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Shelly in IL

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Posts posted by Shelly in IL

  1. I am going to the Dr. on Weds., but was just wondering if any of you could shed some light on my cycles.


    They have been "the incredible shrinking cycles" as of late. I usually run 24 days like clockwork. 2 months ago, I went 22, last month 20, this month 15!!!!! Seems like I am running out of something, the way this is presenting - maybe progesterone? I've had really heavy clotting this month as well - not usually. Sorry for TMI.


    I am also sluggish, I am tempted to have them test my thyroid as well. Thanks in advance.

  2. I want you to know that we successfully did a discussion today (well, 1/2 a discussion). Now that we know we can do it, would you go back and repeat the last 6 weeks or so, or just move ahead. Since it is repetition of English/French kings and lineage (and he has a clue about it), my first thought is to just keep chugging. Again, he has done all the reading right along, it is not like we skipped the information. Thanks.

  3. I just added some extra salt when I was cooking it in the oven.


    My recipe is for Cracker Jacks, and it is delicious!!!


    2 sticks butter

    2 cups brown sugar (packed)

    1 cup Karo

    1 cup peanuts (raw)

    1 tsp vanilla

    1/2 tsp baking soda

    dash salt

    2 gallons popped popcorn


    Boil butter, brown sugar, Karo, peanuts, and dash salt for 5 minutes. Add vanilla and baking soda (careful this will expand). Pour over 2 gallons popped corn. Spread on cookie sheets and cook at 250 degrees for 1 hour, stirring every 15 minutes. break up before cool into bite size pieces. Yummy!!

  4. We started in unit 3 of year 2. Ok, book questions... are you having them read any more than the books in the "reading assignments" sections? My son is covering all the reading, but I am not, so I don't know where he is going wrong. I will take Karen's advice and try to do a week of assignments.


    I am just having such a HUGE disconnect - I AM!! I just don't feel like I get it - that probably translates to him getting it! Thanks for the suggestions. I think I also don't have the time to put into the preparation. I really appreciate all you folks who have more than 2 kids and are getting it done!

  5. Where are you expecting dc to find the answers to the history questions page?


    We are not following a spine, just doing the recommended reading in the "reading" section. It just seems that not all the answers are in there. IT is not that I mind doing discussion. I just want to be able to find the answers that need discussion. Perhaps I am just too lazy to want to dig through all that Encyclopedia stuff at the end and yet, he doesn't have access (unless I give it to him - which I have done a couple times) to this information.


    Am I just missing something? Really, I just think it is not connecting with my brain!!! Am I not expecting enough out of him/me? I just don't feel like my hand is held AT ALL!!


    So, we are floundering. I have not cancelled, yet, but unless I figure this out quickly, I am certainly going to. Thanks for any help.

  6. You know, I've wanted to love ToG. I really have, but somehow, it just seems like history isn't getting done. My 7th grader does all the required reading, but we are still not getting to the weekly discussion, and when we do this history-loving, smart kid, still doesn't seem to know the answers. This is out of character for him.


    What are my options, you ask? Well, I am seriously considering jumping ship and returning to Veritas Press. We loved the daily flashcard drill (pre-made, a huge plus!), it really helped his retention, and the daily hands on was good for me, too.


    Problem is, that I have already ordered the year 3 ToG in advance. I can't remember the policy - what was it? $25 cancellation fee? I don't know, any really redeeming reason that I can't use SoTW with my 3rd grader (with 7th listening in) and do VP with 7th grader and both working on the cards and song? I can certainly add in a bunch of reading to help him out.


    Will I regret this decision? Thanks.

  7. Where will he fall? By the time he has reached 9th grade (if we remain at this pace with no problems) he will be well into Jacob's Geometry (probably finished it), have completed 6 years of Rod and Staff English, and 6 years of Latin (1 of Spanish). He is currently in public speaking and debate (and doing well), well grounded in science, and loves history. He is an excellent writer.


    So, what is the problem? I have been talking to people who have had children in our Catholic High School and they have said that where he will come in in most subjects, he will be way ahead. What do you do about that? Think to yourself, well, he better do VERY WELL if it is all a repeat - or do you think, this is a waste of time, he'd be better off staying at home and doing community college for his junior and senior years?


    I know this is a ways off - but I am in a need to solve this question - it is only 1 year til he would test to enter the school. Thanks.

  8. with my 3rd grader. The first 35 or so lessons were really ridiculously easy, but we did them so we would understand the program. At this point (a bit farther in the book) it is really great. It is still VERY easy at this point, but the constant sentence writing and reusing the words is really cementing them in his head. I really like it. It only takes about 10 minutes and I really think he is getting alot out of it. Hth

  9. that looks like a 3 dimensional dot (I can't remember my stitch names right now) it goes like this:

    With the thread on top of your work, wrap the thread once around your needle and pull snug, then put the tip of your needle right next to where it is coming through from the bottom. Keeping the thread snug, push the wrap to the end of the needle and pull the needle through. That should do it!

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