have been rough for me. Smoke is my trigger so this is not good. Also I am allergic to Ragweed and that is starting to spike right now.


    My dad used to live in Bastrop and the land he owned is gone. I know several families that have loss everything. My husbands uncle and aunt loss their home that they built from the ground up.


    There are also 8 homeschool families that I know of that have loss everything. The homeschool community here is starting to work on getting school supplies, books and curriculum together for them. This is something the community as a whole will not think of helping with.


    As of today 1386 homes are gone in Bastrop County. It is heartbreaking.


    My mother has a childhood friend that lost her daughter and granddaughter on Sunday to the fires near Amarillo. Her 20 year old daughter and 18 month old granddaughter did not escape their home when a fire went through their mobile home park pretty quickly. My mothers friend is handling it better than I think I would.

  4. My oldest just turned 8 in April and her chores have been for the past 6 months the following:


    -Unload dishwasher daily or every other day (as needed) while dinner is being made. Mommy loads it back up.

    -Sweep kitchen floor as needed (every day or every other day)

    - Fold towels and put away

    - Put away her clothing and her sisters (little sister can put away her undies).

    -Pick up the girls bedroom nightly and remind her sister to put away shoes (oldest does not get into trouble if little sisters shoes or toys lay out).

    -Pick up any toys, books and art supplies that she gets out each day before bed.

    -Vacuum her room weekly



    My 6 year old (turned 6 in June) does the following:

    -Vacuums living room floor 1x a week

    -Keep up with kids laundry. This requres that he makes sure their towels and dirty clothes are in the hamper and not on the floor. When the hamper is full he takes it to the laundry room and lets me know.

    -Puts away his clean laundry.

    -Keep his bedroom picked up daily.

    -Keep up with trash and our recycle bin inside. When a can gets full he takes it out to the larger cans.

    -Picks up his toys, electronics and art supplies at the end of the day.

    -Makes sure all pool toys are put in their bin after we swim.

    -Oh and snuggle with Mommy daily :lol: He added this to the chore chart himself.


    They both also clean glass, wipe baseboards and other odd chores like that when I am in my OCD deep clean modes. I get that way about once a month or every two months and everyone pitches in to get me over my hump much faster.

  5. I didn't run out of gas *a ton* when I was a teen, but some time around 19-21, I realized that gas cost the same if I kept my car on full or empty. Actually, as prices went up, it was often cheaper to keep it on full. This was *huge* for me. :lol: Might help your dd, too.


    For a long time now, I've switched my E from E to 1/2. Of course, walking to a gas station w/ 4 dc is also a compelling reason not to run out of gas. :lol:


    This was going to be my suggestion. I only ran out one time in my life. I actually put a sticker on my dash at the halfway mark with a big E. Once it gets there I fill up to full. This keeps me safe.


    However with your situation I am not sure if it will help your DD or not. Hopefully her trek this morning taught her a huge lesson.

  6. Our church has it for free but has a cap on how many children (300). They also don't allow children from OUR OWN church to attend unless a parent is helping. Our VBS is four days from 9:30 to 2:30. There is crafts, sports, bible, chapel, movie, and snack. It is meant for an outreach but the majority of the kids are children from other churches. I have a feeling we will be revamping our VBS after this year. In the past it has been 50% other churches and 50% unchurched. Now it is about 10% unchurched.

  7. I attended a talk on PPD/PPP a couple of years ago at a La Leche League conference. While I've never been in contact with a mom with PPP (several with PPD), I am forever grateful for the simple warning sign we got from the speaker (Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, PhD, not just "some mom with experience"). If a mother called and said she hadn't slept in days, that mother needs to call her doctor RIGHT NOW, and probably needs someone with her to argue the point (aka "no, it's not that the baby just needs to nurse a lot, she has been AWAKE, cleaning the house, without sleeping, for 2 days. she needs help NOW.")


    Sleep deprivation can lead to psychosis: http://www.world-of-lucid-dreaming.com/sleep-deprivation.html


    Editing to add: psychosis, and the things people think while psychotic will never make sense to anyone who is "neuro typical" - it defies logic and order. It is, by definition, irrational.


    This was me. With my first I did not sleep. I wouuld stay up cleaning, nursing, holding the baby but not sleeping. I was paranoid that something would happen to my child if I slept. She had stopped breathing on me when we went home the first day and I went nuts. PPD set in after a week of ICU and sleeplessness. What ended up happening though is that I would get so tired and CRAZY that I would think ... if my child was no longer there then I could sleep. It is not logical but I was tired and suffering from PPD. I was put on drugs, moved in with my parents (with baby) and was not left alone for months.


    I can look back and remember some of my thoughts. It was a DARK time. That is how I described it at the time. I did not know how sick I was.


    I remember thinking later how sad I felt for Andrea Yates. Yes she should be in jail for what she did. However I feel sad for the loss that she has to feel for the rest of her life. The punishment of the death of a child and the fact that YOU killed them is more than being put to death. Being put to death would be much easier.


    Just my thoughts on the subject.

  8. Yes and no. I have known quiet a few people who have killed themselves. I am by no means proud of this, but if someone really wants to do this (kill themselves) they do it.


    I am sorry but I really don't care if she was sick or not, it was wrong. She should be dead also. Same for the husband he knew better and still did nothing. He should be locked up for life for doing nothing.


    I have known of a mentally ill (bipolar) family member that has attempted and failed multiple times. These were not minor attempts but MAJOR attempts. One slit both arms up from wrist to elbow and almost bled out before being found (lots of blood was given to save him). His second attempt was taking over 300 pain meds. He was in a coma and came out of it. Just because you try does not mean it will happen.


