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Posts posted by Supertechmom

  1. What version do you have? I have been told by my IRL friends that all editions sync.

    It is 2010 and on windows 7 home premium. The sync was on skydrive. I'm sure it is a skydrive issue as I think they did away with skydrive maybe ???? I couldn't get in and requested a new password and never got a response back. I have no idea how to fix it. Really miss it.

  2.  Sorry about your mom.  :grouphug:


    Small gifts are usually okay in home health.   I do mean small, nothing expensive.   As a nurse in LTC, family might donate to the hall, send a food tray, or one lady bought little name tag/badge holders (the ones with the retractable cord).  One little family crocheted little flower pins..


    But if you feel inclined to do anything, please send in a letter to the supervisor detailing what the nurse and aide meant to you and your family. And ask if there is any kind of award, to please nominate them for it.   Most places have some type of recognition program and will make a BIG DEAL out of it.  My place gives a certificate , a lapel pin, the note written from the family, and puts the person in running for the yearly award.  So never think that your words of appreciation stop with  the nurse and aide.   They usually go quite far and companies like to make a special recognition out of it.


    Plus, it usually makes us appreciate the kindness and lifts us up to keep on going.  Thank you notes are so welcome and really do mean a lot to the staff!!!!

  3. We were using it and loved it. Then for some reason, we can no longer sync at all and can't get in to the account either. So while each individual computer works Onenote, they no longer sync across the group of computers. I don't know how to fix it and wasn't sure if the sky drive got dumped by Microsoft as that was what synced them all. But until then everyone loved it!

  4. I had some outside stray cats that were using my front flower bed.   Someone on here told me to shred lemon peel and sprinkle everywhere I didn't want them.  It worked. Only had to redo it every time it rained. Don't know how that would work inside but I would try it just to see.  Maybe there is a lemon smell carpet deodorizer?

  5. Shew, mine made it out of CAl BC.  His comment was "it was ridiculously easy or I failed in a fantastically horrible fashion with a bang."      He had a 5 on the AB last year so I hope it was the former.   He's cramming now for AP Latin which he should be relaxed over and awfully nonchalant about the two Physics tests Monday.  I think it is harder on me than him.

  6. We've had ups and downs over MD.   At first we lived too far away to have it about anybody else.  And given what a handful my oldest was, I was more than delighted to have a day where someone else gave me a break.    We also were dirt poor and I received a plant every MD to plant in my "garden"    (one plant a year doesn't make it much of a garden LOL!)  After a few years, it started looking pretty good.   Hubby and the kids loved the idea of going to church, eating lunch, and then planting my MD plants.


    Then we moved. some years are traditional , other years one of the mothers has a cow and duck and we do something appropriate. 

  7. OMG. Can't wait for the answers! I would love to know. I've only run into one group that I felt might be in such an arrangement but they were very tight lipped and never open for questions. I always wondered how one avoided being jealous or handled the household duties. I wish they could have been free to be open about it but it would have caused oodles of trouble for them. Do you worry about the legal aspect of it? Or others finding out and causing social issues?

  8. My son developed it during a growth phase. The ortho thought was to brace,wait and see what happens and when he had finished growing in his 20's , do surgery if the curve was great enough. I laughed in his face because I thought he was joking. He wasn't. Since we had started this path due to severe headaches and that check up revealed the spine curve, we went to the chiro. He said he couldn't cure scoliosis but could help with the headaches. Thanks to aggressive chiro treatment during every growth spurt, he has actually reduced the scoliosis to almost nothing. I think it has a slight curve still maybe a couple of degrees, down from 16 degrees. Chiro does wonderful with the shoulder and hips being out of alignment and keeps him in top shape. I would not rule out the magic a chiro can accomplish especially coupled with growth spurts.

  9. YEp, I painted the kitchen red while hubs was out of town.  Neighbor had the same color in her living room and it looked awesome.   It looked awesome in my kitchen until I turned around and looked at the cabinets and appliances.  They were pink !!!  i went to bed thinking it would be alright in the morning.  Nope.  All my white was pink still.  I repainted it a nice cheery yellow to match the living room and the cabinets/appliances magically turned white again.  I'm not sure the color was there 12 hours even.

