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Posts posted by the4Rs

  1. Anybody heard of them? Do you own one? Are they good quality dolls? A catalog came in the mail yesterday and my daughter is enthralled with them. She has a precious day girl doll (identical in make and quality to the AG dolls) and she wants another one... she was saying she wanted the AG Julie doll but then she loved that the My Twinn dolls are fully customizable even down to freckles and moles on the same place on the dolls face as my daughter's face.


    They are EXPENSIVE but with a discount they are offering right now they are about the same as an AG doll.

  2. I was proven wrong though!!! My ds' third grade teacher has sought me out several times to tell me how well he is doing in class. As a matter of fact, yesterday she told me he is a delight to be around! She also told me that what I did with him at home must have been great based on what she sees in the classroom. Right now he is getting six As and one B (in handwriting...they use a different cursive font than he learned, but he is improving each day). My dd in K has been put in the "ready to read" group and is already reading short sentences! Her teacher also has positive things to say about her.


    So, I am posting in agreement with OP that what you are doing at home with your kids will leave a lasting impression, whether you homeschool for one year or 13.


    So happy to hear another great report! Seems we are in similar places in life right now. :) Happy you got such an encouraging report too! :D

  3. I would caution "We bought a zoo" because the children use some VERY foul language in it and the teenage boy is obsessed with gruesome death art which gave my son nightmares after we watched it.


    Some great ideas given here! Makes me want to go back and watch some of them again because I'd forgotten about them.


    I am assuming you want movie suggestions for the whole family...



    Mirror Mirror

    Alice in Wonderland (Tim Burton's version)

    The Perfect Game


    Faith Like Potatoes

    October Baby- does deal with adult theme of abortion but an excellent movie


    Radio Flyer

    The First Grader

    It Could Happen to You

    Forever Young (Mel Gibson)

    Ever After (Drew Barrymore)

    Remember the Titans

  4. I attended 3 lock-ins as a teenager. One at my church, one at another church, and one was a huge city-wide overnight event. I always had a good time. I believe they were well chaperoned and organized. But I was also a "good" kid and never would have thought about doing anything bad at one of those events.


    Now my husband on the other hand..he went to one at his church and he said there was some sexual stuff going on during a movie and when it was found out, the kids were kicked out of church events... the girl was mortified and after much time had passed she tried to come back but she was completely ostracized.


    I will say this... having seen how our church plans lock-ins... I'd rather my kids not go. I'd prefer single sex lock-ins or something that only goes till midnight. For one...after about midnight our church cannot get enough volunteers to stay all night and it is usually 30+ kids with one male and one female keeping track of them all.... not good supervision in my estimation.

  5. We went into my daughter's 3rd grade room for parent teacher conferences last night. We had homeschooled until this year and her teacher knew that.


    She just handed over Emma's report card and smiled and said..."This is her first year in our school, right?" When we said yes, she said, "Whatever you did, it worked. She far exceeds every other kid in this class in every subject and she is such a delightful girl. I just love having her in my class."


    She went on to say that she is encouraging Emma to really push herself since she knows she is capable of so much more and she laughed and said that Emma always has something to contribute to discussions and she uses such big words for a girl her age, all her classmates just listen in rapt attention to what she says.


    Then went to my son's K P/T conference and she said he was doing so well and was able to recognize all capital and lower case letters and their sounds, read all the sight words and then some, write all his numbers correctly, and was the only one in his class who could do the entire page of phonemic awareness assessment correctly. She went on to say that he is so polite and well liked by everyone in his class.


    I don't say this to pat my back or my kids' backs but to say that homeschooling has been such a blessing to us and our children. And I am SO thankful for that firm foundation we were able to, God-willing, instill in our kids. Such good reports from their teachers only reaffirmed how incredibly wonderful homeschooling is and a big part of me hopes that someday we'll be able to resume homeschooling.


    So rest assured, you are doing a WONDERFUL thing for your kids by homeschooling them and I hope you appreciate the blessing you are being given to homeschool. Enjoy it!! And rest in the knowledge that they are thriving right where you have them.:001_smile:

  6. The twelve year old daughter of a friend of mine has been suffering for over a year from a misdiagnosed Lyme disease. Doctors were treating everything but Lyme for almost a year and this Spring she was diagnosed with ACUTE late stage Lyme disease.


    She can't sleep. She is in constant writhing extreme pain that NO pain medication no matter how potent will ease at all. She can't stand, can't sit and can't lay down without lots of pain. She can't really eat much of anything and is pretty much begging God to let her die...she is TWELVE!!


    Most in the field of medicine are not truly believing she has Lyme's disease...it took a Lyme specialist to diagnose her. So they can't get hospitals to come on board to help them. And what things they do offer they won't do on a child.


    She also has an underlying issue that is making it so she can't take oral medicines to help fight the Lyme because it makes her incredibly nauseous. They have tried everything they can thus far and nothing has helped. If anything she has gotten worse.


    Simply put...that have almost no options aside for believers to lift her up to Almighty God and pray for healing for this sweet girl. Please!! Lift Bella up and keep praying for her!!

  7. I actually thought long and hard about this. No I don't have a favorite child. But why I thought long and hard about it is that I wanted to make sure my words and actions definitely lived up to what I felt in my heart.


    Sometimes it isn't what we say or even think but our actions that read the loudest and I don't want to be a foghorn proclaiming "I don't have a favorite" if my actions might be interpreted differently by my kids.


    I grew up knowing I was my dad's least favorite of the four of us kids. He never said it. He didn't have to. It was obvious though he probably never realized how it came across. He wasn't malicious about it... but he wasn't very good at hiding it either.


    So from the perspective of the "least favorite" as a child, this dad is setting himself up for some major problems in his relationship with Charlie down the road. Either Charlie will realize early and learn to not give a darn about his dad or he'll try so hard to win his dad's affections until he realizes it is useless that he'll come to resent him and again learn to not give a darn about his dad. And only a huge dose of forgiveness on Charlie's part will change that...something I learned the hard way.


    I am trying very hard to not do that to my kids even unintentionally... I know the scars it leaves on kids. But I am sure even in trying to be diligent I've messed up a few times.


    I will say it took until I was a full grown adult to wrestle with all those things and finally forgive my dad without an apology... and things are better now. So there is hope for any relationship- even this guy and his youngest son.

  8. The church I grew up in (nondenom, modern, trendy) is kind of like this I think. In the last few years they have begun hiring people and calling them "Pastor of Counseling", "Pastor of Discipleship" etc....


    I am not sure why they do this but I guess that they feel these people are best trained in those areas and can best shepherd the people in regards to those areas so they call them pastor of whatever their special area is...


    Not sure how I feel about it. The church I go to now would never do this. Which I am glad about as it is not my cup of tea but I am not angry about it. I do think it's funny when my mom will tell me they hired a new pastor and I'll ask for what and anymore the titles are getting pretty obscure or they have several people with the same title (specifically for counseling)...

  9. If you could wait to semester break, I would. It gives you and the kids time to adjust to the changes. And time to make sure you are putting the high schoolers in the best place for them, PS or maybe something else... and time for your husband to know you are making changes for your marriage and hopefully begin heal what's going on there.


    If you give them time to adjust it might be less stress on you and them. To much stress would not be good for your right now....

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