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Posts posted by Supertechmom

  1.  I'm having no trouble following the tangents in this thread. It's all interesting and falls under the topic of who various scout groups do and do not include. "Go start your own thread" is better advice when an unrelated topic springs up and takes a life of it's own; not when you disagree with an opinion.


    Sorry but I do feel this current tangent is an unrelated topic that has taken it's own life.   Since I haven't expressed an opinion, it has nothing to do with whether I disagree/agree with it.   But given the nature of this board, you and I both know this is going to become a thread between a handful of people about a hot button topic and the discussion about girls and BSA will go by the way side.  Everyone will stop posting expect for a few who will continue arguing and derail to its usual name calling/personal attacks/nobody's going to change their mind discussion/ SWB shuts it down. Nothing will get discussed.


       And then none of us will be able to go back and forth and share info on how this is being implemented and share ideas. So yea, I feel justified in asking take it to another thread so the original intent of this thread can stay open and in the upcoming months be used to further this discussion as councils implement the changes. 

    • Like 9
  2. Hey...how about start a spin off thread regarding BSA and their exclusionary policies so the rest of us could debate/discuss BSA accepting girls?  I would like to know how other councils are implementing the changes and when and not derail this thread with a side topic that deserves it's own thread.  Thanks.

    • Like 14
  3. I am still on this board. I have benefited greatly from the experiences of those who came before me, especially for navigating the college application process. I am glad to pay it forward and share the expertise I have in certain areas.


    I am not involved in my local HS community; that was never a match academically and purely a social opportunity for my children.

    I am, however, mentoring some homeschooled young adults as they try to navigate the transition to college.


    I see me doing that. Mentoring and helping people navigate college.


    I find mentoring is hard because today's new HSers seemed to be super-obsessed with doing PS-at-home and using only Common-Core-aligned products. It used to be the first thing you would do as a new HSer was figure out which approach appealed to you- classical, Charlotte Mason, SonLight or other boxed programs, unit studies, "unschooling", etc. Minimal (if any) attention was paid to the state standards.


    It wasn't THAT long ago (I started in '06) but it feels like a completely different era and I just can't relate to the CCSS-obsessed newbies.


    Also agree with this.  Local home schoolers seem to be public school dropouts looking for someone to hold their hand and direct them every step of the way.   They don't want to teach but don't want the  brick and mortar teacher either and can't afford private school.  So they go with the online public schools and then seem shocked and upset that my kids are rocking their own thing instead of their thing.  And then get upset that I don't include their kids in my thing and freely teach their kids. So I do very little any more with local homeschoolers.   They always seems irritated about their restrictions vs why I have so much freedom.  So I'll most likely just help students figure out how to get into college when I finish homeschooling

    • Like 1
  4. What The Boy Scouts have to gain is retaining their leaders.     Given that many leaders show up with siblings, usually girls, that participate in the club activities along side the boys, allowing girls to officially join eliminates a problem.  My dens were never fully segregated because so many of us had our girls in tow.  They participated or had to sit still.   Many parents even paid dues for their girls to cover the cost of supplies and the events.  Giving them their own den allows two of us to lead that den, allowing our boys a "boy" only meeting and our girls to enjoy a better program.   I'm still available to help with pack wide activities, plan outings and not have my time and family divided by another scout program and boy scouts.  It's a win win all over.    The success of their venture group clearly shows a market for girl dens.

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  5. I was a Cub Scout leader and day camp director.    OMG   i can't wait to get involved again.  We dropped when the girl came along because I couldn't see doing all these cool things with the boys (which she would be apart of as she would have to attend since I was the leader) and then going to the absolute lame and mind boring girl scout crap.  Social butterfly???  Scouts learned real exciting and lifetime skills.  Girl scouts was just mean girl queen bee reinforcement time.   Now, with another boy after her, they can both attend the same thing. I can do one activity and we can not be split among activities. 

