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Posts posted by the4Rs

  1. Thank you all for the virtual hugs, prayers, and encouragement. I know it will get easier as we all get used to it...I think it will take me a little longer than my kids, though. The house was very quiet today. :crying:


    But I must say I have one amazing husband. He only gets a short lunch break at work across town and never comes home but today he did so he could hug me, pray with me, and encourage me. I really married a keeper. So blessed to have him by my side.:001_wub:

  2. If you could, please pray for my daughter and son and myself. We had to put the kids in PS this year so I could work more because we need it financially. Today is the first full day and my son was curled up in a ball this morning saying over and over "I don't want to go to school." My daughter was crying and didn't want to leave me and I was a bawling mess all the way home.


    None of my friends with kids in PS understand how much I am missing my kids. They say things like "It will be fine!" or "They'll have a great year!" and I know they mean well but today I don't want to hear all that. Today I am mourning what a beautiful thing homeschooling is (even on the hardest days) and that we cannot do it during this season of our lives.


    Sigh. Thanks.

  3. I spent 6 weeks in Papua New Guinea. Things that surprised me there:


    1. The men have a man's house that they sit in ALL day long while the women work hard in the village from sun up to sun down.


    2. Lived in a village with former cannibals. Gained a new perspective about what cannibalism is in their culture.



    I spent 3 (almost 4) weeks in Sierra Leone, West Africa. Things that surprised me there:


    1. Their music videos would put MTV to shame... seriously.


    2. Don't even think about using the public bathrooms unless you want to stand in several inches of pee all over the floor and forget about toilet paper or running water to wash your hands.


    3. How relational they are there. They want you to talk to them, to ask how their day is... it is very different than here where we pass so many people without acknowledging them in America.


    4. How beautiful the country and people are despite the hardships they have had to endure and continue to endure.

  4. Last night we watched Nathan Adrian win gold and he wasn't at all cocky. The commentators even said he is well liked by all, including Lochte and Phelps. He had no chip on his shoulder. I think it is the person and not a rule within the sport that makes a person cocky.


    I will say I do not like athletes with a cocky chip on their shoulder... makes me not want to root for them at all.


    As to Lochte's mom.... doesn't surprise me. That's all I'll say on that.

  5. We enjoyed it!


    Mr. Bean was a hoot!! Crack me up.


    Loved the Industrial Era and the molten Olympic rings... pretty amazing.


    Not sure about the big baby but whatever.


    We liked the music...


    We laughed at the exuberance of the Independent Athletes...so want to root for them... just because! :D


    And we really liked that the announcers mentioned the queen's great sense of humor and panned to her and she looked like the grouchiest person in the building! LOL


    No seriously...I try not to compare Opening Ceremonies because they are unique to their countries and that is what I LOVE about them.


    Good job Great Britain!!

  6. Yes. Hard work. Anything that is important in your life will require your time and attention and is therefore work. That does not necessarily mean hard work with a bad connotation to it...I simply mean work.


    I've had jobs I've loved and enjoyed the work and I've had jobs I've hated. Guess it depends on how we view our marriages.


    My husband and I go through seasons of good and seasons of hard... some require more sacrificial work than others. We are two people with different personalities and both battling our sin natures. It is to be expected. ;)

  7. :grouphug: We are there too. For the first time, we are enrolling our kids in public school. Third grade and Kindergarten.


    Not where we thought we'd be either but we always said we would evaluate every year what was best for everyone in the family.


    This season of life is public school. I get your feelings of numbness. I am still wrestling through those feelings even with saying we'd take it year by year. I honestly thought we'd do it through graduation. But life happens and gets in the way of our plans sometimes.


    We are still taking it year by year and who knows...maybe someday soon we'll be back to homeschooling but for now it is public schooling.


    It will be alright.


    P.S. My third grade daughter is ECSTATIC...and she will probably love being in school knowing her. My Kindergarten son is anxious. We had talked about putting just daughter in school but he would not do well home alone with out any kid interaction all day. So they are both going. His biggest problems are that we already did K at home last year (missed the cutoff by days)..and doesn't want to do it again and large groups of kids. But even with those circumstances we still think it will be best for him right now.

  8. Our girl through Compassion is from Indonesia. When we chose her, I wanted a girl the same age as our daughter. It was funny...I fell in love with her face and knew she was the same age....then I looked at her birthdate: it was the EXACT same birthdate as our daughter!