    I don't think anyone is saying what she did was not wrong. They are just saying that she was SICK and her husband knew. He should be in jail as well.

  9. Sorry! I am one of those snobby women. Actually I am just painfully shy and prefer to be ignored and invisible. I figure if I look down and not say a word nobody will notice. IF someone says something to me I will respond but usually keep going. I can handle one on one conversations but not in a group.


    This is actually something I have been working on. I have started inviting several women at my church over once every couple weeks with their kids. It is helping me get over being so uncomfortable.

  10. Daisy,

    I say all of this with sincerity, no snarkiness intended. But I want to be honest, coming from years of how I've seen people end up really hurt in families. In all honesty, not inviting your dad is fine with your reasons. Not inviting your siblings because they are under his influence and brats is not, at least not unless you want to further alienate them. You are 21, they are preteens/young teens. Big difference in maturity there. You're right, it's your wedding. All decisions we make in life come with either rewards or consequences. So what you need to decide before it's too late is what you care about in your relationship when they are older, and have matured some. Do you want them to remember you did not want them at your wedding? Because that could do irreparable harm to your relationship, which is already strained. At this point, I doubt you can get refunds on hotels and chapels back but if you can, you may want to spend the same money locally, where they can sleep at your mom/step-dads (no hotel, just transportation expenses) and have a simple reception after a simple ceremony, with all family invited to witness your marriage. Or not. Choose what's important in the long run.

    I'm ready to be reamed... but I couldn't not say something after a lot of careful thought.



    I totally agree with this as well. When I got married my step dad walked me down the aisle and I did not want my Bio dad there. However I do have two half brothers that at the time were pretty young. I could not stand my dad or step mom but invited them to both the rehearsal dinner and wedding in order to make sure my relationship with my half brothers stayed good. I got married at 21 and one brother was 8 and the other 3. They probably did not care at the time but now we have pictures to look back on and they can see where I tried. They now have a bad relationship with all of our bio dad (all due to abuse and neglect) but a good relationship with me and my brother. Think about the future. These kids will turn into adults some day and you probably will want a relationship with them.


    (((HUGS))) I know this is hard. I hated planning my wedding. No matter what I was going to hurt someone or be uncomfortable myself. My wedding still was small so it can happen. I would pray on this and then do what is in your heart. It is YOUR day.

  11. My older daughter and I started knitting this past October. We took a class together and were both lost after the first lesson. I went home and looked up how to knit on Youtube. In a week I learned to knit and purl. I also came back to class with a bag I knitted to hold all my yarn and needles. LOL


    Youtube is a great place to go to learn to knit. Anytime I have questions I just look it up on there and learn. I love to go to Ravelry for free patterns.


    I learned to knit using 100% cotton yarn and am glad I did. I can't stand the feel of acrylic yarn and there is no way I would have stuck with it if that is what I had started with. If I were to teach someone I would go with wool or cotton. I would also use a size 8 or larger needle to start with.


    Your younger children might have a hard time knitting with two needles. My daughter was 7 at the time of the class and most of the kids that caught on quickly were 9 or older. The younger one's finger knitted after a couple classes because they just could not get the hand/eye coordination down.


    Have fun with it and don't be afraid to tear apart something and try again. I learned to knit with 2 needles, 4 needles, and in the round within 3 weeks. I LOVE knitting and usually have 3 projects going at once now. :lol:

  12. I asked my husband where he looked and how he got his job. He has had this one for over 6 years but before that he went through a couple years working 3-4 "small" jobs to help make ends meet.


    He applied everywhere he was interested in.

    He told everyone he was looking and asked if they had ideas.

    He signed up at a temp agency and unemployment agency to get leads


    In the end he got a very good job through the temp agency. Before he landed this one he worked as a waiter during the evenings on Monday-Thursday, weekend night manager at a bowling alley and at a call center during the week. All of these jobs at the same time. He wanted to make sure he stayed working and provided for us (we had just had our first child when he was laid off).

  13. We treat fruit as dessert and I serve it nightly. :D My kids always want dessert so I have fruit salad or sometimes just one fruit after we eat our meal. Occasionally I give them pudding, jello or an ice cream/ice pop treat. This is maybe once every other week though.


    We only eat cookies, pie, cake or other desserts like that for special occasions. If I am in a strange cooking mood I might make something during a regular week but this is NOT often at all.

  14. This year I printed out and cut up workbooks and filed them by week. (I was the one who started the massive filing thread last summer.) When the work is complete, I put it back in the file completed and graded. If I ever have to refer back to it, I just pull it back out. At the end of the year I will toss all but a few things. HTH



    I do this too for items that we don't keep in their subject folder. This way I always have it on hand if need be.

  15. That is SO sweet, but I'm afraid the time crunch is too close now.

    Maybe I'll just wear some nice pants & bohemian layered tops & act like I don't know what proper wedding attire is. But I'll have to have some heavily spiked lemonade to pull that off. ;)



    LOL This reminds me of my brothers wedding. They had planned to have a big wedding in October. Well in April (I was due in late May/Early June) he calls me and says, "We are getting married in two days and we decided to invite you and the family". I had TWO DAYS to find something. Apparently they upped the wedding and originally were only going to have parents and friends coming. They did not want the rest of the family because her family could not come out of state that soon. My SIL's sister told her that was silly and that they should invite me and my grandmother. So in a 2 day time period I had to find something nice to fit my 8 month pregnant rear. This was my biggest pregnancy with my biggest baby too. Needless to say I found some nice Khaki pants and a blouse and they dealt with it. :lol:

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