    • Like 4
  6. I don't have any answers but I do have some observations as I've been working since minimum wage was $3.35 an hour


    When it was 3.35, I was a senior in high school who could buy a tank of gas, go to the movies and eat at Mcdonald's with change to spare out of a 20 bill every Friday night.  And I still paid my car insurance each month.  I worked 20ish hours a week at a retail store.  (before walmart was on every corner or even in majority of towns) 


    When I first got married , my "grown up" job paid 8 an hour.   My husband was similar.  Nice apartment ran us 400 a month with utilities, we had two cars, insurance on both, renter's insurance.  Bread was like 75 cents a loaf, milk was 2 something a gallon, eggs around a dollar a dozen.  We couldn't still go out on 20 dollars and buy gas but we could go to the grocery store for a week on less than 50.00.


    30 something years later, minimum wage is now what 7.00, 7.25 an hour.  Walk into a grocery store (not walmart or aldis to keep this comparison to stores I shopped in the 80s.) and eggs are like 2-3 dollars a dozen, bread is around $2-3, milk is 3.50.   Not to bad given the span of years.


    But take a look at the big stuff,


    My teen sons are running 1000 or so every 6 months compared to my husband as a teen who's rate was like 250.00 every 6 months.   Starter cars have gone from 500.00 would get you a decent working car to now around 5,000 to get a reliable car.  My son's starter apartment in a less than stellar neighborhood/part of town is 1200 a month without all utilities paid in that amount.


    Now I can't even begin to imagine trying to live off of 8.00 an hour times 2 people.    it is not doable.  Question is has increasing minimum wage or providing a living wage actually provide support or will it just cause yet another increase in the basic cost of living?


    Another thought is I'm a nurse.  Board certified, BSN,ACLS, experienced. Yearly required education in addition to the required schooling to get the license.  License Fees and professional development required as well.  Liability insurance.    I save lives, restart hearts, collaborate  with even higher educated professionals on proper care and monitoring and treatment for pts.    So what happens to my pay???   I just clap with delight that my untrained, highschool diploma kids can walk into an entry level job and make 15 an hour when an educated and licensed nurse starts at 22.00 an hour in my area?  Salaries are capped as well.  I know that in another couple of years I will be at top of my pay range.  And other than inflation, i won't ever receive another raise if I stay in the same position with same education level. So what will be the balance?  Or is this another selfish person that excepts a proper compensation for the amount of work ?  


    I don't know the answer but I'm not too positive that living wage is the right focus.  Maybe the gov should do cost analysis on companies and how many of their workers get welfare/gov assistance/student loans etc and make those companies pay better if the percentage is out of whack.  

    • Like 1
  7. I used a manual hand held can opener one time to open a can of soup.  The damn can slipped, the open lid cut my index finger to the BONE! My hubby said I was fine and slapped some bandages on it. The next day I went to the ER because it was dripping blood everywhere still and had to have tendon surgery and a gazillion stitches. The specialist was like "all this from a soup can ??"  They maintained finger movement and most feeling but the finger kinda turns ever so slightly.....

  8. So what is this supposed to do? It is pretty close to how many people eat anyway. If I skip early morning breakfast, I have a 6-8  hour window in which I eat.  I do not notice anything besides being very hungry at lunch time and making up for the missing breakfast by eating more at lunch. What am I missing?


    Yea what everyone else has said.....Most people eat breakfast, snack, lunch, snack,snack,dinner, snack and then bed.  A lot do the "eat every couple of hours or 6 small meals a day".  None of it gives your body an extended break from insulin.   You probably aren't insulin resistant.  It isn't about the number of calories or food in mantra.  It is more about how your body handles the glucose.

    • Like 2
  9. I went thru menopause at 40.  By 45, I was a mess.   Thin hair, unable to lose weight, no desire to get out of bed, deeply depressed.  I finally sought out an integrative functional health doc. She does bio identical hormones. She ran a lot of blood work and urine tests.  I now have pellets placed every 3 months of estrogen, testosterone, and take progesterone compound as well as nature thyroid for my thyroid (which every doc under the sun said was perfectly normal).  She tweaks my stuff every 3 months.  It's taken a year and I almost feel like my old self.