  10. Thank you all!  It is the 2300-7am shift.  I am a night owl and spend most of my nights up anyway with just some cat naps during the day. So I am not one who needs to be in bed by 9:00pm to feel rested.  I do have older teens who have been great with watching the younger set and they have done well making sure I sleep when I come in from my current night shift of 12's. My commute would be under 20.  I work 3 12's a week now and it really is sleep/work/sleep.      11pm-7am sounds like I would have lots of options to arrange a school schedule and sleep schedule.    The more I think about working 5 12's in a week  ...... :huh:  SHudder


    I could stay in my current job but I really dont' like it LOL!

  11. I'm making a carer shift and the facility I'm looking at has 8 hr shifts  :confused1:   (didn't even know anyone still did those)   For any nurses that have worked 11-7, how did you like it?  I homeschool 4 kids (and have since the beginning and did through nursing school and clinicals and working 3 12 hr nights a week)    Does it work well with a family?  The fam does let me sleep so if I say "Hey I need a nap" I can get it.  I just can't fathom working 4 - 5 days a week (I know most people work that!)


    How does that work?  DO you like it?    My other option is to work at a facility with less of a good reputation ( the 8 hr shift has stellar upstanding community rep and is considered the PLACE) that would work 5 12hrs one week and 2 12hrs the next.   (just as weird but somewhat familiar!)   


    I can't wrap my head around working 11-7 for some reason and if that would really give me time in the day to school the kids since I would have to go in 1-2 more extra days each week. THe other place would give me a couple of days of work, couple days off type thing so I can see how to make that work.  I just can't see how to go in 4 days straight basically 11-7 and get stuff done.


    OH - Long term care Post acute rehab type work. Definitely less work than I do now.

  12. yea big eye roll here.   All of my children are GF and only two are Celiac.  The other two are definitely not suffering from being GF and *GASP* Diary free too!!!!  No milk!  My God the horror!   The youngest has never had wheat and he has always been at the top of the charts.


    I informed my ped when she raised the same crap questions that 1) their blood work showed excellent levels of everything including calcium ( with no milk! How in the world did that happen !!! :glare: ) 2) she sees my children a total of 6 times a year - one well visit per kid and two visits for allergy meds for the two with hay fever.      DId she have any wheat eaters with that record?


    They can't seem to get off the train they were taught.

  13. I disagree about the nursing issue. I just graduated from nursing school in the last year. I had a job before I had my license. I couldn't work till I passed my exam but I had a job lined up ready to go. Most of my graduatating class did.


    Hospitals aren't hiring LPNs over RNs at least in my state. The care we provide patients is so complex that LPNs are not allowed to do parts of it according to our state laws. They can't do ivs in my state. We are now providing care that at one time was only given in ICU. Technology has allowed far sicker pts than ever before to be monitored. It certainly hadn't decreased the need for RNs but actually increased the need. Now floor nurses on regular med surg floors are providing that care and LPNs are simply not allowed to. They can do the basic care but RN has to handle much of the meds. And it is too much of a liability and too costly to hire a rn to do meds with LPNs providing basics. I don't know any hospitial in my area (and we have several ) that will hire LPNs. Nursing homes and such places will but not hospitals. And the level of care has recently been deemed high enough that the hospitals are putting in incentives and partnering with schools to get tuition deals to get all their nursing staff to BSN level. I just the other day ran a shift with three pts on med drips and two on iv pain pumps with complicated med protocols. Those 5 pts could not be assigned to a LPN. One of the nurses with 30 years of experience said none of those pts would have ever been on the regular floor 10 years ago. We just have far sicker pts than in the past. Even home health sees pts that in the past would have stayed in the hospital. So at least in my state, the laws and complicated pts are making LPNs a scarce breed and RNs in higher demand. Hospitals can't afford to bump out Rn level nurses.


    And our pay is high. Now granted there is a ceiling to the pay level but I haven't run into a hairdresser who makes what I do for 36 hours of work and have the benefits I do for the time I put in. the hairdresser making more than me, an entry level recent grad nurse, works double what I do in week and owns the salon.


    I'm sure it varies by state.

  14. Questions to consider....


    Will the care of this couple fall upon you? From our experience, even a 30 min drive every. Single. Time. One of them falls, requires medical care (even when in assisted living) becomes an all mighty time sucking soul sucking way to live. The stubborn types are often the ones who refuse to seek the kind of care they need until long after they need it. You might be surprised at how much hand holding your parent may need as she gets older when her spouse is sick. My mil basically needs us to pick her up mentally and physically and be with her every time the other gets sick. It would be easier if they were living with us.


