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Amy in KS

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Posts posted by Amy in KS

  1. I was diagnosed at 19, but had symptoms for several years. I had a lap and the doc removed some of the growths. It was outpatient and only mildly uncomfortable afterward. I was diagnosed level III-IV and put on Lupron for six months (which shrinks the growths). This helped with symptoms. I was told to expect to have a hard time conceiving. I wasn't married then.


    I ended up going on a second round of Lupron when i was 29 before trying to conceive with my husband. We got pregnant with our first right away after that!


    There's hope.

  2. Well, I guess it all depends on how the parent approaches the class. I require my child to write down all bold terms and main ideas while viewing the course. Think of it as college notetaking practice. We also screen print and study all of the maps. We have the cards and use some of the history source readings (Hakim, Kingfisher History)from the cards as well. There are lit suggestions as well. We also discuss. I imagine if a child is just in front of the computer, no writing, no discussing, no further reading it might be less effective. Personally, I think it is a wonderful tool.

  3. I love the self paced veritas press history courses. They're computer based, fast paced with lots of review. We've been doing them two years now and love them. There's currently a group buy going on right now that makes it much cheaper than usual (through the end of this month). Several people here are going in on groups. It isn't secular, though. You can see samples weeks from the various courses here. http://resource2.veritaspress.com/Resources/Scholars_Online/Scholars_Online_New_Self-Paced.html


    It won't have the writing though. We do Pudewa's IEW writing (u.s. history based writing currently). It's very good and has really helped develop my daughter's writing.


    If you're looking to develop memory skills, you might look at buying the Classical Conversations audio cds. It's a great time to do it as they are greatly discounted right now in preparation for a new edition.

  4. I've had both. I also have a few of the cheap ones that were built 10 years ago. The cheap ones are built now much less sturdy than they used to be. Most of them use these large circle pieces that sort of screw closed. They don't use regular screws any longer. My cheap one from 10 years ago is strong enough to push across the room and it used regular screws and single vertical boards on either side.


    I strongly discourage you from buying the five shelf target one. The side pieces come in two parts. I'd had mine in the front room for about six months when the whole thing fell forward and crashed all over the living room. I was so thankful that all of the kids were in the kitchen with me.


  5. I've done both CC and other co-ops. I'd pick CC any day. The other co-ops always seem to have more detail drama.


    Someone here likened CC to a franchise like a subway. You know what you get when you sign up. Sure, you might not like everything they do or the way they do it, but the teachers/parents/directors don't need to have the endless debates about how to make the best sandwich or the approach to customer service. That has already been decided. Instead, they focus their energy on getting the job done to the best of their ability.The parents and teachers know this. It may not be the best sandwich shop in town, but it works and with far less headache and hassle as a mom and pop shop. I also love having a community of friends for myself and my kids.


    That being said, I can see the usefulness of having a break. I also wouldn't do CC with lap kids/babies or start so young. That's far to stressful for me. So I understand the dilemna.

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