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Posts posted by Supertechmom

  1. But then how do you protect those at-risk people who otherwise would not have gone on to develop the actual illness if they're housed with people whose exposure was greater and who do actually get sick? (This is a real question. I'm honestly not trying to nit-pick your post, Supertechmom. I truly appreciate the valuable insights people who work in the healthcare field are offering on this subject.)


    That is going to take quite a bit of detailing.  I seriously hope that somewhere in our gov and military there is a detailed massive quarantine plan that somebody is reviewing right now for just in case.  Off the cuff, I would think it could be set up on base to have sectors.  Those that have highest potential to develop the disease in one sector, those with minimal in another, those with the lowest risk  in another.   If need be separate the bases out to those with the highest potential, etc... Keep each sector separate with proper decon procedures between.  in each sector, people would have to isolate themselves from each other. Little mini isolation units inside larger ones.


    It would be a nightmare. It would be a huge  deal and I am sure laws would need to be passed to protect those people financially and to protect their belongings.  I am not saying this would be an easy feat or easily snap your fingers and it is done type of operation.  It would require  a lot of thought, input from many sources, and way more patience than most have. And somebody with some serious attention to detail to oversee it. But we do have reports of HCW in Dallas sleeping in their car for lack of a better method because some of them didn't want to take the chance of taking it home to their families.


     I'm sure my state is like all the rest and are pulling their state Ebola response together.  Wards are being identified,set up, material requested, staff getting trained. The system is being put into place for all the non Ebola hospitals to identify and transport Ebola patients to these special wards.  I'm sure it is going to work well because the front line workers don't want to get sick and are taking more precautions than the CDC recommends.


     But there is only a limited number of beds and staff trained.   Not just any worker and not just any hospital can handle this. And the supplies and materials and staff are only for a handful of beds.  I believe my state is preparing 12 beds across the state. Which is a lot, until it is not.  My family would take up half of the beds.  


    Where is the tipping point between "we can handle it and are prepared to take care of patients" and " we don't have enough beds and staff and materials"


    What is the plan to keep us from that  tipping point? Is there another method outside of some type of quarantine?

  2. Here's an article by a hazmat trained hospital worker that is interesting with regard to the donning and doffing of PPE.



    I would say that article completely sums up why treating this after people catch it is the problem.  How long do you think it takes to don and then take off such equipment?   Two staff members tied up in taking off and putting on hazmats.  Which every nurse who says they will take care of EBola patient in my hospital has said they will insist on with that very level of caution in the article. (we are a fema trained center as well)


    While two are doing that, what do you think is happening to the patient? How well do you think you can put in an iv or give meds or even clean up in that get up?  


    I'm becoming worried that we are letting this get beyond the ability of our system.

  3. Im a nurse and I am on edge.   We absolutely without a doubt can NOT handle an ebola epidemic.   CAN NOT.  just staffing and equipment needs are problems.  Thinking for one minute that the hospital system can handle ebola is a scary from a resource material management view and human resource view.  


    We need to open up a couple of closed army bases and house everyone with the potential to even develop ebola.


    Stopping this is the only effective way.  Trying to treat and contain is only going to continue with blunders.  Given how costly those blunders could be........   Quarantine is the only route. 


    I'm boggled forced quarantine isn't already in operation on a massive scale..  

  4. I had a labor and delivery Nurse pregnant with her first when I was delivering my last. She asked me how could I be sure they were getting enough milk If I didn't measure it? She was truly concerned and was trying to figure out how she would know her baby was getting enough milk if she breastfeed. I was all like ???? Between wet/ poopy diapers and that little thing called growing, you would know. Babies grow. If they don't get enough, they don't grow. If they are growing and are happy, they have enough.


    My hubby's cousins (two! Sisters) would pump and then give the babies a bottle. Actually putting a baby to breast was distasteful and low class. Their mother was highly disturbed any woman would walk around with such grotesque boobs when breastfeeding. I was like whatever.... I'm not toting a breast pump and pumping for 30 mins and then feeding a kid. Too much work. I'll just take the easy way and let them latch on. No mess, no fuss.

  5. N95 respirators have to be Fit tested.  They put this big giant hat on your head with the respirator on.  Then they spray stuff in it. If you can smell it or taste it, then it doesn't fit.  They then keep adjusting it till it does. I would say in this case, IF i had to take care of any patient who required N95, I would get retested and make sure the fit was right before taking care of them.  Losing weight can affect the fit.



    and this one is more like the one I did.