    Is there any issue with your step father of any kind? My hubby's parents tended to remarry constantly. We could easily have a different step dad every few years. We are faced with a real scenario of having a stranger we have known less than a few months outlive the parent. Would that bother you to have the step outlive the parent and remain with you? It bothered my hubby enough to refuse this arrangment unless the parent agreed to not remarry. Your opinion maybe different but I thought I would throw that out there.


    What is going to be the care arrangements of their old age? Are you able( physically and mentally ) to watch someone you love die? I'm a nurse in a field that has a high rate of death due to the type of illness and age of the patients. More than one family puts their loved one in the hospital because they can't handle end of life. Death is ugly. Are you going to handle it? Arrange care ? Round the clock? Or care to relieve you? Siblings that will share it with you? Comfortable opening your home to the step parent's family ( again ours came with a full grown competely unknown to us family) I would not be comfortable with strangers in my home but wouldn't deny them full access if their father was dying in my home.


    Off of the above, what about long term illness? Slow decline type of illness that just take years even though you all know the end result will be death. How do you plan to handle it? This happened with my grandfather and my mom moved him in and it was a nightmare. I will never tolerate that situation, especially with children here. Even if they are living with us! I would still expect them to go to a place or have the money for 24 hrs skilled nursing. 24 hr care of someone in that situation is beyond hard especially if you are sole caretaker. My mil had other ideas that made me refuse.


    Will paying for this house suck up the money they have to take of them medically forcing you to handle their care? Is there enough money for long term care?


    There are no right or wrong answer. In my own life and those of my patients, I have seen way too much focus in the day-to-day living arrangements and no thought given to the end of life and how it is going to be handled. The answers we came up with to those questions played more with my decision than how we handled living together daily. Especially given that is a few years down the road.

  15. LOL! I had to take my oldest to the local school to sign up for an AP test. The coordinator is a lifelong teacher of high school, retired for many years, who now handles the AP program as a favor. The school considers themselves excellent as they are one of the few in the state that can boast perfect SAT scores, high honor society membership, and over all considered "the best".


    While making small talk about the exam, how it runs, the day of testing, etc. she asked what Ap class he was going to take next year.(he's in11th grade) He responded with Ap English the language one. Her response - "oh yes, our 10th graders take that AP. Well any grade can take it but we schedule our 10th graders for it".


    My son bless his heart has learned the passive aggressive woman very well from his grandma and responded. " oh yes but I was so busy with Ap Chemistry, biology and Cal Ab that I told my mom I really only had time for scientific papers and would prefer to take an easy course load my senior year so I could concentrate on getting my professional Oracle certification before I head off to college."


    And he said it in a nice small talk friendly way! Just two passive aggressive people carrying on a bless their heart southern conversation. They just continued onto other topics with smiles. I was on the sidelines trying to not laugh. I thought he handled the little jab well.

  16. We went total GF for the entire family. Well worth it as we discovered myself and older child had in addition to the one dx. And after our dx, people in my family and my husband's family began to get dx. So just because no one has it doesn't mean yours will always be the only one.


    One thing we learned at first is that the gut damage is so much that eating at first may be very very simple and very bland and very limited for awhile. We had a very simple diet for a long time because she reacted to basically everything. Grains of any kind bothered her for a long time. We had to wait several months and then introduce them back into the diet in bits. Once or twice a week, then once a day, then a couple of times in one day with none the next. It took a few more months of slow and careful introduction of grains before we could eat a regular diet without a worry about upsetting her stomach. Going gf isn't always just remove gluten. We also took out soy, dairy, grains and a lot of the fruits. I think we were close to a year before I stopped manipulating our diet and didn't have to worry about it

  17. We went total GF for the entire family. Well worth it as we discovered myself and older child had in addition to the one dx. And after our dx, people in my family and my husband's family began to get dx. So just because no one has it doesn't mean yours will always be the only one.


    One thing we learned at first is that the gut damage is so much that eating at first may be very very simple and very bland and very limited for awhile. We had a very simple diet for a long time because she reacted to basically everything. Grains of any kind bothered her for a long time. We had to wait several months and then introduce them back into the diet in bits. Once or twice a week, then once a day, then a couple of times in one day with none the next. It took a few more months of slow and careful introduction of grains before we could eat a regular diet without a worry about upsetting her stomach. Going gf isn't always just remove gluten. We also took out soy, dairy, grains and a lot of the fruits. I think we were close to a year before I stopped manipulating our diet and didn't have to worry about it

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