    I would not take hormones in pill form from a regular doc.  This is one case where i would seek out the "fringe" docs and let them work their magic. 


    I would recommend you start looking here  to give you some background

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  10. I should point out that the eating window time is healthy food.  Basically, you remove everything white and processed and most grains.   It turns out to be a whole foods, real food type of eating.   I still eat 3 meals and several snacks, I just eat it all in 8 hours.


    The logic behind this is insulin is one of two hormones known to cause weight gain.  (I'm only discussing type 2 issues here) When you are putting food in your body regularly, insulin is always on. Insulin is what makes the liver and fat cells store their wares.  So, the more your body needs to produce insulin to handle the food you are eating , the more storage it creates.  We know when we start pts on insulin, they will gain weight over time.


    So fasting for 16 hours means nothing went in.  Insulin isnt circulating trying to remove the glucose and pack it away.   Your body has to use it's stores.  It breaks insulin resistance over time because the insulin receptors aren't being bathed in a steady stream of insulin thus becoming less responsive and fatigued. As they become fatigued, Insulin has to increase production to force the receptors to open up and accept more glucose.  And the cycle continues.    We know when the pt starts taking insulin (type 2), their insulin needs will creep up over time.   Fasting gives cells an insulin time out so to speak.  Over time, they will become more receptive meaning the body can handle glucose with less insulin required. Less insulin means less storage of glucose.  Dr. Fung isn't as concerned with blood glucose levels as he is insulin levels.   You want your insulin level to be low.


    I think everyone should get a glucose meter with the cheapest strips and eat like they normally do and test blood sugars.  Keep a diary, record your morning fasting glucose level, and then write down everything you eat and take a blood sugar 2 hours after each meal and after any drinks you have (like diet soda).   I discovered there are certain foods that spike my blood levels thru the roof and I no longer eat them.  Diet drinks are the worst for me and will send my blood sugars sky high.   Every now and then, I record them for two weeks just to see what changes I have made and further tweaking of my diet.   My sugars are much much better after I eat now and my fasting is way lower!


    I truly have to stay away from sugar and highly processed food.  Maybe one day but currently my levels go too high.   So i stay way from highly processed food, ,gluten, grains, sugar, and  get in my veggies, fruits, nuts everyday. 

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  11. I've been doing it for about a year.  I lost 40 pounds, dropped my morning fasting blood glucose from 140s to 80s and my A1c which wasn't all that high to begin with (5.9) dropped to 5.7 which is the high side of normal.   It has been the only thing that has let me lose weight.   The diet didn't work alone, exercise didn't work added to the diet but adding in intermittent fasting did the trick and got things moving.  I'm not hungry in the mornings and since I stopped eating junk, don't crave it either.

    • Like 7
  12. Necessary Medical staff are required to stay and weather the storm or help evacuate.   All the places I have worked have a plan in place to help employees remain at the hospital and to help the employee's family find shelter.   Nurses do not get to leave for their safety.  It is called pt abandonment and it is not tolerated. Someone has to stay and take care of pts and someone has to go with them when they evacuate.  And not every hurricane or flood allows for evacuation time.


    Given that he was not in an evacuation area, he was even more wrong to leave. He should have gone to work even if not scheduled (since his home was safe) and helped evacuate the pts.  It is a major royal pain in the butt to evacuate medical pts and it is considered all hands on deck situation.   Even hospitals in the path of hurricanes find themselves weathering the storm with staff, their families,  and pts.   The police can leave, EMS can leave, the national guard can bail as well but nurses and doctors who are on the essential for survival list stay and do the work of everyone else. Staffing ratios are insane, hours are crazy, and we all work together to make sure pts are cared for and we get some freaking sleep.  It is part of the job. But I am in a hurricane prone area and flooding and hurricanes are par for the course.  Hospitals are prepared to evacuate as many as possible and keep only those unable to be moved reducing the required number of staff needed.  Every facility has a disaster preparedness team and protocol and he should have consulted it and followed it.  