  6. I don't know about our retirement plans but my MIL just sold her house and purchased one in another state 5 hours on a good trip away from us.   There is no family there or any vacation spots or anything.....   They just up and decided they liked the house and thought why not?  Expect  they are 70 and 82. And not in great health and she's losing her sight and he's losing his mind.  And the home is a split tri level with LOTS OF STAIRS on a great big sloping yard.  The home will need serious updating.  I'm not sure what her thoughts are as to why she is moving there but it doesn't sound like a good plan. I saw the house online.  Someone is going to trip down the stairs and break something.  She won't go in my daughter's room because she can't navigate the stairs.   whatever we do for retirement will involve moving CLOSER to my kids not moving what essentially is a trip to Mars.  (yes, we don't travel well and do very little of it, well known among the family that we don't travel) 


    I am seriously upset over this but not a darn thing I can do.  Other than that is exactly what I will not do in retirement.  Worrying my kids and causing them stress over how to manage their life and troop of littles and take care of me 5 hours away is not the plan.

  7. Don't have anything to add other than I agree with Catwoman and your hubby.   Sending out the panicked SOS and then going AWOL is not cool.  Her strategies to deal with stress I might applaud had she not sent out the SOS. So i don't have anything that advances the conversation other than I don't think what she did was anything to congratulate her about  as I view it as more of a passive aggressive manipulation moment for your daughter and that maybe this was the "straw that broke the camel's back" moment for your husband.   You do not call for help, turn off your phone, read a book and then find another route home WITHOUT notifying the original people called.  You just don't.   Since you want her to drive and she seems to not want to, then ballet would be cancelled until she felt she could drive in a 2 mile circle without getting lost and freaking out over a common traffic issue.  Maybe not what everyone else here would do but that's what would happen here. And she would be upgraded to the family chauffeur for the next few months.  If you are uncomfortable about driving, it would become your job until you were.

  8. Why is any one surprised? If kindy kids can be expelled for eating pop tarts into guns and teens can be arrested and sent to court for drawing bomb scenes or writing shoot up kill em stories for English class, it only follows that a teacher can be arrested for writing about a school shooting. Too many people have been arrested/punished/investigated for the thought of violence lately.


    We all have violent thoughts. We all make a remark somewhere to somebody about harming another without ever intending to carry out those thoughts. All in the lines of "Alice, one of the days Pow right in the kisser" from the Honeymooners. If it involves the word school, they can arrest you it seems for voicing violence. However, stalk someone and threaten them, you can't be touched. Beat your wife and you might get some jail time, maybe if they bother to put you in jail. Write a fictional story and you can be searched, arrested, and your sanity questioned.


    Stephen king would have never become the author he is today had he started his career now. He would be in jail. Carrie certainly would have sealed his fate.

  9. Oh I feel for you. I can not stand to see kids touching glass. Especially when they touch the glass and then run their hands all the way down the side or on doors take both hands and just rub up and down. WTH?


    And don't get me started on light switches. There actually is a switch to turn the light on. You don't have to run your hand down the wall, across the switch plate, hit the switch and keep running down the wall as far as your hand can reach. Just touch the switch with one finger. Painting walls because I can't get fingerprint grease off the wall is not fun. And those dirty streaks are horrible to look at.


    Now why my glass storm door can't stay clean is a mystery. The little buggers must be getting their glass attraction out of their system so they can withstand the public glass. :)

  10. In hiring a tutor, would you be scared off by someone who only has 3 years teaching experience that was 12 years ago? I only ask to figure out whether tutoring is something that is feasible for now, or if I really need to have some type of refresher that brings my skills and experience up to date. 


    Nope,   my point of reference for a tutor is how they get the kid to use the info and master it.


    Well I think your teaching is way more current than 12 years ago.  Haven't you been homeschooling?  Then you've been teaching all along.  While I realize this doesn't help you get professional references, don't downplay your time at home.  Take those skills you use everyday and highlight those skills.  You can multitask to the extreme (because let's face it you're homeschooling 3 kids of course they are all doing something different at the same time), you can problem solve with the blink of an eye(how do do I keep little johnny out of trouble while helping susie with her math and get supper cooked all in the next 30 minutes because I have to take george somewhere in 1 hour), you excel at mentoring and training (because really isn't that what you are doing with your kids).  See it's all in how you spin it.  You haven't been sitting home stagnating for 12 years you have simply developed a different set of skills and you have to word it so that a potential employee sees how those skills would be relevant to them.  As far as what to do I'm not very good at that department but it just seemed to me you were selling yourself short about your current skills.