    When we began sponsoring she lived with both parents. Just last year her mom died from cancer... so grateful we can be there to stand in the gap and keep her with her father so she doesn't end up an orphan or trafficked like our kids we sponsor in Africa.


    I think you'll be happy with Compassion....


    If you can't choose a child, just contact Compassion and tell them to send you a girl from whatever region and they'll assign you a child.

  9. We began sponsorship through Compassion because I love how they work through the local church bodies to help the communities. Not sure how World Vision works but I don't recall that at the time I was deciding who to sponsor through.


    I will say if you want a different option we sponsor three kids through an organization in Sierra Leone, Africa. The sponsorship is great! We email the kids and they write letters that get emailed back. You can actually pick out birthday and Christmas gifts and they will be mailed to your child and the best part.... you get to SKYPE your child every month!! Seriously. It is so much fun and the kids call you Auntie and Uncle and they love their sponsors. The organization plans many yearly trips for sponsors and I have been twice. I can speak first hand at how awesome it is. The name of the organization is The Raining Season. If you want more info, I'd be happy to PM you. :)

  10. Haven't read all the replies but I've had issues with suitcases not arriving when I do in the past so now I pack ALL my clothes in my carry on. In fact my husband and I leave for Africa in a few days and we are carrying everything for 14 days over in our carry on bags.


    The key is to roll everything. You'd be amazed at what you can fit in a small carry-on.


    To give you some idea:


    11 pairs of underwear

    5 bras

    2 pairs of socks

    2 pairs of flip flops

    7 shirts

    3 pajama shorts

    3 pajama shirts

    5 shorts/capris

    swim suit

    tank top for swimming

    rash guard swim shorts



    There is a lady doing laundry for us for half of the trip...but this way we know we have everything we need with us. I doubt I'd check a bag for personal stuff ever again.

  11. Depending on where the cruise will take you, Brother Bear is a great one because the names of the brothers are names of actual locations in Alaska near the ocean...Kenai (the town I grew up in), Sitka. There is a lot about the Inuit and what they believed a long time ago. Nothing "educational" about it but still interesting.


    A movie called "Alaska" made in 1996 is a good one too. A pilot dad's plane crashes and his two kids hike out to find him. You might want to make sure it is appropriate for your 6 year old but I don't remember anything specific about it.

  12. Is Starbucks wrong? No. Don't feel guilty about a cup of coffee, but if your focus is only ever on yourself (this is general- not OP specific) and your wants and never on the needs of others, then that IS wrong.


    If you are doing stuff to help others with your time, talent or money but feel like it is not enough...be careful to examine why you feel this way. Is it the Holy Spirit pricking you or is it Satan trying to make you feel like you aren't worthy to be called a Christian.


    We are first and foremost saved by grace not by our actions...we cannot earn a place in heaven (Though I daresay I certainly have tried to.) But out of our great love for God, our generosity and compassion should flow out of us freely like water from a faucet.


    When we realize that NOTHING we have is actually ours, then it makes it much easier to give without guilt and buy without guilt. God has given us everything we have...we are only stewards with it for goor or bad.


    If he is convicting you to do more, then you must prayerfully ask God how and where he wants you to invest for his kingdom.


    For me, I always remember that someday I will stand before God and give an accounting for my life. My prayer is that I will hear "well done, good and faithful servant." A servant is one who does the will of his master. Scripture is clear that if we are his followers then we should do what he did..and it is equally clear that while we will always have the poor, we are commanded over and over again to care for the oppressed and poor.

  13. wow... I am a day care provider and I don't make nearly that amount. :001_huh: I basically make $2.00 per hour per kid. And that's the going rate around here for in-home care. AND I give a discount for siblings.


    Who works for less an hour than that? Not many people... Right now I am making $6 an hour. Seriously.. to watch and care and nuture other people's kids, and most have complained about how much they have to pay me- to my FACE. This is a thankless job most of the time.


    Perhaps it is time to move to one of these $12-15 an hour locations and open up shop!:D


    Quality day care is sadly lacking in my town... I used to get calls all the time with parents begging me to take their kids but I refused to watch more so calls have dwindled. Hard enough to homeschool and care for the few I have.


    But it was the extreme lack of good day cares that made me start one in the first place...I wouldn't leave my kids with any of the sitters around here.

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