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  13. I was just given Advil after my c-sections.  I think 800 mg, so a large dose but still just ibuprofen.  


    I always heard that dental surgery was a big one for opioids.  I know I was prescribed oxycodone when my wisdom teeth were removed.   All narcotics make me nauseous though, so it was back to the Advil.


    ETA:  All the pharmacies around here track the Sudafed you buy.  They are connected and you can only get so many at a time, even if you go to a different pharmacy.  They scan your drivers license.  So, if they can do it for Sudafed, I would think they could do something to track opioid prescriptions. 


    They also do that for spray paint at my local Target.....  i so don't understand the problem with tracking drugs that have to be written and carried to a pharmacy



    As to why my fellow medical professionals and myself are shocked when people don't want pain medicine  because the majority of the pts are screaming for their pain meds and demanding them long before safe to give them another dose.  Many will set the alarms on their phones to wake themselves up at night to get their next dose.   Most feel they should not ever have any pain.


    I lay blame on the fact the hospital reimbursement from gov insurance is tied to how well controlled pts feel their pain was.  If they leave without a script, negative scores.  If they didn't get pain medication as they wanted - regardless of why we couldn't give it - negative scores.  Too many negative scores, less money given back to the hospital.  Then private insurance companies see those same scores and renegotiate their rates. Pain control  should not be tied to reimbursement.  

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  14. Doctors around here no longer do their own rounds. They leave it to the hospitalists. In fact, while you're in the hospital here, hospitalists pretty much handle all your care. Your doctor just gets updates.


    Hospitalists, yes for family docs and basic medical pts.  Surgeons, GI, Nephrology, GYN/OB, Urology, Psych, Ortho, Neuro, Cards still handle their own pts in my area. They usually will consult a hospitalists to manage chronic issues like diabetes or blood pressure but surgeons typically don't have anyone managing their surgery pts.   Most of my pts have a team of docs that round on them every day including the hospitalists. 

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  15. The drs at my hosptial make rounds before office hours, so usually 6:00-8:00am and then after hours from 500ish to 800ish. Their normal work day is pretty much 14 hours on average and they do that 5 days a week.  Most are in groups and share call so every over night has someone on call and everyone weekend has somebody on call.    It is very common for the mds work day to start on the floor at 6:00am, office hours until 5p and then back at the hosptial until the NEXT MORNING and then they start the routine over and get off that evening.  They may or may not get sleep.   36 straight at one time and they still have 3 more office days and may have weekend call which runs Fri eve to Mon morning.   So yea I can see them averaging 80-100 hrs a week.  Notice drs talk about reducing hours to 50 or 60 a week as a good life balance so I think it is pretty normal industry standard.

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  16. This discussion of whether single-payer will cost more or less than what is already 1/6 of the U.S. economy fails to mention that the reason insurance costs are so high is NOT due to the actual cost of medical services, but due to the fact that insurance companies, many hospitals, drug companies, etc are all FOR PROFIT BUSINESSES. Having a for-profit health care system is an abomination.


    I do agree that it is an abomination but it is not that cut and dried in our current system.


    All hospitals for profit and non profit have to make money.    I work for a nonprofit hosptial and trust me everything is still about the bottom line. They still have to make money. They still have to pay really  well to attract good people.  I worked for a small nonprofit hospital that was sold to a profit business because they were going to close.   It isn't entirely because of for profits business model.  


    I do think for profit insurance companies are hurting us.  I also think the gov's policy of deducting and withholding payment from hospitals without regard to actual cost of doing business is hurtful as well.