    When I recently went back to work, my manager said that is why she hired me.  Homeschooling 3 kids with a tag a long toddler for the last decade showed I could multi-task, had determination, motivation and PATIENCE - all hallmarks for a great employee. The fact that  I homeschooled on different levels showed I could learn new material well enough to pass it on to someone else.  Don't shortlist those homeschool years.   Spin it right.

  11. This is one of the reasons I could never have my kids in school.  I'd be in there every day raising a ruckus about something and it would start with this.  My kids will be walking.  Just try to suspend them for it!  Or report me to CPS for it!  Or fine me!  I'll see you in court!  We're a one car family!  We won't just lie down over this!  Oh my gosh, you guys, my blood pressure would probably kill me within the first week.  And they'd loathe me and treat the kids like crap.



    Yep,  i just couldn't do it.  My bull crap meter is small and it just can't take much.     Just dealing with the insane Community college and their idiot rules makes me crazy. I can't imagine dealing with 12 years before.

  12. How about tutoring? Several online tutoring services as well as the schools . It just depends on the need. I needed a new career so had to do the school route but if I had a degree that was revelant, then I would have worked on making that work somehow. We've used online tutors and have been pleased with the process.

  13. I want the ability to be able to put an event on two calendars, but I only want it to appear on the master list once. It sounds more like you all either put something on either one persons calendar or the family calendar, correct?


    For example, if my older boy has a Boy Scout outing I sometimes just want it on his calendar but I may also want it on DH's calendar but I don't want it t show up on anyone else's.


    Yes, I think. LOL. I would put the scout thing on son's cal labeled scouts WITH DAD ( in caps so he would notice) and then hubby would see it when he clicked the son's schedule. Hubby has finally gotten the hang of google cal and can flip cals on and off at will now. It would just show up once.


    Think of it as each little cal is on one overlay and you put all the overlays on at one time or in any arrangement as needed over the basic cal. It is easy once you get the hang of the clicking cals on and off.

  14. I paid more in fees at the public school than I did for all the books and everything to home school.

     One of the things I did with all the kids was figure how much it would cost me to send them to school minus clothes and food each year.    There was always field trips, book fees, class fees, technology fees, supply fee or provide the list, registration fee at registration every year.  My neighbors and public school friends would share the amount they paid and for what.  I typically always came in cheaper to order material and homeschool than to send them off to school.  Only 11th and 12th grade have I started paying more to homeschool than to go to public school and that is because I chose some CC classes.

  15. Google cal lets you share all the calendars with each other with the option of clicking off each individual cal. So I have 8 calendars all color coded . When all are turned on, you can easily see by the colors what's what. Then you can click off separate calendars if you only need to check in with some every so often and not daily. They all show up together and it looks like one calendar. I don't have to tag anyone. I make an appointment and click which calendar to put it on. Then it shows up on that person's calendar and everyone else can see it if their filters are set that way. My hubby doesn't keep up with the holiday, housekeeping, or bill calendar daily. But every so often, he will click them on and they show up with the rest of his calendars . I don't keep up daily with his work cal but I can click it on whenever and see what appointments he has and then click it off. My son only looks at his cal and the family cal and then checks the work cals every so often. Nobody looks at the housekeeping cal. :(. Including me it seems some days ;)


    So son 1 and dad put all their events on their own cals. Son 2 just puts his on the family cal. I put anything that affects us all and the younger kids on the family cal. My work and his work are separate.bills separate. Housekeeping separate. I view them all at one time. The rest click and choose based on their needs. I think they all now have figured out to have the family and my work schedule always on. No matter how many cals you have going,they all display as one. There's no duplicate events because everyone has access to all the calendars and know which to schedule on.


    I may play around this year with lesson plans on google cal.

  16. Okay, is he nerdy in the sense of your typical nerd like movie nerd type or is he unable to adjust to different social situations?


    I have two nerdy kids complete with the frail lanky awkward look. However, they are more than able to hang with the muscle dudes and chat "cool". It may be that they have to switch gears or need some prep like "if no one is talking minecraft, Do NOT bring it up and talk about it for 20 mins". Or if all the kids wander off to play football suck it up and offer to let's go play ball with the last remaining kid too polite to tell you to shut up and play ball. They needed some of that type of social clue awareness when they were around 8-13ish. As mom of the party, I would suggest you keep your eyes open and if you see the "awkward " not adjusting to social clues moments, clue him in kindly and redirect. If he is trainable, then invite him and help him learn to navigate groups out of his comfort area.


    Question though is your son really friends with him or just when he needed a buddy from time to time? Sometimes as the teen years have shaped up, we have changed friends or dropped friendships because they realized they just were not really friends but just play date buddies. Once old enough to formulate their own friends, some of those from the play years didn't make it.

    Which is how it works. I have tons of acquaintances and few from that group I call friends.

  17. at one time, if ordered from PHP they were spiral bound.  All of mine are so far and I would like the last volume that way without having to go to the trouble of doing it.   I'll email customer service and get the official word

  18. Oh I enjoy morning workouts!! I hit the gym around 7:30-8:00 without fail!!!



    Of course I am a night shift nurse and have been up all night and hit the gym right after work! Otherwise, morning workouts never ever happen. Which is why it is 1:00 and I am still in jammies at this moment. Change your workout time!

  19. My fil gave the kids a $50 EE bond each birthday and Christmas.   Those are basically worthless though when I was growing up, more than one friend cashed them in at graduation and received a load of cash!


    The oldest bond from 1997 will mature in 2017 (HOLY COW BATMAN) and right now is only worth 43.50.   I was told by the bank, the treasury would at least honor the face value when they mature because it looks like they won't reach face value by the time they mature.  They are only of any value if you wait until the 30 yr mark to cash them in.  When he is 30, the newest ones from this year will still not hit the mature mark.  So for us, they are rather pointless.   He may just cash them all in and take  his 1000.00 and put toward a cheap car or his first semester of college or gamble it on aggressive stock market investments.  It makes me sad because my FIL thought he was going to fund the kids college with them.  Not going to happen unless something drastic happens with the interest rates.  One of the few times I think the money he used to purchase the bonds would have been better spent at the stock market.   



    here's a link  http://www.savingsbonds.com/bond_basics/ee-savings-bonds.cfm

  20. I have google calendar too and I just printed out a couple of months of google calendar and cut it to the right size and pasted it into the back of my passport size journal.  Then it just folds out and I can add things to it.  I also printed out a yearly calendar that fits on one sheet and pasted it in so I can look up any dates as needed.


    I still need to set up the daily stuff but that's what I have so far. 

  21. I feel I am always shouting CELIAC!!! Suffered for 15 years with fibro, felt like dirt and barely could manage to do anything, 8 months of a strict gluten free diet and the pain /fatigue/ old feeling was gone. I could move and not think I was going to die later. Seems like fibro people with IBS may actually be misdiagnosed and have Celiac instead. Anytime I fall off the gluten free wagon, the joint pain/fatigue starts up.

  22. We are bare minimum cat people. (Sorry to say but they are a dime a dozen and can be replaced by a FB post any given afternoon. Yea I know horrible attitude.). Keep the momma and one kitten. Call your local shelter place for the cheapest rates on spaying/ neutering and get the shots they have to have to have to get the surgery. I think ours was like 25 a cat. Cheap. From that point, spend money on rabies shots cause that is an issue. Buy whatever dry food off the shelf at Walmart.


    My four year old for the last year has fed the cat himself, one little bowel a night. The other child does the morning feed. We don't leave food out, just enough for them to eat at one time. I have no idea where the cat "lives" but when the kids go out, the thing appears. She loves on them, follows them around, meows at them, joins them in their play so to speak. She runs up when they open the door and spends some time with them around feeding times. Sometimes, she will seek us out by meowing at the door. The kids love having her. She is as low cost as it can get. When weather seems really rough as in we are making the news for extreme weather and the world may end type of weather, we let her in and she hangs in our garage. The thing follows the kids around and they love her to no end.


    Begrudge the cat and let your kids love on it. Develop a "my kids get extreme delight and unbelievable joy" from the detested furball mindset and keep food for her and teach your kids the responsibility of caring for a living animal. See the cat from their eyes and know that little thing brings peace and happiness and gives them great pleasure. Suck it up and accept you have a animal lover for a kid and let this satisfy that need. It is compromise that humans who live together make.

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