     Hospitals spend a small fortune on entire departments created solely for the purpose of ensuring all those ever changing regulations regarding infections, pressure injury, COPD, pneumonia, Surgical site infections, vaccination rates, diabetes, and readmission are coded correctly, charted correctly to ensure compliance so they can earn their money back or not get it deducted.   And let's add in coders, utilization reviewers and we haven't even touched the insurance dept. I'm guessing easily 100 people just to ensure compliance so the hospital can get paid.  While it is necessary to have oversight, that's a whole lot of salaries that could go to nursing so we could do a better job of taking care of you on the floor or more community programs to help improve your health.  But instead, it is spent on ensuring everyone is jumping through all the hoops that are constantly being added.  And the gov stands up and says they reduced cost.  No, they just found a reason not to pay for services. They saved money and small rural non profit hospitals go under.  Non profits aren't making it in some places. 


    So it is not as cut and dry as remove for profit out of the equation.  I don't think we can overhaul what we have.  I think we are going to have to remove it completely and create a different system. 

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  17. NOt an obvious  answer as I can't get anyone  to explain it to me either and that includes friends who work for the insurance company


     I have more people on the plan than the family deductible limit.  So  each person has to meet the deductible? Yes....but does that mean>....


    5 people each with 750 deductible, family max of 2250..   So I will pay 3750 total in deductibles before we get to 10% pay for everyone even though that is more than the family max???? Each person must hit the 750 even if we max the family total max of 2250?  So right now two people have hit individual deductibles and are now at the 10% pay point.  Another 350 and I will max the family total. But will I still have to pay 1500 more for those that didn't met their individual deductible?  I can't get anyone in insurance to say yes or no.....


    On my benefit page, Everyone's family deductible remaining has the same amount while their individual is all different amounts.  The out of pocket is the same deal.  The individual's are different but the family number is the same.   when I max the family deductible, will everyone's remaining individual amount then be zero?


    My family out of pocket is 6,000.  My per individual is 2,000.    5 people would equal a total individual of 10,000.  Do I stop paying after 6,000 or after 10,000?


    I'm making this more confusing than it needs to be  but the math doesn't add up so it confuses me.   And the service rep just kept repeating your max is 6,000. I know but  the statement remaining amounts leads me to believe otherwise.....Unless they magically wave a wand and change the numbers.  


    I'm trying to decide if I should have a procedure this year or eat the cost in Jan and have next year be a freebie year for the most part as it would max out both individual and family and the out of pocket max in one big ole swoop........

  18. we have two.    


    Mine is at a hospital.....covers me and the kids.   about 240 a month with vision.....$750 individual, 2250 family...... out of pocket is 2,000 individual and 6000 family   three tiers 10% pay, 20% pay, 50% pay after deductible.  No copays that I am aware of.    HSA is avialable but employer doesn't contribute


    His is from a small business....just him 120 a month (family would be 1250.00)   .... 1,000 individual, 2,000 family.... out of pocket 6350 individual, 12, 700 family  copays in network are 30 or 50 for specialty.


    I will probably add him to my insurance next sign up period  as their rates are going to go up if I can.  I'm still confused on whether spouses that have insurance offered at their job can take insurance at their spouse's job.   After ACA was put in place, we were told no but I'm not sure that was right.    


    But, I imagine he will negotiate with his boss as they need so many healthy people in the pool to keep their "low rates".  


    Sad thing is we are both covered by the same parent insurance company.  They create smaller insurance companies to justify why they charge different rates even though they are all under the same parent umbrella company..

  19. I went into scheduler, add multiple, continue to day numbers,    added in start on and increment by , continue to PLC and changed the number of copies there to 4 and it created 4 lessons, continued to preview, select all and then all 4 lessons appeared in my lesson plan.    Then select them and schedule them like normal from the scheduler.


    Does that do it like you want?

  20. We decided to have a ring custom made for us. It is a custom wood ring I think called simple wood rings or something like that.i would have to look it up if you are interested.  I haven't gotten it yet but can't wait.  It is made of wood that represents the month we married and then has our birth stones crushed together and then all the kids birthstones mingled together.


    We also like the silicone rings and tungsten rings too.

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